Thong-wearing protesters bare their bums in opposition to calls for G-string ban to Not The – 141 points –
Thong-wearing protesters bare their bums in opposition to calls for G-string ban

I mean, yeah women are being sexualised. But they are also well within their rights to be confident and proud of their bodies. Last comment had it right - there is a wider issue, but a bikini ban would never address it.

We had a great advert on a while ago that did this better - togs, togs, undies. Think it was an ice cream ad?

Women are gonna be sexualised regardless, I suspect. Wherever the line is drawn, give it a generation or two and men and WLWs will be all about women wearing one step below that line.

Mr Grace first made his concerns known ... saying he had become distracted by women wearing triangle bikinis.

I'm distracted by their thighs, they should wear knee-length skirts. Oh no, now I'm horny looking at their toned calf. And ankles, let's not forget those sexy ankles.

You know what, maybe they should just be required to cover everything up, but their eyes. But then again, those curly, luscious lashes. Hmmm...

Nape of the neck being sexualized due to Japanese kimonos. We need to ban these abhorrent neck revealing robes and wrap up women's entire neck.

Up next, we have to stop all this Niqab and burka porn!

Seems pretty clear from Grace's statements that he's the one objectifying these women.

Seems to me he needs to take a long look at his own thoughts and reorder them before demanding others accede to his demands.

He's like, "I'm a AAA pervert and that's the fault of G-strings girls."

And he's making headlines with that statement lmao.

Mr Grace first made his concerns known in a letter to Tom Tate, mayor of Gold Coast, earlier this month saying he had become distracted by women wearing triangle bikinis on the beach, Australian news site reports. He wrote: "One young lady in particular was walking on the footpath on the main road and had the tiniest triangle in front and was as close to naked as anyone could be.

Mr. Grace has base urges and bad thoughts. He likes to think of himself as a Nice Guy and upstanding citizen, maybe even pious and religious. So this makes him uncomfortable, and hurts his ego. He also can't be both a Nice Guy and perv over young girls in bikinis.

He is angry at himself, but this makes him feel bad. He engages in what is called psychological displacement. Rather than be angry at himself, he decides to be angry at the young women he was perving over. "I'm not a perv. It's the young women I'm perving over who are sluts!"

See also Andrea Dworkin on right wing women: right wing women are unable to be angry at the men who (are likely to) hurt them. The men in question are family members, boyfriends, or in positions of (religious) authority. To be openly angry at them is dangerous, and could result in more abuse. So instead they displace that anger onto a safe target which can't fight back: racial and sexual minorities, like trans women.

Eg. JK Rowling, a victim of domestic abuse by her heterosexual former husband, who spends all day on twitter banging on about the incredibly rare members of a tiny sexual minority going to the toilet in a public ladies bathroom, even though the overwhelming majority of rapists of women are heterosexual men.

Well put! And it's funny, I feel like I'm seeing Dworkin referenced everywhere since I saw Contrapoints' recent-ish video on JKR.

I'm sure that's just a coincidence, and that anyone who mentions Dworkin is just very well read.

That's the sense I'm getting -- that she's a great source often-cited. I figured I was most likely just experiencing Baader-Meinhof.

Andrea dworkin has some incredible points. And some that are a lot less palatable for modern feminists.

I personally find her to be an often misguided, incredibly dedicated protector of women- Iā€™m so glad she was formational in spreading modern feminism, but I have to double check what view of hers is cited. Sometimes sheā€™s identifying a subtle pressure point in society as above, and sometimes sheā€™s suggesting that men cannot have sex with women without being predatory, that heterosexual sex is inherently degrading to women and automatically statutory rape (obviously oversimplified). To be clear, I think thatā€™s an interesting theory, and I can see using it as a thought experiment, but I think itā€™s very incorrect.

I love how the whole reasoning given is that the fucker can't stop himself from oogling women's butts, so they ought to not show them to him because clearly they are at fault here.


Why exactly did we stop taring and feathering people?

I'll never understand people preferring to have a wedgie, but I will always support their right to make that choice.

Yeah same, if you want to floss your buttcrack, sure, go ahead. I wouldn't do it but it's your choice.

I tried it long enough to adjust, and I can assure you, it's still uncomfortable. Hard to cancel that instinctive urge to pull the wedgie out of your butt crack.

This was covered quite early on when Jesus said to pluck out your eyeball if someone was too tempting to look at. Unless the woman is coming into your home uninvited, then she can wear what she likes.

It's funny how Jesus was actually more reasonable than most conservatives today. If only they actually bothered to read him

Does he know women have free will?

Ah, the ol' "do we actually have free will" dispute

You see that's his real issue with women. Same thing is happening here in America.

Applause and sincere appreciation to whoever decided to name the protest "Free The Peachā€.

Bring in the Burka, it's the only way we can protect the women. /s

You fools! This was his plan all along! He wanted to see a lot butts that day.