If we call reddit users redditors, what do we call lemmy users

Esjee@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 22 points –

A lot of people say fedditors but that sounds way too derivative of reddit



This so far seems to be the generally accepted term that's been making it's way around the platform here recently.

Lemmings. That's why I created Lemmings.world!

Lemmings is the obvious choice

Yes, I'm willing to follow all of you off a cliff.

Did you know, the famous shot of lemmings falling of a cliff in the documentary that started the ideas that lemmings will just die following their peers off a cliff was actually a bunch of documentary makers pushing a bunch of lemming off of it to make a cool shot and not actual lemmings behavior ? You probably did actually...

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Lemmings obviously

From Reddit's point of view, we all just migrated off a cliff.

And not one of you said LAME?? I'm ashamed!

I prefer to think of myself as having been a Redditeur. Far above the peasantry of the Redditors. /s

Pray tell, good sir or madam, might I inquire if you, in all your noble magnificence, can lay claim to a distinguished position within the hallowed ranks of the illustrious landed gentry of Reddit?

Fedos lol


Federalist is what that term should be if we're going that route. It's already a word with that exact meaning, though typically related to the government of a state/nation rather than a website/app.

I know "lemmings" is catching on but what if we go for "federalists" because it sounds cool?

I get what you are going for, and it sounds kinda cool but nahh. Federalist sounds too political lol. Lemmings sounds soft and cool imho

But it would make the Lemmy Civil War so much cooler! Think about it.

"After BeeHaw defederated, several federalists from the Lemmy World Federation, Lemmy ML Federation, and more, have conducted raids on the BeeHawvists."

Lemons? I think it'd be funny, and there's even an emoji for it too. 🍋

I had this question about the categories or "sub-reddits." What are we calling those? Sub-lemmys? Sub-lemons? Sub-lemms?

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