Who might Kamala Harris pick for VP? Three favorites emerge

solsangraal@lemmy.zip to politics @lemmy.world – 84 points –
Who might Kamala Harris pick for VP? Three favorites emerge

Shapiro Platform

Shapiro has said that as governor he will protect abortion access in Pennsylvania and veto any bill the state legislature passes that outlaws abortion.[63] In contrast, Mastriano said he would support outlawing abortion in Pennsylvania without any exceptions, including in cases of rape or the mother's life being at risk.[64]

Before running for governor, Shapiro had supported capital punishment for what he called "heinous crimes". During his campaign, he announced that he now favored abolishing the death penalty in Pennsylvania, a reversal of his previous position.[58] Shapiro was asked in a 2022 interview with Pennsylvania Capital-Star why his position changed, to which he responded:

[The] question is a fair one ... When I ran for [attorney general] in 2016, I said that the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous of crimes. But then I got elected attorney general and I saw these cases come across my desk. I got closer to a system that I thought was in need of reform. And as attorney general I never once sought the death penalty. As governor, I'd be in a policymaking role, together with the Legislature ... and I thought it was important when asked to state my position unequivocally that I would sign legislation to abolish the death penalty.

Shapiro also said he would not sign any future death warrants for prisoners on death row.[65]

Shapiro supports cutting Pennsylvania's nearly 10 percent corporate tax rate to 4 percent by 2025. He has proposed hiring 2,000 additional police officers across Pennsylvania, saying, the "more police officers we hire, the more opportunities we have for them to get out of their patrol cars, walk the beat, learn the names of the kids in the communities".[66] Shapiro favors pardoning those convicted for possession of small amount of marijuana.[67]

On efforts to mitigate COVID-19, Shapiro has broken with some in the Democratic Party and opposes mask and vaccine mandates.[68] He prefers educating the public about vaccines' efficacy.[68] Shapiro is also skeptical about Pennsylvania joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a market-based program to reduce some greenhouse gas emissions.[69] He has proposed expanding Pennsylvania's clean energy portfolio for utility companies, greater electric car infrastructure and investing in clean energy research and development.[70] Shapiro supports a Lifeline Scholarship bill, which creates education savings accounts for children in failing public schools that can be spent on approved expenses including tutoring, instructional materials and private school tuition.[71]

Shapiro has proposed a plan that will allow for a $250 gas tax refund per personal passenger vehicle up to four vehicles per household. He proposed funding the proposal with funds from the American Rescue Plan.[72] On the issue of vocational training, Shapiro has proposed increasing career and technical training in high schools, tripling state funding for apprenticeships and union skills programs, and creating a Pennsylvania office of workforce development.[73][74] He also supports eliminating four-year degree requirements for state government jobs.[74] Shapiro is a supporter of unions and has vowed to veto any "right to work" legislation.[75]



Roy Asberry Cooper III (born June 13, 1957) is an American attorney and politician serving as the 75th governor of North Carolina since 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 49th attorney general of North Carolina from 2001 to 2017 and in the North Carolina General Assembly in both the House of Representatives and Senate from 1987 to 2001.[1]

Cooper graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1979. He began his career as a lawyer and in 1986 was elected to represent the 72nd district in the North Carolina House of Representatives. In 1991, he was appointed a member of the North Carolina Senate, a position he held until 2001. He was elected North Carolina Attorney General in 2000 and reelected in 2004, 2008, and 2012, serving just under 16 years, the second-longest tenure for an attorney general in the state's history.

Cooper defeated Republican incumbent Pat McCrory for the governorship in a close race in the 2016 election.[2] This election made Cooper the first challenger to defeat a sitting governor in the state's history with Cooper going on to win reelection in 2020 against Republican nominee and Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest.[3] While the Republican-dominated legislature passed bills in a special session to reduce the power of the governor's office prior to his taking office, Cooper continued to emphasize increases in education and healthcare funding throughout his tenure, ultimately culminating in his successful negotiations of state-wide Medicaid expansion.

Cooper has been named as a possible running mate for Kamala Harris upon her starting her 2024 campaign for president.[4][5]


Mark Kelly Platform

Abortion As a candidate in 2020, Kelly said he was "pro-choice" and was endorsed by Planned Parenthood.[87] He supports codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law.[88] He has said that late-stage abortions should be legally protected.[89]

Climate and environment Kelly has voiced support for climate action, but said he "does not favor" the Green New Deal.[90] The League of Conservation Voters gave him a 97% score in 2021.[91] In 2022, Kelly also advocated for an expansion of oil drilling in the wake of rising gas prices.[92][93]

Guns Kelly became an outspoken advocate for gun control following the attempted assassination of his wife, former U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords, at the 2011 Tucson shooting.[94]

Kelly voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in response to the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas.[95][96]

Health care Kelly supports building on the Affordable Care Act to include a public health insurance option.[94][97] He opposes Medicare for All.[98]

Immigration Of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Kelly has said, "Dreamers are as American as anyone", and has expressed support for it.[99][87]

Trump administration In February 2021, Kelly voted to convict Trump for incitement of insurrection in his second impeachment trial,[67] and has been outspoken in his disdain for him.[100]


outright information straight from the tit gets downvoted?

the Democrats are just as delusional as Republicans

that was straight research, information, and sources

Don't let a few downvotes get to you, especially when your up/down ratio is great. Many mobile clients actually make it super easy to accidentally vote while scrolling (I've done it a few times) but also people will downvote for literally anything. Maybe they felt the post was too long, or had a misspelling, or they don't like the format, or they downvote all US politic posts, or so on and so forth. It's not like karma even means anything on Lemmy.

Yeah, I can't count how many times I tried to do the "back" swipe gesture and accidentally up / down voted something. There is always going to be some noise.

Knowing nothing about any of these people (I'm Australian), just going by their photos:

1: The Ghost of Reagan Future

2: Disgraced admiral turned prepper

3: Judge on the next season of MasterChef

The one is the middle is a former astronaut turned senator, which is pretty fun.

Amazingly, Cooper (Reagan clone) is actually pretty sane. I'm from NC, and he's probably one of the best governors we have had. Unfortunately, he has served two terms and can't serve another (Josh Stein is the logical next choice, but the Republicans have been running Mark Robinson hard, who is crazy with a capital K, so we'll have to see), and while I doubt he'll be picked as vp, I would absolutely be happy if he was.

I'm living in NC now, and would totally go with Cooper! He has the experience of dealing with crazy, obstinate conservatives, and he's hitting his term limit so bringing him on wouldn't be taking someone away from a useful position.

I would like to see Cory Booker or Pete Buttigieg. Mark Kelly would be okay too though.

sigh No mention of Katie Porter. I really want her to stay involved in national government and she's sharp enough to be VP.

The people mentioned are all fine, I suppose, but that list is pretty short on anyone but white guys. Maybe that's just part of the political calculus of running a black woman or maybe it's just about capturing a specific state, but I was hoping for something a little more aspirational. VP pick doesn't matter all that much in the end but there are a couple of people who would excite me and none of them are dudes.

Yeah, it's not going to be another woman. As sad as it is to say in the 21st century, adding a white man to the ticket would bring a sense of comfort and familiarity to many voters.

Wait a minute.

Was VP Biden a DEI hire?

Honestly? Probably, yeah. If a candidate is thinking strategically, they want their VP candidate to have qualities they don't to broaden the appeal of their ticket.

I think you're right that a 2 woman ticket might be too much for us to handle right now. Katie needs to be involved somewhere though.

It would never be Porter because she’s from California, the same state as Harris. Technically the 12th amendment says the president and VP must be reside in different states, though I’m sure Harris has established residency in DC by now. The more salient issue is that the democrats will want to use the VP choice to help win a swing state, or lock in a state they consider necessary for electoral math.

Whitmer was supposedly on the short list, but she said she would decline an invitation to be VP.

These guys are from Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. They're meant to help Democrats win those states.

Harris and Buttigieg #HarriButt2024

While I would have loved this you need the whitest, most middling guy in history to sway the middle as VP pick. Buttigieg would be hilarious but probably not a winner. He's too coastal elite.

You're probably right, unfortunately. I'm shooting for Andy Bashear (KY) or Roy Cooper (NC)

Bashear would be perfect given JD Vance's "I'm from Kentucky" narrative (he's not).

It should be someone in their 40s for long term strategy.

But it's gonna be Mark Kelly, who's already 60.

We need to go back to the VP being "next generation". We didn't do it for Obama because they were afraid racist moderates needed Joe on board to vote for the Black guy.

But before that, the VP was the way to groom a future president.

Looks like I didn’t make the cut

What can I say, your stance on mammary glands, while not controversial, per se, might be a little too racy for some voters.

Ah yes, a prosecutor and an attorney general exactly the combo of people we need to reform the judicial system!

Shapiro and Kelly are both gross, Shapiro for being staunchly pro-genocide, and Kelly for teaming up with Manchin to promote oil drilling.

Cant find much info on Coopers political positions, which is its own problem.

Seems their trying to go as centrist, barely democrat as they can.

So I tried to do some digging on Cooper just now, and as far as Palestinian genocide goes it seems like a little bit after October 7 he put out a statement a one sided statement for Israel, a group of progressives called him out for that, he met with them, and he's since put out statements calling on Israel and Hamas to stop killing civilians (fair warning, that last link is to a dumbass op-ed writer who's big mad that Cooper acknowledged Palestinian civilian deaths). He isn't exactly Rashida Tlaib, but he's better than Kathy Hochul.

yeah Im not expecting most dems to be hard enough on Israel. But Shapiro in particular was apparently saying cops werent cracking down hard enough on American college protestors.

Yeah, I've seen a lot of Kelly boosters on here but that oil stance is a non-starter for me. Shapiro and Cooper seem alright, I guess. Bunch of centrist whatevers.

Mark Kelly isn't in the pocket of Oil. Their interests aligned for a minute and everyone has run with it like he's heavily invested in fossil fuels. This was the same time we were banning Russian oil imports, and greedflation in the shipping sector was driving prices through the roof. So he was looking for mid term solutions to patch that. Long term he's always been supportive of solar and BEVs.

Kelly is doing his best to be a weird shade of purple because he's representing a state with some seriously weird dynamics, Arizona. He ran on being common sense biased towards working people. And he hasn't done a horrible job of that. His voting record is certainly far from "barely Democrat". Progressive punch lists him solidly in the middle of the pack for the Democrats,(30/50).

Kelly is doing his best to be a weird shade of purple

And that makes him gross

Accurately representing his constituency makes him gross? Who are you waiting for, Jesus?

which is what they always do

might as well call it what it is Republicans versus Centrist

really fucked this election

already forget about women's rights, worker's rights/pay, police reform, and basically everything the "Democrats" supposedly stand for

another four years of stagnation

Those look like purple state choices, perhaps to swing those states or speak to similar states. But yeah if you put up purple state candidates you're going to get people who can win purple states and they aren't going to be super progressive.

Put up progressives from blue states and risk swinging purple states red. I don't know the solution. Some forward momentum would be nice, but I'll settle for whatever keeps Trump out of office for now.

Working class Democrats like Sherrod Brown (D-OH) do very well in most of the swing states. The problem is that there are very few of them running in the swing states.

Just be more republican to win republican votes.

Wait why do we want the democrats to win again?

Because when the alternative sets us back 50 years, standing still doesn't look so bad. The challenge is moving the Overton window leftward and I don't know how we do that, but I'm all ears.

If you want the current left to be recognized as centrist, then you need to vote until it becomes the norm, so that a new left can develop.

I need a left option to vote for

Absolutely. The way forward is to move the Overton window until the current left is the new right.

...and understand that it might take a lifetime.

Nothing handicaps genuine progress quite like impatience.