French law upholds cows' right to moo in countryside to Not The – 413 points –

PARIS: Urbanites seeking peace and quiet in the bucolic French countryside will have more difficulty in taking farmers to court over crowing roosters, mooing cows and stinking pigs in the future after parliament passed a new law, reported German news agency (dpa).


This is a legitimate problem in rural areas. People will move in next to a pig farm and then complain about the smell. Glad to hear the French farmers got a win.

A similar problem happens in cities. People move to cities not expecting all the road noise and people noise and complain about it. My buddy owns a rental and tells me about the complaints some people have and it always gets a laugh out of me.

A few years ago a concert venue was forced to shut down because the land next to it turned into a residential area and they all started complaining about the noise whenever there was a concert.

Imagine moving in next to a place that's sole purpose for existing is loud music and then complaining about the loud music.

Humans are fuckin dumb and I can't wait till we're gone

Same thing happens with fire houses. People movie into a home directly next to or across from a fire house that has stood for over a hundred years and then complain about the siren.

There are 2 Navy helicopter training bases here. This is not a new thing.

And people here as still upset, whine and sue the Navy.

They're very polite BTW. The choppers almost always get to significant altitude before moving around.

It's happening around the Denver airport (again... happened at the old Stapleton airport too). You stupid idiots bought the house knowing it's next to a giant ass international airport! That's why it was so cheap!

It goes both ways. I remember when I was a kid and visited my family outside the city... Couldn't sleep, it was eerily quiet.

You should sue the countruside for being too quiet.

I'm an adult now, I solve problems in the adult way. I just leave the car running overnight and shut the family cat in there, it always bumps into the horn rummaging around in there. Cars and horns. Just like home in the big city.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod @DerpyPoint is that a new thing specific to post-covid city-accustomed people trying to emigrate to the countryside, being bothered by countrylife and trying to eliminate it?

It's something that was happening at least 20 years ago as well. Though specifically for pig farms' smell: regulations of how to deal with the smell has long existed and quite often if there's complaints they're not using the filtration system because it's expensive to maintain.

I live within 200m of a pig farm and I've never smelled it itself.

No, it existed long before covid. There is towns which made a contract for people moving there, which deny them the right to file against the church's bells noises or cow's moo by example.

Its been happening for a very long time. Usually its farms, but it applies to anything loud and/or smelly. Racetracks and gun ranges are good examples.

In the article, which was a daunting 200 words, it talks about cases from 2016 and 2019.

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Animal agriculture can be a detriment for other farmers through soil and air pollution, and smell can be a good indication.

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The pronunciation is meuuuuh.

Not sure about you folks, but I get my meat the way our good lord intended: naturally grown in a lab.

If we weren't meant to solve modern problems with modern solutions, we wouldn't have been given brains to do it.

Where do the city dwellers think their organic food comes from?

Ya gotta feel bad for them.

I grew up in a rural area around farms. Knew farmers. I never thought about where food came was kind of obvious.

Now I never had to kill my own chicken or anything, but poor city dwellers are so isolated they have no chance to understand.

They're like the people in Brave New World, taught that everything "out there" is bad, dangerous, deadly.

(On that note, Chicago, NY, Philly, Baltimore, LA, Portland, etc, would like a word).

… flip the script dude… sounds like you’re afraid of city people

They're like the people in Brave New World, taught that everything "out there" is bad, dangerous, deadly.

Yeah not in my experience. Who told you that?

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the cows mooed, the pigs oinked, the roosters crowed and the French Parliament has heard their voices

That law is old news, it passed few years ago.

Could you share an older French source?

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Moooonsiours, Madamooooselles of the court, I moooove you to ignore these awful udderances and meat the cattle half & half way. The other side is milking this offal.

And the award for the most endearing headline ever written goes to…

But only when they moo in the proper french dialect.

But only when they moo in the proper french dialect.

But only when they moo in the proper french dialect, you say?