Ivanka Trump asks to pause NY fraud trial, says testimony during ‘school week’ creates ‘undue hardship’

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Ivanka Trump asks to pause NY fraud trial, says testimony during ‘school week’ creates ‘undue hardship’

Ivanka Trump asked a New York appeals court to pause the $250 million fraud trial of her family and its business empire as she appeals a judge’s order requiring her to testify in the case next week.

The request to stay the entire trial came at the tail end of a Thursday court filing arguing that Ivanka Trump will face “undue hardship” if forced to testify — in part because she is scheduled to appear “in the middle of a school week.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James urged the appeals court to reject that request, calling it a “drastic” and baseless move that “would upend an ongoing trial.”


I couldn’t possibly answer for my crimes during a school night. I mean who would make sure our nanny takes the children to school? My butler? Please; how gauche.

Oh girl please. You managed to travel around the world for 4 years as a “White House advisor” without any problems. You’ll deal with it.

Frankly my dear I give zero fucks if she can deal with it or not!

Working class people have to do this all the time and they can't just pay someone to take care of their kids for a bit and need to work to pay rent. If she gets special treatment for this, I'm going to be pissed.

I think you have misunderstood the meanings of “undue” and “hardship”

Lol what. As a parent, school times are when you can actually get shit done. Half term/school holidays are when you have the least free time.

This is of course assuming one doesn’t have staff, as she clearly will. What unmitigated bollocks.

Ivanka is flailing. She can lie for her father and face jail; plead the Fifth and try to maintain her innocence independently: or tell the truth and send trump to jail.

The penalty for this trial is monetary/forfeiture of ownership. There's no jail possible here.

If the testimony reveals criminal actions, then criminal charges can be filed. That was the big 'whoooah' from the testimonies of the other trump children; their testimonies apparently contained elements of criminal offenses beyond the simple civil matters of this trial.

That's a bingo. Can't fix stupid.

Fancy not actually going through the testimony you were going to give, in advance, to check that it wasn't going to make the situation worse.

Peak naivety.

Telling the truth would also send her to jail unless she can reach a plea bargain, and I think that particular ship has sailed.

She's not party to this case, and it's a civil trial so there isn't jail time. Unless she's caught perjuring herself like her brothers. And even that won't likely affect any of them.

Lawyerly types of folks have been pointing out that the Trumpses have been making statements on the stand that open them up to criminal charges, so I’m not going to wager on her making a good case of it.

I think she is exactly as smart as the rest of her family, but manages to keep her mouth shut slightly more often.

Honestly, I would like the Saudi money and the West Bank money investigated for her and Jared.

Honestly, I would like the Saudi money and the West Bank money investigated for her and Jared.

absolutely. Also, because I'm kind of petty like that, I would like her to explain to the NY judge why her kids can't be left with the other presumably functioning adults at home.


Fuck you ya privileged cunt! Da hell fantasy clown world you been living in??

From what I've seen a really nice one where she does whatever she wants

your honor, I can't do weekdays, or weekends, or nights, and no days ending in "day" either

TIL ivanka has three children. I didn’t realize her and Jared had any hell spawn.

Somewhat relevant and simply awesome:

I’m going to choose to believe this is real.

It is! I normally wouldn't link to that god-awful site, but here's proof.

Worth it, between the top of my screen saying TWITTER and not their stupid new brand, and this being real.

I will never call it "X."

When I read an article “so and so said ‘this’ on X” I’m thinking ok cool but do they say the same thing sober

Same. I had a Twitter account. It's gone now. I never had an X account.

Does she actually have kids in that age? And if so, doesn't she have a nanny to take care of them?

They don't pay their nannies like they don't pay their lawyers.

Their nanny is probably an immigrant working here illegally that would be deported if they say anything about the lack of pay.

Maybe you should've thought of that before you engaged in fraud, you worthless sack of air.

What does school have to do with anything? She doesn’t go to school, does she?

Her children. She's indicating care required as her residence is Florida and she is being ordered to appear in New York.

However an update to this, which should surprise nobody, is that the Court thought about her argument for fifteen seconds and replied, "Hell Fucking NO". Like that's how ridiculous her request was. It got same day response from a high court because it was just so easy to deny.

Usually there needs to be a really good reason for seeking a continuance (postponement of something that has a deadline). Having trouble finding daycare arrangements for your children is pretty fucking far from what usually rises to requiring emergency continuance. By like........A LOT.

Of course this came after her motion to quash her subpoena was also roundly told to fucking pound sand. She is absolutely doing her best to stall and basically the court is clearly having none of her fucking shit.

No, but her 3 spawn do. And as we all know, it's hard enough being a working mom without having to face the consequences of your criminal actions.

That would suck for the jury, this is a long trial and this only makes it harder on them.

A family of billionaires faces undue hardship? Oh fuck that. There are entire states full of people that would love to have the problems she's got.