Rule to – 482 points –

I straight up thought this were a screenshot of an unshaded game or something

Oh it looks like that thing will unshade a field of view real nice.

That light will last less than 1 or 2 min and will get super duper hot.

Makes perfect sense given LEDs are only around 50% efficient or even less so if this thing can produce this monstrous holy light then it is bound to overheat and drain the battery very fast

yeah even my 1500lumen light gets unbearably hot after running on turbo for more than 5 minutes

Of course there's an appropriate XKCD! That site is awesome! 🀩

There's even a related what-if.

So by XKCD's calculations, when Piccolo blew up the moon, it should have taken the Earth with it.

That would have solved a lot of problems here.

Honestly bright light in the face is pretty fantastic nonlethal self-defense. Most people just can't push through a bright light in the face for some reason, you just do the full-body flinch and are stuck there. Gives you a bit of time to get to your pepper spray or baton or Grenade Launcher or whatever you use

Is own a grenade launcher for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four heathans break into me house. "Have at 'em lads" As I grab me scrumpeh and grenade launcher. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Quikie laucher on the second man, miss im entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the enemy spy. I have to resort to the loose canon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with cannonball, "Not one of yas going to survive this!" the double donk gibs two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Grab me bottle o' scrumpeh and charge the last terrified dadie prancin' with a head full of eyeballs. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular glass wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

I have a tiny 4k lumen flashlight with a "defense strobe" mode. Just max brightness really disorienting. I could totally see it working

Mine is like 800 lumens and has a blink mode that I have to cycle through to turn off. Even that is annoying AF.

I cast "Fuck everything in that general direction"!

I feel like if you’re attacking me, you lose the right to have unfucked eyeballs.

Yeah, but make it strobe so their eyes can't adjust fast enough.

The strobe should be subtle, just to fuck with everyone. Like 25 Hz or something.

I don't think it matters. At that brightness at that distance it could have the potential to do permanent damage

Me being mugged has a higher relative potential to leave me with permanent damage (death), i would cast the light of allah on the fool

no one fucks with the guy holding a bright ass flashlight. mostly because theyre blind now.

This is a good strategy. A solar flare will also interrupt their radio communications and they will be unable to call for backup.

In the US you could probably get away with using a rocket launcher for self-defence

Muh Sextent Amerndment reights says aye can haz an Abrahams tank four selfish defences!

Im just gonna put 14 of these on my truck and keepem on so no one even tries to mug me.

Please don't be that truck person. I'm just trying to drive to work and back in my Corolla and don't want to play "cop car or alien tractor beam"

A super bright flashlight is also a top pick for a bugout bag. It punches WAY above its weight, space wise.

Some of them can even be used to start fires.

Great defense from the lifted trucks with improperly aligned LEDs

How much and does it ship internationally ?

IMALENT MS18, about $650 usd. company is in china so probably. only does this much light for a couple seconds though and gets wacky hot real quick. and there's some camera antics going on. it is bright as fuck though

You sure about that? The image looks like they poorly edited a guy on top of some game footage