Severed finger mailed to French President Emmanuel Macron as protests raged to World – 340 points –
Severed finger mailed to French President Emmanuel Macron as protests raged

Well it wasn't a toe, so it likely wasn't a German nihilist.

No need to be a german nihilist. Anyone could get a toe. There are ways... You don't wanna know about it, believe me.

Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish.

You know who it was? A bunch of fucking amateurs. They send him a finger and he's supposed to shit himself with fear. These fucking amateurs...

Nihilists? Fuck me...

Say what you will about the tenents of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

There is only one demand, and it is a simple one.

At 4pm this afternoon, President Emmanuel Macron must appear on live French television, on all networks, terrestrial and satellite, and ... No!

On all networks, terrestrial and satellite, and have full, unsimulated sexual intercourse with a pig! I don't understand!?

Wait I remember this show but forgot the name! What was it? Black Mirror?

Black Mirror 1x01: The National Anthem.

Wait, was the person who sent the finger the original owner of the finger, or someone else? The article isn't clear.

(…) cops have yet to ID a suspect.

combined with

Tests later concluded that the digit belonged to a “living human being” who authorities contacted and was “given full medical support,” the source said.

seems to mean that the sender of the finger, and the person to whom the finger belonged to are 2 separate people.

(…) cops have yet to ID a suspect.

Surely the could do it digitally?

That's fucking weird.

Was the finger giving willingly?

And did the original owner consent to their finger being used in such a way?

C’est fucked up

Fuckin’ n’est-ce pas?

C’est carrément une situation merdique, peu importe comment on voit ça. Ça fait très Moyen Âge, non ?

I thought the French knew that they're supposed to cut parts off of the ruler (beheading) like back in the day, not send them severed body parts smh

What I've decided to do is this. I have a set of shears at home. And each time you bother me from this day on, I'll take those shears and I'll take one of me fingers off with them. And I'll give that finger to ya. A finger from me left hand. Me fiddle hand. And each day you bother me more, another I'll take off and I'll give ya until you see sense enough to stop. Or until I have no fingers left. Does this make things clearer to ya?

Protests are one thing, but this is a bit much. What does it achieve?

It is likely fake. Governments do this all the time to create a headline, distract from actual issues and make Dear Leader appear to be a victim.

I believe in freedom of speech, but HOLY FUCK THIS AIN'T THAT ANYMORE. This is madness

I mean, it stays pretty simple when you stop trying to bend the definition of speech to “anything that could be used as a signal”.

Chopping some poor bloke’s finger off can send a message but that doesn’t make it speech.

Schools literature teachers be like "What did the author try to convey?"

Someone’s done being Emmanuel’s friend.