Israeli Settlers Take Advantage of Gaza Chaos to Attack Palestinians in West Bank

VeganPizza69 Ⓥ to World – 410 points –

Settlers and soldiers have killed 51 Palestinians in the West Bank since Saturday. At least two Palestinian villages have been entirely depopulated.

Settlers — Israeli Jews living in the occupied West Bank — and soldiers have killed 51 Palestinians in the West Bank since Saturday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah. At least two villages, Al-Qanub and Wadi Al-Sik, have been entirely depopulated as a result of the violence by Israeli settlers.

the rest of the article is a list of local stories.


Isreal and being genocidal conquerors. Name a more ironically iconic duo.

You really enjoy using inciting language like „genocidal conquerors“, huh? You are also purposefully mixing the Israeli government and the civilian population. Are you referring to Hamas as „baby slaughtering and murdering rapists“ on the other hand? By your standards you have to extend this to the whole population of Gaza, too.

It's an article about the West Bank, so... what do you expect?

We could also cover Gaza too if we want to include the women and children killing IDF who bombs fleeing people?

You really enjoy using inciting language like „genocidal conquerors“, huh?

You make no point.

You are also purposefully mixing the Israeli government and the civilian population.

The person said "ISRAEL", not Israeli people, so anything sanctioned by the genocidal Israeli government.

Are you referring to Hamas as „baby slaughtering and murdering rapists“ on the other hand?

Even if they are, does that make Israel any less of an apartheid genocide state? No.

By your standards you have to extend this to the whole population of Gaza,

Pure BS, a conclusion that doesn't even derive from the previous points.

Every single time... every fucking single time someone says something bad about Israel (which happens to be truth, documented, over decades) somehow has to jump to this shit. Saying shit like this is the reason Palestinians are now being ethnically cleansed and Gaza is about to collapse. There are thousands of people under the rubble that they can't even get out because they ran out of volunteers to dig people alive (alive or dead).

If Israel doesn't want to be called genocidal, it should stop doing genocide, period.

I grew up on a jewish settlement with goons just like these. Racism taught to them by religion and nationalism. Not too far off from a Nazi youth upbringing the way we talked about eradicating Palestinians.

As a part jewish person I am thankful that people like you exist. People, and especially people that grew around it, should talk more about how dangerous this virulent nationalist ideology is and how much it resembles the nazi ideology in Germany.

If Europe cares so much about Ukraine having its lands annexed and illegally ocuppied by Russia I'm sure it will care about Palestine being in the same situation... am I right? Am I right?

This is an interesting analogy.

Last I checked, Ukrainians weren’t gunning down Russian teenager.

Probably because the Ukrainians have been free for decades and not locked up and abused for decades.

Also they are killing many Russian teenagers every day, who do you think is fighting on Russias side the elderly?

Even more interestingly: the Russians aren't full-blown racist towards the Ukranians - they even try to force to Ukranians in the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine to become Russian nationals whilst Israel does the opposite.

The Israelis are so racist towards Arabs in general that they created a Citizenship separate from Nationality, made Citizenship be tied to religion/etny (i.e. Israeli Jew Citizenship, Israeli Arab Citizenship) and moved rights from Nationality to Citizenship, making some Citizenships (Israeli Jew) have more rights that other citizenships (Israeli Arab, who for example can be kicked out of their homes, as done frequently in Old Jerusalem).

I mean, imagine the level of racism that takes to change the basic concepts of citizenship and nationality (which are tied together everywhere else) in your country, to by law and at the most essential level create an underclass of citizens with fewer right and do so along etnic and religious lines.

It's not by chance people say Israel is an Appartheid state but nobody says that about Russia.

The thick racism that's superimposed on the calous disregard for the lives of the civilians of the "other" side (the "calous disregard for human life" being a feature of both Israeli and Russian behaviour in these wars) probably makes the whole Israeli Occupation generate way more hate than what the Russians are doing.

I meant they weren’t gunning down Russian kids at music festivals prior to the invasion. In other words, they weren’t committing acts of terrorism prior to the war.

Which is why I don’t think it’s a very good comparison.

Nice analogy you got there.. because ukrainians have been forced into sewers, literally had family lines ended, and treated like animals or subhumans for decades.

Id like to see ukrania being occupied for decades and then seeing ukrainians being the ones expected to be tolerant or forgiving.

"gunning down teenagers" is a funny way of saying gunning down terrorists who have guns and are already killing innocents

I meant prior to the war. They were not committing acts of terrorism against Russians.

Which is why I don’t think it’s a very good comparison.

What was Putin's justification for invading Ukraine? To prevent the genocide of Russians in Ukraine.

Not saying he was right, but that word sure does get tossed around a lot these days, both in describing conflict and in starting new ones.

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There were some unconfirmed reports that the reason Hamas was able to do so much damage is because 3 battalions that were supposed to guard the border with Gaza were moved to the west bank to protect these illegal settlements.

The audacity to continue doing this shit while their country is still trying to recover from the biggest terrorist attack in their history is just unbelievable.

Emboldened by their shitstain leader.

It's a feedback loop.

The more the government supports this, the more far right extremists immigrate and vote for stuff like this to happen.

Lots of Jewish people don't support Israeli actions, but they don't have a say unless they take Israeli citizenship.

So you get a constant stream of far right extremists who aren't tired of constant war.

Meanwhile the last time Gaza got to vote was 17 years ago. When most current residents if Gaza weren't even born yet old enough to vote.

Also there has been a huge growth of vote for the far-right in Israel over a span of decades because the highly-educated types with Western values who more likely to have a Western kind of principles or even be lefties, have 1 or 2 kids like people in the West do, whilst the ultra-orthodox who are the most racist and far-right of all have lots of kids.

It's 'funny' (but not in a "haha" way) because the reason for not making the Palestinians become Israelis when their land was occupied was that they had lots of children which would, in a democratic nation, end up electing the "wrong kind of people".

OK lock all these people in a room with Hamas. We could solve two problems at once really. The world wouldn't miss either of those groups.

Where are the people calling this an obvious fake, that called the Hamas „Top Secret“ document an obvious fake?

It surprises you that bodies are more easily verified than “hey look bro they had this freshly printed sheet of paper bro it tells you how terrible they were planning to be bro you gotta trust me bro”

Like, what motive would anyone else have for faking this? Anyone capable of thinking for a millisecond that hey, maybe Israel is capable of doing negative things is already disgusted with them for “not wasting a good crisis”.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Though, as more of the fog of war becomes clear, it is becoming more and more likely that Hamas did not plan this on their own. There is information that people in Gaza would not know, tactics they would have never studied in school, equipment that is unique to situations, and planning that goes much more in depth then on a surface level.

Though it is becoming more and more likely that Iran may have created these documents. Keep in mind this is still speculation. I will come to your house and eat all your pizza if you start spreading it like fact. Because once again; anyone with a printer could have made these documents.

Please wait for official confirmation before acting on speculation.

You really enjoy using inciting language like „genocidal conquerors“, huh? You are also purposefully mixing the Israeli government and the civilian population. Are you referring to Hamas as „baby slaughtering and murdering rapists“ on the other hand? By your standards you have to extend this to the whole population of Gaza, too.

Edit: I posted my reply to a comment from iyaerP falsely - corrected that.

Settlers aren't the government, they're just private citizens taking people's homes from them. This all sucks. We're all losing. No one is winning when children are dying.

We shouldn't have to constantly qualify every statement we make when we talk about this. Just a constant stream of tone policing while children are dying.

Just that children are dying because of spiral of hatered and violance, promoted by populism. But its obviously up to everyone if they want to participate.

People here are overwhelmingly anti Israel.

I'm not, I'm pro Palestinians and pro Israeli... I'm anti Hamas, Netanyahu and Settlers though

That is good, but read what people post here, it is completely fucked up. Twisting reality and history to fit their narrative. On Reddit I see it mostly the other way around, with overwhelming support to Israel, wanting to flatten all of Gaza etc. People are fucked up.

Link a thread that's like what you're claiming all of lemmy is like.

Read this comment tree and tell me what you think.

Technically using white phosphorus in a densely populated area to start fires is just a war crime...

But yeah, Israel's actions fit the modern definition of genocide, because they're treating civilians as enemy combatants and bombing the evacuation routes they told civilians was safe

In contemporary international law the crime of genocide is part of the broader category of “crimes against humanity,” which were defined by the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (Nürnberg Charter). The charter granted the tribunal jurisdiction to indict and try the leaders of the Nazi regime for inhumane acts committed against civilians, as well as for acts of persecution on political, racial, or religious grounds; in so doing, it also contributed to the international criminalization of other forms of abusive conduct.

You don't get a free pass to commit genocide because a completely unrelated group tried to do on to your ancestors 80 years ago...

Hamas says IDF bombed it, IDF say it was Hamas. We don't know. Hamas has a ton of reasons to do that, the IDF has essentially only the "they want to commit genocide" side of reasons. But in a very odd way, since they try to avoid killing civilians otherwise, which that sides argues away with "secret genocide", which this obviously would not be. So I tend to assume that it was Hamas.

We do know, though. Israel, officially and as a government policy, has been bombing this area for nearly 80 years. What Hamas did is deplorable but not at all unexpected. Unless you expect them to just be ok with being regularly bombed and with their families executed, I’m not sure how anyone can be surprised by Hamas’ reaction. The number of people dead on the Palestinian side dwarfs the number dead on the Israeli side. It’s not even close no matter how you slice it (men, women, children, total) and, to me, seems more like a little kid who has had enough of their bully picking on them and stabs them in the eye with a pencil. It’s horrible but would it still have happened if they weren’t constantly being bullied? I doubt it.

Well yeah, bombing evacuation convoys will do that.

Fuck Hamas and fuck Israel.

Support innocents on both sides

Both sides say the other side did it. Do you already know which one it was? I don't. Hamas appears to be more likely, but we will see.

Otherwise: I agree.

I think it was the BBC who broke it down with shadow analysis and geolocation to prove it happened where and when they said it did.

Israel has already bombed right next to the border crossing to Egypt to shut it down.

If I have 2 groups and one bombs a border crossing and then someone bombs an evacuation convoy then that is just pattern recognition.

I will allow that there is a chance that it was Hamas, but occams razor my friend

They bombed there to stop the transfer of fuel from tanker trucks.

How is Occam's razor against Israel in this question?

Got a link to that?

So you are ok with Israel blowing up humanitarian aid?

If AMERICANS were coming through with humanitarian aid, I promise you Israel would blow them to fucking smithereens.

How do I know this? It's pretty simple. We fund universal health care for them and their citizens. They turn around and donate millions of dollars to political operatives who deny us the same type of treatment. Israel is an enemy of humanity.

its just so sad. i thought reddit had pretty extreme views, but lemmy seems to be just worse. i guess this is where the crazies went when they got banned from reddit.

and lemmy's growth will suffer for it.

It's not extreme to recognize that a US-backed apartheid state is running an extermination campaign against a marginalized group. While a small number of Palestinians are members of Hamas, that doesn't give Israel the right to commit genocide. Not that they've needed "the right" to do so for the past 70 years.

A small part of Germans were Nazis, but all of Germany had to be defeated to stop their terror. How would you have dealt with them?

Hamas are far smaller, obviously, but able to commit just as fucked up atrocities. They actively use the innocent civilians as their meat shield. How to deal with them?

Yes. The terrorists use the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza as an excuse to attack Israel.

Now; If the government of Israel was to stop the horrible treatment of Palestinians by rightwing ‘settler’ provocateurs and its own soldiers, then Hamas (or any other terrorist organisations) would have very little excuse to use Gaza as a base.

They wanted to destroy Israel ever since it exists. Attacking it on the first day after they declared independence. Not accepting any sort of deal, only wanting destruction.

How to deal with people that want to destroy you, never settling for less? Despite getting defeated every time.


Do you think Israel was just empty land no one was using?

If the people who used to live their for generations attacked it the day after Israel was formed...

Doesn't that just mean they tried to fight off invaders to protect their home?

You're acting like Israel was somehow the victim for stealing a shit ton of land that was culturally significant to the rightful residents.

If me and my cousins showed up to your house, told you God gave it to us, would you "attack" us to defend your home? Or just go off and live on the street a couple miles away?

Millions of Germans were removed from east Europe after WW2, with 100'000s dieing. Nazis did not come back and terrorise those countries.

Something that happened 80 years ago is absolutely not a valid reason to keep killing your own and the "enemies" people.

Millions of Germans were removed from east Europe after WW2, with 100’000s dieing. Nazis did not come back and terrorise those countries.

  1. I do t think k that happened.

  2. Are you saying if Israel dissolved and left the area there's be peace? Finally, we agree on something.

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Israel was a settler-colonial project from its inception. The people living there had every right to oppose it.

Despite getting defeated every time.

Might makes right?

Yes, opposite it. Look for a solution both sides can agree on. Fighting war for 80 years with the started goal of destroying Israel is not a viable solution.

You're pretty stuck on this "stated goal of destroying Israel" thing, aren't you?

If conditions changed such that Palestinians could lead fruitful and peaceful lives, then they would do so. Even under current conditions they mostly just try to get by.

It is not me who is stuck on that. It is even stated in their official documents. How could you ever expect to have peace with such a horrible entity?

You're conflating Hamas with all Palestinians in order to justify genocide.

Pretty simple, follow the American example and judge people based on their actions instead of their associations. Israel would have put in more humanitarian work if they really wanted to defeat Hamas. Instead they decided to prop up a/the mutually genocidal political opponent. I wonder if they're even capable of learning.

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My friend, that is a very fucking dangerous argument you're making there.

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