Appeals Court Bails Trump Out of Having to Post Massive Fraud Bond to – 547 points –
Appeals Court Bails Trump Out of Having to Post Massive Fraud Bond

Donald Trump was supposed to have to post a $464 million bond by Monday or else the state of New York could begin collecting on the massive civil fraud judgment leveled against him earlier this year. An appeals court bailed him out, blocking collection of the judgment and giving the former president 10 days to post a drastically reduced $175 million bond.

The order is a huge win for Trump, whose assets were going to be subject to seizure if he couldn’t post nearly half-a-billion dollars by Monday. His lawyers said last week he wasn’t going to be able to come up with the money after 30 underwriters rejected him. The New York Times has reported that Trump is expected to be able to scrounge the new, reduced $175 million bond


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That's bullshit. Just more laws that don't apply to this traitor.

Trump undervalued his properties to the IRS and overvalued them to investors. And now the courts are allowing him to undervalue them so he doesn't have to face the consequences of his fraud.

I remember, many years ago before the first time he ran, I read he and his buddy lawyer giuliany were neck deep in shit and Stormy also had a solid case. I was like "that's it. now he goes to jail." but lo and behold, here we are and he's free and running again.

Maybe it's true what people say: Flying is like falling and missing the ground. (I think it's based on something Douglas Adams wrote.)

Was that when he was referenced something like "Co-Conspirator #1 who went on to lead a successful campaign to become president of the United States"?

I remember that too and thinking "oh shit, he's fucked now!" But nope. Our political system is so broken that he really is above the law and consequences. Not sure why we went through with the whole American Revolution thing just to end up in a place where there are figurative kings held to a different standard than the rest of us peasants.

We really need a law that says when you tell the IRS what your property is worth they are allowed to buy it at that price; if they later find out you represented it at a higher value to others.

Eh. This was a pretty political trial. "Over valued his holdings" oh probably a little, but value of real estate isn't fixed. The bank reps would have to be completely incompetent or maybe they agreed with the valuations.

Bullshit indeed, but there is not one thing you or I or anyone in this country can do about it. Trump has us all over a barrel, and we're all his puppets, and there is no way forward but to accept his will no matter what else happens. We must start to see him not as a traitor, but as a savior, for who else but a savior could escape so many serious charges.

There’s plenty we can do about it. For instance, my wife and I just put an offer on a house in Europe and will be leaving ASAP.

Hopefully you vote on your way out.

I still care about everyone in the country. So, I’ll definitely still continue voting.

US is fucked, but also, what is your comment? It reads like three comments in a trenchcoat pretending to be a real comment...

"Yeah, we called Europe and we said, 'one European house please, ASAP!'. And then we bought two airplane tickets to Europe - 'just drop us off in Europe' we said"

So what you're "doing about it" is giving up and going away.

And people wonder why Republicans keep winning.

Yep. I’m almost 50 and have tried my best to help those around me see a better way. I’ve always voted. I did my part, but half the country still wants this shit. So, my wife and I are retiring early, peacing out, and letting ya’ll figure it out for yourselves. Good luck!

Yeah this is the way.

Often in life when you're faced with an untenable situation the only appropriate course of action is to withdraw.

Sadly not an option available to most people.

It is an option that requires more work and sacrifice than most people are willing to endure. We prioritized saving over consumerism, fixing things over buying new, not having kids, etc. I grew up poor, had no help from my parents (or anyone), and was able to make it. However, a lot has changed since I started to make it even more difficult for people.

Well I'm no longer going to be leaving the US, though that was my first plan. Instead I'd gladly stay and watch it burn to the ground around me when trump gets re-elected (and note, it's not even in doubt anymore - he WILL get re-elected).

There’s a hundred percent chance I will eventually die and a high chance if I don’t pay my taxes I will pay fines or go to jail.

There’s maybe a 40% chance Trump will get in again even if you keep trying to discourage people to vote against him.

According to polls published in USA TODAY and on NBC Nightly News, there's a 75% chance Trump actually will be re-elected. People hate him, but see him as the only one who can pull us out of rising inflation.

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Damn, I didn't know there was such a thing as a sommelier but for boots. How many licks does it take to reach your level?

A lifetime of them, my son. A lifetime of them. And your servitude to people like this is just beginning, even if you can't see it yet.

Wtf are you talking about? You start by saying yes there are two justice systems, one for rich and one for poor, then end with we should see this fucking failure of justice as an anointing of a savior?

They're just a boring-ass troll trying to get a rise out of people.

They've probably driven away all the people in their real life and have to resort to trolling online to get any sort of attention.

It'd be sad if they didn't suck so badly.

You can either join the savior and his salvation or be one of those he tramples down into the dust. There won't be any other options.

Not that I'm a huge fan of having to bow down to this POS who I don't particularly like, but it's either that or be eradicated completely. Join or die, my friend - that's the choice you now have to make. There is no other.

That's exactly how Nazi Germany came to be.

If you don't think we're already in Neo-Nazi Germany, open your eyes and look around. Here in Utah, we aren't even allowed to use the internet anymore or to talk in schools about racism or diversity. In fact the Governor just declared immigrants "poisonous scum" and said America was built by white people ordained by God to enslave the rest of humanity. And he said native americans are scumbags.

That's the world I live in every day here, and it's only getting even more restrictive, prohibitive, and full of hate every second of the day.

Well, as a German, I can only point out the parallels between today's situation and the Nazis' seizure of power in the Weimar Republic - and urgently warn: don't do as the Germans did in 1933, be courageous and do everything you can to save what's left of your democracy. I realize, of course, that the USA has long been a de facto plutocracy in which the population often loses out, but at least there are still certain freedoms. In a fascist autocracy like Nazi Germany was, there are no freedoms whatsoever: Political dissidents, intellectuals and dissenters were systematically and mercilessly persecuted, tortured and ultimately killed - millions fell victim to this inhumane regime.

Despite everything, things are not yet that bad in the USA, but the foundations are being laid. And the political climate in the USA is also frighteningly similar to the situation before the Nazis seized power in Germany: openly fascist rhetoric, a large section of the population that wants a strong leader and turns a blind eye to what that means, many disillusioned people who have already given up in frustration with economic hardship and the failure of politics and, above all, greedy opportunists in business and politics who will literally walk over dead bodies for personal gain (...).

Unfortunately, the fascists are also on the rise again in Germany. That's why many Germans are taking to the streets to protest against the far right - if only because they want to show and feel that they are not alone in rejecting the inhuman ideology of the fascists.

So in short: please don't give up yet, but do all you can against the rise of fascism in your country. It is not yet the end of democracy in the USA, but the danger is imminent - a fascist autocracy could very well mean a terror regime that America has never known before. Don't let that happen!

Accelerationists are shit. Get banned.

My friend you'll soon be one of the first to reap what you've sown with your ignorance today. Have a nice "rest of the week...."

Okay kind of sort of got where you were going in the beginning but what in the ever living fuck are you blabbering about him being a savior?

Isn't he? Everyone here in Utah kisses trump's ass daily and our conservative legislatures are constantly reminded us that trump is the Angel Moroni come back to earth, the literal second coming of christ himself, who will solve all of our problems 100 percent.

What's he going to save us from? The lack of a dictatorship? The tyranny of trans people?

It could be, I say it just COULD be, that I was being a might sarcastic.....

Do people really not appreciate simple trolling around here anymore? Everyone's acting like they think this is serious, and that's the most disturbing part.

It's just what many people actually believe so not funny at all

Poe's law is in effect here.

This person may be a troll, or they may be a true believer.

How high are you right meow?

Not high enough, my son. Not HIGH enough. If only I had a way to get that high!

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