Lemmies, We just reached over 10k subscribers, thank you all for helping us grow from our small humble beginning, to now the capital for US political debates and news.

outrageousmatter@lemmy.worldmod to politics @lemmy.world – 735 points –

Lemmy world -> politics = USA.. it feels so wrong but well, the block button is there for something, isn't it?

Oh, damn, I subscribed to the wrong community. Sucks.

I thought this was about world politics and it turns out it's just (again) US centrism.

I think I can mention it. I mean, why not?

There was a cool subreddit back there, r/USdefaultism. We should do something like that here.

Seriously. This is egregious enough that it makes me wonder if admins can rename communities.

whats even more egregious is the errant space after "politics" making it read "politics @lemmy.world"

Come on, they're the World Series champions.

Is it your belief that baseball is solely a US sport? US is just where the best players most often play. Other nations are not prohibited from the ML. See the Toronto Blue Jays (World Series champions in 1993)

c/globalpolitics is what you want.

Why create this community on the "world" instance (hosted by someone from the Netherlands) and call it a general name but make it specific only to then tell people to go to the community that needs to use a specific name to cover a general subject (which they need to do because you hijacked the name they would logically have used when you should have used a specific name)?

Because lemmy.world absorbed a lot of reddit users, and this is how it was on reddit

And it shouldn't have been like that over there but we still had to make the same mistake over here? Guess Lemmy's Canada community needs to accept bigotry then, if it was like that on Reddit then it must be right šŸ¤·

I'm just being descriptive. You asked why, that's why.

I'm not saying it should be that way, or that it should not be changed now that it is that way. I'm here for US politics but I'd be happy if this became a world politics community and I had to subscribe to c/USPolitics (or whatever) as well.

Why do you think there are rules for community names? There are no rules or expectations (at least not yet) for community names.

The well-known answer for why this community is named this is that it is a recreation of another community that was also named this.

And it shouldn't have been like that over there but we still had to make the same mistake over here?

I never mentioned rules, don't put words in my mouth.

If you don't think of it as a mistake, simply an inconsequential detail, it makes perfect sense to retain it as a form of identity, so people that switched platforms can feel like they moved as a group.

I wasn't putting words in your mouth, you are acting like they have somehow done something incorrectly, but that would imply there is a correct way, which would imply rules for how to do it, official, unspoken, whatever idc.

Anyone can make their own group on a different instance and call it the same thing. If you don't like how lemmy.world works, don't take it out on the mods here, either find another instance, start one yourself, or if you have to, take it up with a lemmy.world admin

Yes. That is how this whole fediverse thing works.

I'm in the USA but I think it's inevitable. The USA is the single largest primarily English speaking democracy in the world. Since Lemmy.world is a primarily English speaking instance, it should be expected that an American would create a politics community first and since it's the first they just call it politics.

For example, the UK is the only country in the world where they don't put the country name on their stamps. Because they invented paper stamps first in 1840.

This is not a fight worth worrying about IMO.

Please rename the community to US Politics if that is the only topic allowed.

Just unsubscribed after this post, I was wondering why my feed was full of local American politics.

Why would you subscribe to something in the first place without knowing anything more than its title? Bizarre.

Because I have an interest in politics and I saw a couple of posts I was interested in, slim pickings with content on Lemmy for now but after I realized it's all US centric posts I've unsubscribed. Not that bizzare...

I think it was general politics in the begining, as the name implies. Holy fucking shit mericans aren't building a good rep with this one.

It has only existed for a month and based on all evidence has always been for just US politics. Are you sure you haven't confused it with another politics group on lemmy? Like !politics@lemmy.ml?

Idk why people want to change communities to be what they want them to be instead of seeking out or making the communities they want elsewhere. Anyone can have the politics name on any other instance, unlike how reddit was.

Ah, you might be right, that's where I'm subscribed. It is still conceited to not put US in the name, but I'll just block it and not think of it again.

E: Oh, that one is also filled with US drama. Guess I gotta put "world" in front then.

That one might be filled with US stuff because many of it's users are from the US, but there is no rule requiring everything be related to US politics, which seems to be the rule people wanted changed here. Even if they changed that rule here, this place would still have been 90% US politics because that is what the community that grew here wanted.

You are arguing what happens, I am arguing what should happen, but you're right it's no harder than skiping to a new one.

We are both arguing what we each think should happen. It just so happens that in this disagreement, what I think should happen is for things to not change.

I get the appeal of somehow turning a larger more active community that is similar to what you want into explicitly what you want, but that doesn't consider how that effects the majority of people who joined and are part of that community because it is already explicitly what they want. The majority of the demand for political news on lemmy is for US politics.

If there was somehow a way to throttle the US politics so it didn't flood out everything else, then the bulk of the community would just find another place that wasn't doing that.

All that can reasonably be done is be patient, for communities to grow and stabilize, until there are active groups available for each specific interest

I think I mixed an argument here, I'm arguing names matching content. For instance it would be very legal and very cool to rename this one "US politics".
The other one is organicly caused as you say, but I think the problem lies on Statians who need to calm down on the home voting, they already have a !usa@lemmy.ml for that purpose.

Or just join some other place if you donā€™t like this place.

Only perfect descriptor names allowed on the internet. Better change my email address for the irritable dudes in this thread.

This is how federation works, people.

See the sidebar for regional or global politics communities.

rename the community RedTeamBad

Why? There's no popular community named "sky is blue". There's no reason to discuss basic truths.

I think you summed up the community quite well.

So you agree that "red team bad" is a basic truth that everyone understands?

Do you do anything other than whine? Boo hoo hoo, no one likes people who are trying to eradicate vulnerable minorities! Waaaah! People keep calling them nazis just because they're marching with nazi flags!

Just read the rules next time and it wonā€™t be an issue for you.

If these kids could read they would be hella pissed at your comment asking them to take some personal responsibility for their subscriptions.

Personally I don't subscribe to Better Homes and Gardens, and I don't write in to complain that they don't display apartment buildings inside.

Thanks friend. There was a hole other post this morning dedicated to people complaining about the content of the community. I do not get it. The nerve of people to just roll in and complain they donā€™t like the content. Just leave if you donā€™t like it. Nobody needs your bitching.

Kinda gross how chauvinist americans are in taking the default term "politics" instead of "US politics" while ignoring international affairs. It was gross on reddit and it's gross here.

It gets even worse when you see the mods dismissing this reasonable criticism as "trolling". They have decided that this is their turf because they've gotten here first, regardless of utility or rationality. Pretty much describes the whole state of politics in their country.

Yeah no one is trolling. This is what we genuinely and sincerely believe.

The Americans trying to present themselves as the default is a significant problem brought about by their place in global hegemony. They do this and defend it viciously everywhere because they are nationalists, even the democrats are incredibly nationalistic.

Ideally as america declines and recedes from a position given to it by ww2 fucking the rest of the world over its population will slowly accept this and start acting like a normal country that accepts it is not the centre of all things and should not be treated as such. It is one country out of many and there is no reason it should not be treated and present itself just like all the other countries out there.

This will take a long time to happen though. American ego will need to be smashed first. As well as the incredible nationalism at the heart of most of the population, this is the hardest part though because americans see no problem with their nationalism, this despite the fact americans wave more flags everywhere than a nuremburg rally.

Wdym? There's other countries that aren't the US?

Is it because it's a mainly english server? I love reading whats going on in other countries but I'd mainly focus on topics which'll immediately effect me day to day. Is it lack of people from other countries posting or am I being stupid?

The rules of the channel state:

Must be articles relevant to US political news. Links must be to quality and original content. Articles should be worth reading. Clickbait, stub articles, and rehosted or stolen content are not allowed.

It would be reasonable for this channel to be dominated by US politics if that was simply a consequence of the demographics of the site. It is not reasonable to appropriate the name 'politics' in the largest instance that also happens to be named 'world'. This is the equivalent of someone making a channel called 'food' and forbid posting anything that isn't traditional Scottish cuisine.

Theres no political debate happening here lol. Just a lot of circular tugging.

There's a lot of whining from republicans who won't get rid of the nazis in their party and can't stand it when people point out what that makes them.

1 more...

Isn't that just 10k subscribers in your local instance?

from kbin.social I see the number 316, is that subs from kbin users?

Should be, yes. I see somewhere around 600 for lemm.ee.

1 more...

Theyā€™re not really much debate going on in this community. 95% of all posts are just ā€œlol republican dumb Nazisā€ and every comment thatā€™s not agreeing is downvoted to hell.

I mean, they typically are dumb nazis.

Perfectly proves my point.

This community is just ā€œif youā€™re not ā€œvote blue no matter whoā€ youā€™re a dumb naziā€.

Since I donā€™t live in the States, Iā€™m not voting blue. But I still think Republicans are dumb nazis.

Am I an outlier, or are objective facts tough for you to swallow?

Maybe youā€™ll find more friends on Truth Social šŸ‘‹šŸ»

Maybe youā€™ll find more friends on Truth Social

As though that's far enough to the right for him.

You guys keep proving the point, over and over again.

The point, which will always be lost on you, is that we see no reason to engage, or take seriously, an ideology based on lies, hate, and oppressionā€”one that cultivates division, stupidity, and has zero actual redeeming values that do not involve restricting human rights.

Nobody owes your archaic political views a platform. Weā€”and I speak for the proudly 'woke' progressive leftists, who value the rights of others and believe in equality and diversityā€”are sick of your self-centred psychopathy.

There are plenty of platforms for you to circlejerk with feeble minded xenophobes while sucking off your grifting conservative overlords.

If you can't respect the rights of minorities, the poor, the disenfranchised, then you have no value to me. You're either conning others or being conned. That's the extent of your "values."

You're all just weak, scared little children who have the same capacity for self-reflection as a fucking turnip.

Every argument is disingenuous; every political position is based on bad science and lies. And you still complain like whiney little bitches when you get shunned by the rational free-thinking majority.

Go and wipe that drool off your chin with your Pauline Hanson flag, you mouth-breathing regressive bogan Nazi.

Yes, point proven.

Youā€™ve mistake me for a republican and or a conservative. Iā€™m neither.

Iā€™m against echo chambers and ā€œmy side and their views are right by default, all others are wrongā€ views. Thatā€™s what this community seems to be, unquestionably. Look at everything thatā€™s posted - itā€™s all anti-republican/conservative.

Again - your entire post just proves my point.

I'm a leftist, and I'm "mistaken" for a republican all the time. It's projecting. A lot of what is accused of by my party they are guilty of themselves. They're crazy if they don't think their own rhetoric isn't just as bad or worse than what Republicans currently say.

The brainwashing into being able to dehumanize others is horrific. Yet here we are.

Iā€™m a leftist, and Iā€™m ā€œmistakenā€ for a republican all the time.

The current "left" seems to be "as soon as you disagree with any of my points, you're a MAGA Trumper Republican Nazi".

You can be trying to fight climate change, want all people to have equal rights, be pushing for a UBI, supporting reparations for indigenous people, but the second you dare say "hey maybe we should just keep the books telling you how to have anal sex away from the 10 year olds?" you're instantly a nazi.

The only person you're fooling is yourself.

Also, "leftism" isn't a party.

And I'm not dehumanizing anyone. They're all human. Just very shitty versions.

Politics and vitriol aside, well done on winning the Ashes. The fifth test starting tomorrow should be a cracker.

Cheers. Pretty shitty way to win tbh. I hate draws in a sport where a match has gone for 5 bloody days.

What objective facts do you have that most/all Republicans are nazis?

Nazi = Fascist. Trump= Fascist. Trump= Republican. Republicans= Fascist. Republicans = Nazi. We canā€™t wait for the evidence of mass graves this time.

Thereā€™s always some right wing snowflake whining yet adding nothing. Weā€™re all doing our part. Youā€™re doing yours. Maybe you can make a joke about identifying as a helicopter now, and youā€™ll be done for the rest of the year.

In most democracies you don't have the toxic two party split ala US. There are intelligent conservaties, but the Republican party is ... kinda wild.

To be fair, the US GOP is dancing closer and closer to fascist nazism day by day

If Republicans ever quit doin' nazi shit, people will quit pointin' it out.

There's already too many places where disingenuous support for nazi shit is welcome: reddit, facebook, threads, bluesky, truth social, 4chan, twitter, youtube comments, and far too many more.

Not everywhere has to be, and I hope the mods won't be swayed by the constant insufferable whining of people who won't shut up about how unhappy they are that everywhere isn't stormfront.


lol, you people are beyond reason.

places where disingenuous support for nazi shit is welcome: reddit,

LOL, lemmy is like /pol/ for Democrats.

If you like republicans doing nazi shit, you know where to find supportive communities. I listed a few.

If people stop moving the goalposts on what "litteral Nazi shit" is, you'd find that most Republicans aren't literal nazis. Are there some? Yes. Do they make up a significant amount? Not eve close.

I'd say cheering when someone suggests eradicating a vulnerable minority is nazi shit. I'd say marching with nazis is nazi shit. I'd say carrying a nazi flag is nazi shit.

Welcoming nazis into your party? That's nazi shit.

Iā€™d say cheering when someone suggests eradicating a vulnerable minority is nazi shit.

Where is this happening? Firstly who is suggesting it, and secondly who is cheering it?

Michael Knowles advanced ā€œeradicatingā€ trans people at CPAC. And the people there cheered.

Thatā€™s taken completely out of context and you know it.

Itā€™s not calling for trans people to be eradicated, itā€™s calling for the current trans ideologies, where if youā€™re a girl who likes trucks you must be trans and therefore must be rushed on to puberty blockers and get your breast removed, to be eradicated.

No one is calling for trans people to be eradicated as in ā€œkilledā€. Thatā€™s what Nazis did - they literally killed people by the millions.

ā€œWill no one rid me of this turbulent priest?ā€. If we wait for them to explicitly express trans-genocide, it will be too late.

No one is suggesting or calling for a genocide. Itā€™s not happening. Itā€™s not going to happen. Youā€™re just fear mongering to try and paint people you donā€™t like as Nazis.

I swear some of you want an actual genocide so you can go ā€œsee I told you!!!ā€

I call a spade a spade ā™ ļø. Ask a trans person what they think Knowles meant. You wonā€™t. Because you know what theyā€™d say. And you donā€™t care , because you assert your ignorance as truth.

ask a crazy person what something normal means and you get a crazy response

Yes, that's true.

If you're splitting hairs about what "eradicate" means, it says a lot about what you're happy to defend.

And why.

Itā€™s not calling for trans people to be eradicated, itā€™s calling for the current trans ideologies

I'd say this is a distinction without a difference, since both involve eradication of trans people from public life, but the latter involves eradication of the very idea that trans people exist. That's worse.

You're being disingenuous. Then you move straight into the standard conservative bigoted lies which I'll not quote.

No one is calling for trans people to be eradicated as in ā€œkilledā€.

They absolutely are. Don't insult people by expecting them to buy such hogwash.

Trump got 74 million votes. Theyā€™re Nazis. They may not know it or admit it, but they are. If you vote for fascism, you are a fascist. Giving people the benefit of the doubt or a second chance is what caused Trump in the first place. It can happen here.

Trump got 74 million votes. Theyā€™re Nazis.

So everyone that voted for trump is a Nazi? Everyone that voted for trump wants the jews and all non blonde hair blue eyed people to be rounded up and killed?

If you vote for fascism, you are a fascist.

You guys really are killing the meaning of these words. No party is promoting fascism. One party is promoting silencing their opponents though, which is a big element of fascism. Can you guess which one it is? Hint - not who you want it to be.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt or a second chance is what caused Trump in the first place.

Trump being elected was a combination of the democrats being so out of touch with the general population that they thought just paying millionaire celebrities to shill for Clinton would resonate with the average joe. They thought that neglecting half the population would work, while also demonizing them. The fact that trump got elected should tell you that the democrats were half the problem at least, because it got to the point that people would rather a terrible meme worthy business man with the worst wig and fake tan in the world be president than the competition.

The majority of people in here are just so completely clueless on how far gone they are in their bias, it's insane.

So you think it's important to distinguish between "eradicate transgenderism" and "eradicate transgender people". Because the second would be Nazis and the first is just Republicans.

And you really need that subtle difference.

Umberto Eco. Timothy Snyder. Fascism has been studied. MAGA meets the criteria. You conflated 2016 with 2020. Trump and MAGA couldnā€™t be classified as fascist in 2016. By 2020 it should have been obvious. 74 million said, ā€œGive me more of that fascism.ā€ The Nazis were fascist, therefore Trump is a Nazi. The people that voted for him, voted for fascism. Therefore, they are fascist. Logic, bro. I donā€™t like it. I have family that are fascist. Iā€™m not going to wait for them to turn over my gay neighbors before calling them fascist. Learn what it is now, before itā€™s too late.

What ā€œfascismā€ are people asking for? Actual examples that meet the definition of fascism please.

In your link, what criteria does "MAGA" meet? (I'll humour you and overlook the fact that "MAGA" is literally just a catchphrase for returning america to being "the (self proclaimed) greatest country on earth").

America has a 2 party system. Democrats and republicans. If you don't like the democrats and their policies and handling of the country, you vote republican. That doesn't mean you're a Nazi, and anyone suggesting it does is just telling people to ignore them and their crazy opinions.

Your logic is "I declare trump a fascist, therefore anyone that votes for him is a nazi". That's terrible, terrible, idiotic logic.

Also not really sure who declared Umberto Eco the expert on Fascism.

Learn to debate. The logic is sound. You just canā€™t hear it.

Eco literally grew up in Mussoliniā€™s(the original) fascist Italy. He wrote the book on fascism. Literally.

He wrote a book on fascism.

The logic is not sound. The entire "logic" is based on wanting something to be fascism, so calling it fascism, and then using that same terrible "logic" to classify tens of millions of people as a nazi based on nothing other than wanting to call them nazis.

I guess I'll keep waiting for those actual examples that meet the definition of fascism, right? Surely you're going to list them, right?

Your ignorance is boring me. Cā€™mon man. Give me something to convince me. At least give me doubts. The description of fascism is in the links. MAGA meets the criteria. Nazis were fascist. MAGA = Nazi. Just because you donā€™t like it, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not true. They are never going to declare themselves Fascist or Nazis. Would you?

technically the republican party is currently literally fascist, not literally nazi, although some republicans are indeed literal nazis.

Do people just not understand how unpopular opinions work?

This thread has a lively debate. That seems to be contrary to your characterization. I do understand why fascist propaganda and talking points donā€™t go over well here though. Itā€™s probably upsetting to not get a lot of support.

This thread has a lively debate.

Not really. It's got a lot of one side screaming that people they have decided are nazis hate being called nazis though.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like Republicans pop in and whine that people keep calling them nazis for doin' nazi shit, and then act even more offended when people elaborate on exactly what sort of nazi shit that Republicans are doing.

There are a lot of non-US people bemoaning the name

This community is limited to US politics only so I don't know what else you would expect.

Iā€™d expect both sides to be allowed to be represented and discussed without shouting ā€œfascist! Nazi!ā€ on every post.

You just want people to do nazi shit without anyone callin' it nazi shit.

No, I want people to stop calling everyone they disagree with a nazi/fascist and simply shouting "YOURE A NAZI!" over and over instead of actually having a conversation.

You guys are doing your absolute best to make terms like nazi and fascist lose all meaning, just like you have already done with transphobe and bigot.

I pretty much reserve transphobic to posts that express transphobia or support for transphobia demagoguery and political parties.

Similarly with fascist.

I donā€™t understand why transphobic fascists get so upset when their transphobic fascist posts are criticized.

I donā€™t understand why transphobic fascists get so upset when their transphobic fascist posts are criticized.

The issue is when people, probably like yourself, incorrectly call things transphobia and fascism, while excusing your own side for their fascist tendencies (like silencing opposition, controlling narratives on social media, etc).

99% of what is called "transphobia" and "fascism" online these days is neither.

Person 1: "Drag queens shouldn't be allowed to perform sexually charged strip teases for children. It's inappropriate even if it was a straight white male doing a strip tease and acting that way."

Person 2: "Nazi! Fascist! Transphobe!"

And there it is. The lies and the fascist remedy all proudly posted.

The issue is when people, probably like yourself, incorrectly call things transphobia and fascism, while excusing your own side for their fascist tendencies (like silencing opposition, controlling narratives on social media, etc).

I'd say calling for the eradication of trans people is both transphobic and fascist.

You guys are doing your absolute best to make terms like nazi and fascist lose all meaning, just like you have already done with transphobe and bigot.

You get called nazi, fascist, transphobe, and bigot a lot, huh?

"Crowds. How do they work?!"

Start inviting your friends who like debating and/or upvoting disagreements. Otherwise a 10k user community will be subject to the particular whims of those users. It'd be the same if it were started and/or run by actual Nazis, but the other way around. Or lizard people. Or voodoo witch doctors. Or opera singers.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

It looks like people tried to be the change they wanted in this community earlier this morning but the mods just deleted all evidence.

I brought this exact issue up with the moderators of c/politics and they dont care. In fact one of the moderators (yoBuckStopsHere) is the top poster of all the tabloid articles that have little to nothing to do with politics. Hes trying to curate a community that vilifies one particular party. Its sad.


Speak of the devil. Are you here to spread lies that I "spam violent comments" or do you save that for just other communities? Perhaps youre here to delete more posts you dont agree with?

Yeah this really should be c/democrats, or more specifically c/republicansarenazis

How about c/hindenburgs? Because right now it's full of fragile nazi gasbags.