Game Cube rule to – 881 points –


Funny. I never noticed the real G. The C was always close enough for me.
It really is a brilliant logo

I never noticed C or G. Just saw a funny box

I remember taking a design class in the 1990s right after GC came out, and the professor basically said "this will be used as a demo in intro design classes for the next century." I thought it was hyperbole, but people still talk about it.

But the GameCube was released 2001

I think the logo was teased at least a couple of years earlier, iirc.

Oh yes I am dumb, of course there was information about a console before release...

And don’t forget the ridiculously good sound design and animation to build it in. Happily burnt into the depths of my brain.



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Both this and the N64 logo were pretty great from a design aspect.

There's a building in Illinois that resembles the N64 logo.

Fun fact: the 3D model of the N64 logo has 64 faces and 64 vertices.

I always looked at it like it had 4 N's and 6 faces but your point is way more interesting.

And all the while the GameCube isn't actually a cube.

it’s not even topologically a cube because of the ventilation holes! it’s first homology group has at least 64 copies of ℤ, it’s supposed to have none!

Plus it makes Frank Zappa sounds

Lol, half the comments on your link talk about how Vai sounds Zappa-esque.

Vai worked for Zappa, didn't he?

I remember reading that he was hired to transcribe Zappa's live solos

Also, if you played the GameCube at all, you hear that cube walking across the screen every... single... TIME!

one does not simply turn on a gamecube without holding Z

Never had a GameCube… what’s holding Z do?

Changes the start up sounds sequence, if i recall correctly you could also hold L or R for other sounds as well,

Meanwhile logos nowadays are just random shapes and colors.

I mean, staying with Nintendo and looking at DS and switch logos - they are pretty & on point.

It's clever but it's a pretty ugly logo.

And I say that as a person who LOVES the GameCube. Double Dash? Smash bros? The sweet handle to carry the cube around? Amazing system.

For the early 2000's this is pretty tight.

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