What RSS readers do you use?

Tomkoid@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 95 points –


I moved over to NewsBlur for my aggregator, and I’ve been really happy with it. It’s a small team, and the dev is very responsive to issues and suggestions. Reading articles online is quick because it uses many of the same keyboard shortcuts that GReader used.

On my iPhone I rotate between Fiery Feeds, Unread, and NewsBlur’s app to read my articles on mobile.

Reeder with iCloud sync on iPhone and Mac.

I use fresh rss since its rather easy to selfhost, and read you on my android. Unfortunately read you doesn't play well with fresh rss yet.

Self-hosted instance of Yarr (https://github.com/nkanaev/yarr).


Yarr (https://github.com/nkanaev/yarr) is a versatile web-based feed aggregator that serves as both a desktop application and a personal self-hosted server.

Please be aware that the releases available on the GitHub repository "https://github.com/nkanaev/yarr" might not be the most up-to-date versions. However, you have the option to compile the application from the source code, ensuring that you benefit from essential bug fixes and improvements.


It was only about a week ago I had no idea what RSS was used for. And today I've subscribed to Inoreader to trial it out for a month because it's freaking amazing!

I use an instance of FreshRSS (but I plan on hosting my own) and I use NetNewsWire to access it on iOS

Feedly on the web and my phone (cause cloud sync and blah blah blah)

Newsboat on my Linux box that I ssh into when I'm tired of people and ads.

the android app Nunti.

I get easily overwhelmed by busy feeds and not checking every day, so their completely-offline interest algorithm concept is helpful for me

Feeder on android. Simple open source and does device sync.

Recently stopped using feedly.

and does device sync.

Only for Android doesn't it? I mean no sync with web, iOS or other devices.

Unfortunately right. The dev has no interest in adding external rss reader support

Ermm good question. I only read on my android phone and Android tablet...

I see, I mostly do it on my phone, but it is nice to have a web version available for more devices.

When google Reader was binned I used theoldreader for years, but eventually migrated to Feedly because it synched between my PC and smartphone.

+1 for The Old Reader.

It was the perfect replacement for Google Reader. It's been years since I've used it, or RSS in general, though.

I straight up don't understand how RSS works.

Individual sites have RSS feeds, which are essentially just XML files that contain a list of all the articles on the site.

You run software that's referred to as a feed reader, which contains a list of all the RSS URLs you want to subscribe to. It either periodically checks to see if there's updates to the RSS files, or gets notified of updates via WebSub.

This seems great for keeping up on your favorite blogs.

Definitely :)

It used to be the main way people followed their favourite blogs. Google had a great product called "Google Reader" for RSS, and people were pretty upset when it was shut down.

Before Google Reader, it was pretty common for email clients to support RSS too.

I use the news-app of my Nextcloud to aggregate and manage the feeds. To actually read them I connect the news-app with Nextcloud.

My question would be: What do you read on a RSS feed, I had one when I was trying to find a different way to read the news, but it didn't hold because I found news too repetitive and only talking about scary things that rarely actually impacted me, so I'd be curious to know what people use them for

I’ve got tons of feeds for sites that interest me. I organize them into folders by subject. I have a folder for online comics, iPhone sites, news sites, sports sites, technology sites, and pen-related sites just to name a few.

I use it as intended; a way to aggregate data into one place. I use mine for podcasts, reddit, discord announcements, steam patch notes, and of course news.

From YouTube videos to news articles that I actually repost here(not this account)

I've got Feedbro running on a server, sending Twitter posts to Discord. Works well with Reddit posts too

I pay for access to Newsblur which is an RSS aggregator with open source mobile apps. For stuff like bug feeds and tracking wiki updates on projects I use elfeed within Emacs.

Currently using Feeder(android). Layout is simple and customizable. You can also save articles on it

I’ve been using NetNewsWire and it’s ability to sync through iCloud so I can read stuff on my phone or MBA. Bonus that it’s FOSS!

I use Pluma on Android since it's the only one on Android I've found thatvhas an option to filter out articles by keywords

Nextcloud News on desktop and android

On my computers, I just use thunderbird. For Android, I recently discovered feeder (available in FDroid)

Matcha. It isn't really an RSS reader as such but instead what it does is, when run (which you can do in the terminal as well), will create a markdown doc with URLs to each of the stories you have on the feed. The idea is you run it either on a timer or manually when you want to update the list. The reason I like it is because I can easily keep a history of past "digests" for later reading if I don't have time right now.

I use Flym (Android). It's not being developed anymore unfortunately but on the other hand it was left in a very good state and it's perfectly usable with lots of good features. I especially like the built-in feed search, it's very good and 9 out of 10 times it will find the feed you want and you can add it directly. Beats the hell out of poking around websites trying to find if they have a feed and where it might be.

Reeder app for Apple devices. Been using since v2 and it’s on 5. I appreciate an app that has a reasonable price for killer features, actually gives significant updates for new versions, and doesn’t have a subscription model. https://reederapp.com/

Same. Reeder is amazing. Clean, updated when needed, and fast. Silvio is a great dev.

I still use gReader. It's hard to find but I still keep a copy of the pro version apk (version 4.3.1_pro_beta) for Android. It just works really well and has the best UI that works the way I like it on both my phone and tablet. The latest version (which is not the one I have) was last updated April 2021. The developer was 'noinnion'.

I quickly switched to feedly after the Google reader sunset, but I mostly access feedly via Reeder on Apple products. The feedly website works well when needed though.

Tried Newsblur and Feedly. Found both ugly. Now I use the news app in my Nextcloud instance. F-Droid and the Play Store have a good app that synchronises with Nextcloud News.

I'm using FreshRSS along with the Readrops Android app.

Pretty shocked that I'm not seeing feedbin here.

It's not free but there's a free trial. Very high quality experience.