What is with the brain rot in the comments on this thread?

Preußisch Blau@lemmy.ca to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 129 points –

Seriously, out of any community how does /r/Piracy have so many people who have such a hate-boner for new thing Lemmy? Please tell me I'm not the only one aghast by this right now.


Dey see me federatin', dey hatin'~

No but for real, the only people still faithfully sticking to Reddit are corporate shills and/or tech illiterate people. I see them staying there as a net positive if you ask me.

Yeah, that type of person is a large part of the reason reddit turned to shit. The relative difficulty of accessing this platform has been a great filter for casuals and clout chasers.

I agree, but there was clout in piracy? Why wasn't I told about this

You don’t even need to be tech literate to join Lemmy.

I know, but the amount of people I've seen on Reddit the past month going like "hurr durr how do I Lemmy??? I dun understand!!!" was staggering.

You are right, it is 100% about technological illiteracy. Their pea brains cannot understand the concept of social media that isn't exactly the same as everything else they've used.

If anything it’s willful ignorance I suppose. Reddit was unlike any previous social media site the majority had used, so I don’t really get how “it’s too different” could be a legit argument.

Reddit was still one company, one website, one account, etc. Federation confuses these people immensely.

I mean it pretty much works the same way as Usenet. Independent providers have servers which federate content with each other.

Not that hard of a concept.

and they are the sort who are afraid of change. They want everything to be automatic and low effort. that's why reddit has become a low-effort shitpost imageboard.

Adults turn into small children the minute they get online. They are completely lost and vulnerable.

There are many communities on Reddit that I will miss. The best people do not have the technical skills, patience, or desire to move to Lemmy, and there has been no clear direction on where they will go even if they do leave Reddit.

r/Piracy is not one of them. I firmly believe that all of the best people are already here. According to Lemmyverse, this place already has 22k+ subscribers, 2k+ active users this week, 500+posts, and over 10k comments. By any measure, it's one of the biggest communities in the fediverse.

Let them keep Reddit.

Therea always a threshold for when a community is large enough to be engaging without the need to necessarily grow. Piracy has already hit that point.

Any reference to here (Lemmy) from there is going to attract trolls. That place is at least half trolls at this point.

They're complaining that Lemmy is ugly while they're going through piracy-related websites like those aren't a 2000's era hot mess.

I love how Lemmy looks because it's like old reddit. After only ever using RiF, the official app is visually awful. Their own app lags while scrolling because there's so much shit. Forums aren't supposed to be pretty, they're supposed to be practical.

I’m using Memmy on iOS right now and I swear it’s as good as Apollo was, it looks great. Also a fan of wefwef.app. Anybody considering Lemmy can be ok using third party apps, it’s all fine.

im still hoping a viable android app pops up soon. ik there is Jerboa but it feels kinda barebones as of right now.

Try Connect for Lemmy. It's pretty close to Sync. So much so that it comes off as a clone at times.

Definitely will give it a try!

I'm a rif user and was really hoping that dev was gonna make something for Lemmy or kbin, but they decided on tiles. :/

There's Liftoff, wefwef.app (web app), Slide is still very early alpha, Thunder. There are a lot of options.

liftoff is pretty solid already, and it runs on ios and windows also. feels a lot like RiF, visually.

Let the boot lickers stay there and lick boots, the real community is already here and people who have genuinely something to discuss regarding piracy will eventually follow.

Yeah, in the end I'm here for people who know more than me providing good resources. And if they can't figure out even making a lemmy account then they probably weren't much help beyond memes. And I'm dumb shit, so it's not like it takes competence to make an account.

Because reddit is inundated with bots and trolls. You could see it during the gone private strike, people who can't think 2 steps ahead heckling the mods for wanting to be able to do their job voluntarily.

PS: see https://lemmy.world/post/1044141

All the anti reddit people have left. Now all that remains is shills and astroturfing admin bots.

I actually dont mind most of them not coming over. There will be far less posts from people whining about getting viruses from Pirate Bay.

A lot of the posts say they couldn't make an account or lemmy is ugly. Well..

  • it's not our problem if your dumbass can't even handle signing up. If you're that incompetent to be unable to sign up, good luck with piracy.

  • lemmy is ugly? Ok that's subjective. There's also kbin which looks great (imho) on desktop. Lemmy-wise, our apps (in fucking alpha) already look better and function better than the official reddit app.

Let them stay there. It's ironic those "pirates" prefer to support big corpo. Shows what they really are.

Edit: and that breaks my "X number of days without browsing reddit." Tbf i only looked at that post. Yeah, that's what I'll tell myself to feel better. Lmao.

You can see why in the comment

I tried to sign up. Missed an answer to one of 3 questions. Application got rejected. Tried it once again but I can't do that with the same email. Need to appeal by installing/using another app to do so. What?!

It's the technical issues and general troubles people have adjusting to Lemmy. It doesn't help that Lemmy and its mobile apps are still rapidly developing.

A lot of people are lazy too. They've gotten accustomed to having certain communities available with a single login while they poop.

Lots of people also found the whole Reddit blackout cringy, unjustified, and pointless largely missing the point.

Aren't the questions basically just why do you want to join, why'd you pick your username and how'd you find this place? It's not like the question is asking to solve euclidean equations.

What questions are you guys even talking about?

They probably tried to sign up on beehaw which has three questions about your intentions. I'm sure there's others but I think beehaw is the biggest with an application.

what? I just used this on beehaw when asked about why i want to join and I got approved, what's difficult about that? mine isn't even a sentence

Digg ->Reddit->Beehaw

Some instances like ours at Lemmy.pro ask simple questions to try and filter out bots etc. Other admin options include requiring email address be used and the captcha difficulty level. Bad thing is if you enable these, places like browse.feddit or whatever it’s called list your registrations as being closed. They’re not, they just restricted with a small challenge.

Some instances like ours at Lemmy.pro ask simple questions to try and filter out bots etc.

Quite amusing that these people literally failed a bot test lol

The amount of bootlickers in that sub is just sad as hell. As others have already pointed out; the best from that sub have either already left or are in the process of doing so. Those remaining are either just shills or are super fucking lazy.

Reddit wants to IPO so the boys club at the top of the company can pull the golden parachute rip cords and turn their shares into cash.

They own a tech company. They have a PR team. Of course they are astroturfing. The narrative went from

"Fuck you, don't charge something unreasonable for the API"


"Look at these evil moderators remember /r/nowork? they're all losers who just want power this blackout is dumb reddit is great I e always used the all"

Really fucking quickly. Then the community was divided, and the narrative bungled.

The good news is that they're left with the shitheads who fell in line and helped their disinformation campaign, and we're left with a better cohort to build a better foundation.

The bad news is this will inevitably fail as well.

A lot of that feels like the whole “they hate what they can’t understand” bit, but overall, trolls gonna troll.

In my personal opinion, the people that are complaining about the “high” barrier of entry via the visual appeal or account creation are probably not your diehard content creators anyway.

Let them rot there. The ones that cares and wants to have discussions would find their way here, just like we did. That subreddit has been cancer for a while now.

Some do have valid points tbh. Lemmy is a bit of a pain right now and is growing. I have seen Jerboa improve in the past few weeks since I started using it which is great.

I actually found this service easier to join than reddit. No endless captcha loops, no shadowbanning bcuz not enough karma, just fill out a simple application and you're on.

entertaining read- so many idiots. Hope they stay away

Exactly all the cool kids from r/piracy came here, most of what's left is the "How do you do a google search" crowd, they couldn't even be bothered to fill out a basic form.

I wonder if selective pressure doesn't play a role - the people who migrated were the ones who liked Lemmy the best, so it's kind of expected that the ones still there have a lower-than-average opinion over Lemmy.

I also think that some people are genuinely trolling - come on, popcorn is tasty. And some are raising genuine complains about user experience here. (I feel like they'll be ironed out faster as time goes by, as more people contribute with lemmy's codebase.)

Just because I don't want to pay for everything doesn't mean I'm smart or super interested in learning a 50 step process to do what's always been simple.

Also, I'm dumb...but also drunk