RNC Co-Chair Tells Newsmax Republicans Are Planning For Possibility of Trump Addressing Convention From Prison

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 239 points –
RNC Co-Chair Tells Newsmax Republicans Are Planning For Possibility of Trump Addressing Convention From Prison

I think this would be hilarious.

It's the kind of kayfabe he excels at.

I think house arrest and/or parole makes the most sense here. Politically and in reality. Somehow, he's a first offender. Make him pay to check into a dirty office in NYC once a week, pee in a cup, promise he hasn't spoken to any other known felons since his last parole check in...

Denies him the martyrdom of a few months in jail, as well as the inane drama he would inevitably force out of it.

As much as I would love to see him in jail, as much as he deserves it.... Drug tests and maybe an ankle bracelet would be more realistic.

Yeah, I'm 100% for regular drug checks on him.

I'm curious how effective that would be when he still has a secret service detail.

This whole situation is all kinds of vaudeville.

Secret service's #1 job is the security of their protectee. While it usually comes up regarding children, the SS will turn a blind eye to any of their misdeeds. This is because the very last thing they want is for the protectee to ditch their protection.

As an example, the SS was present (albeit at a slight distance) when the Bush girls were arrested for underage drinking.

If Trump is using drugs, he does so with the SS' awareness. Although that might create a logistical problem with dealers...

I heard Gerald Ford's son talk about being on Spring Break and a fellow breaker came up to him and whispered,"Man, I don't know what you did, but you have some Feds watching everything you do!!"

Right. And they'd pee for him to protect his image. Or draw blood and give a vial.

And I imagine a former president isn't gonna have a CO watch him pee.

That's not really part of their mission. SS is traditionally a completely non-partisan role. They are not lackeys, just protectors.

Trump may (and will) bitch about it, but he'll either abide by the terms of his probation or go to jail. If that means supervised drug tests, then that's what he'll have to do.

Offenders don't really get a whole of say in the matter once it gets past the court system.

I want to know how being around guns is supposed to work with the Secret Service. Had a buddy go back in because his parole officer made a surprise visit and, unknown to him, his buddy had stuck a pistol in the sofa. Straight back to prison.

I'm sure the judge can make an exception, unless that sort of thing is a statute?

I imagine the drug being in someone else’s physical possession makes a difference. People (thankfully and reasonably) aren’t charged for guns the police have in their possession during their arrest, for example.

Hopefully the secret service aren't stashing their guns between the sofa cushions.

It's probably not too different from if your buddy has gone into a police station to report a crime. He shouldn't have his parole violated for being near the guns that the police are carrying.

What other kind of limitations go with house arrest in NY? Can he have any visitors he wants, teleconference etc?

I'm not an expert on NY law I'm just kind of spitballing about what you hear about parole and house arrest via movies and headlines.

I'm looking forward to legal Eagle explaining it to me, with his helpers. They usually crack me up.

Oh the wild statements that he'll post about how his parole officer is treating him "so unfair".

I'm only interested in prison in the Federal cases, and that will only happen if and when he loses the election. After that I want Jack Smith to go full gloves off on the classified documents case, force the 11th circuits hand to recuse Loose Cannon, and then sit his fucking ass in court where they are pushing for life in prison without the possibility of parole. Then he can sit in his special cell all by himself with his secret service detail while he slowly rots from the inside out.

We need to stop waiting for the next election to do things about this fascist trash trying to overthrow elections.

Locking him up over this conviction will only serve to embolden him, and win him sympathy amongst low information voters. Getting a conviction for colluding to retain state secrets, and potentially selling them to foreign actors is a whole different ball game chief. None of the prosecutions that matter are getting done before the election. That is just the fucking facts. I want him getting fisted in the ass with no lube by the Justice Department, and throwing him in jail now guarantees that never happens. Use your brain.

Locking him up over this conviction will only serve to embolden him

"Can't do anything because the person who whines about everything including winning will use it to rile up his stupid base" is the dumbest whataboutism bullshit. Continuing to not do anything hasn't worked out for the last eight years, why the hell do you think it will work this time?

Use your brain.

Your plan gives his base ammunition because he can say that if he was a real criminal he would be in jail. Use your brain!

If they sentence him to prison now, he will never see the inside of a cell before the election. It only helps his cause. You are so god damn naive if you don't think that is the case. I'm looking for hard fucking time, no more pussyfooting, no more saber ratling. In order to do that he has to first lose the election, and then get bent over by the DOJ. That is the only way we have a chance of getting justice. If you don't believe that then that's on you, but you are 1000% fucking wrong.

It helps his cause among a small number of MAGA hatters to the point that a few of them will probably get violent. It does not help him among the Republicans who are passively accepting Trump, or anyone else.

It does not help him among the Republicans who are passively accepting Trump, or anyone else.

See, you say that, but that is a historically illiterate perspective. The guy feeds on the medias negativity bias towards him. It literally makes him stronger because the entire Republican media apparatus is now designed to spin any criticism or bad news about him into another attack vector for them to further erode democracy. Their messaging is so overwhelming that this firehose of falsehoods strategy has become unquestionably effective. It no longer matters what the facts are, it's only about the vibes.

So let me tell you how this is going to go: Trump is going to win because he is the ultimate martyr of white victimhood. The poor white working class will burn this country to the fucking ground before they allow anyone else to be doing perceptually better than them en masse. These people truly believe that the only thing better than helping someone up is standing on their fucking head and watching them drown. So, he is going to win because the American experiment has failed. You can take that to the bank because you know deep down I am exactly right.

can you imagine the shoe being on the other foot? if the dems wanted to run someone with a felony conviction, how that would play out in their propaganda pipeline???

Why are we still asking those questions about "what if the other side"?

Yes, we can imagine.

You don't reason with the GOP.

these kinds of comparisons are important for all of us to understand just out of scope.. out of reality... the conservative movement has become.

Donald Trump. Dying in jail. VS. Edward Snowden. Trapped in a Russian jail. Who will win!?!? Find out on America is a fucking joke!

Remember when presidential scandals were about the guy wearing a tan suit instead of a dark colored one? Pepperidge farm remembers.

That wasn't about the suit, in case you were unclear on that.

Can you enlighten us? From what I recall, the extent of that "controversy" was that Obama's tan suit wasn't solemn enough to wear to a conference about war.

He was black in the White House. That's what those people objected to.

Plenty of Presidents have worn tan suits and no one objected:

Or getting a consensual blowjob.

To be fair, me as a south European kid I had an hard time to understand where the issue was there 😅 Sure power imbalance but more something to frown upon rather than the huge deal it became.

I think it is better that that kind of “scandals” are not happening any more

As a kid back then, I was "scandalized," in the sense that to me politicians represented, or are supposed to represent, a model of societal excellence. I was laughing while I typed that. But I was a kid. What the fuck did I know?

Today, I'd say "as long as they're doing their jobs and they're not harming anyone, who the fuck cares what they do with their private life?" Of course, the whole power imbalance is problematic. So I guess these matters can be treated on a case-by-case basis.

I'd rather have blowjob scandals than the nazi rhetoric normalizing we have today.

Power imbalance is problematic, and we shouldn't give Bill a pass for it. Not even mere lampshading.

That said, Republicans clearly aren't interested in power imbalances. Addressing that consistently would collapse their entire ideology. This is something where only the left has criticism that can be consistent with their principles.

Let's be honest. The power imbalance takes away/overrides the consent.

Edit: guess coerced consent is consent, been doing it wrong all this time apparently lol

I guess. But I'm not going to argue about that because that would be a red herring.

My point is, I'd rather deal with that than a moron being found as a rapist and a traitor, and people not caring.

Is just a fact. What is amazing is that the democrats will devour their own for the slightest slip (or a consensual photo) yet the repubs will let ride, well, almost anything one of theirs does and make contortionists look stiff while doing it

I remember when the biggest political scandal was Obama using the wrong brand of mustard.

Why on earth would a prison allow a prisoner to broadcast a speech?

Put him in an orange jump suit already and let him bust rocks with a sledge hammer.

Because prisons are for poor people. If it happens, he'll end up in a "prison resort" that has all the amenities he wants on the technicality that he can't leave.

So the EU has a member of the parliament who is in prison for membership of a criminal organization (which commited murder). He was still allowed to travel to Brussels and Strasbourg for his work. Really messed up. But I can imagine the US doing something similiar with trump. The guy is called Ioannis Lagos if you want to look it up.

IIRC, he was allowed to travel to Brussels and Strasbourg only before he was convicted in 2020. Right after he was convicted, his immunity as a delegate of the EU parliament had been lifted, he was extradicted to Greece, and he is now in prison. He still gets paid as a MEP, though. I hope nobody is stupid enough to vote for him again this Sunday.

Two Americas, my friend. We all know the story, let's not pretend it isn't reality

My favorite neolib is the one that is for prison reform but wants rampant prison abuse for people they don’t like.

Bust rocks with those tiny hands? Maybe a toothbrush to scrub the toilets might be more appropriate.

I just remember when Trump's DOJ put together those posse groups to roll up on people protesting during the BLM stuff. All of them were either from ICE or prison corrections. They're entirely in the pocket of the GOP.

My favorite neolib is the one that is usually for prison reform but wants rampant prison abuse for people they don’t like.

I wonder what he will look like without someone to plaster on his makeup, glue his hair in place, wipe his ass and dress him?

I hella want to hear his address constantly interrupted by the prison phone recorded voice.

Republican are the Party of Law and Order!

Trump cannot and will not follow rules. Trump will be in solitary confinement.

As though that'll happen. He's not going to prison. At least not any time soon. There will be appeals. They know this. This is just theater to whip up their base of loyal shitheads.