Has anybody left the Nintendo Switch lately?

VanHalbgott@lemmus.org to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 16 points –

Yep. Anything the switch can do, the steamdeck can do (probably better).

Can you emulate switch games on a Deck?

of course, how have you not heard about yuzu getting the boot? emulators for switch have been around almost since it came out.

I know what yuzu is, I’m questioning if a deck is powerful enough to run the games with reasonable performance.

yes, better specs than switch

Thanks. I wasn’t sure what kind of performance impact there would be from the emulation layer.

Nope, I keep coming back. New Zelda is great. My kids are really into it too right now!

I really disliked breath of the wild. Especially how empty it feels and how bad it looks, different strokes I guess.

How bad it looks? That game was pure art, it was like living in a painting.

It looks dated, the grass without textures looks ugly and the faces look plain, and even with all those compromises the game can't run at stable 30 FPS, cmon

It's not a Zelda. I wish they hadn't destroyed the franchise by removing the main mechanic, but they wouldn't have been able to sell such a mid game without the draw of the franchise.

I would far rather have far fewer side quests with actual content instead of "collect 10 crickets" "collect 10 lizards." I'd rather be in the dungeons solving puzzles than wandering around for tens of minutes looking for temples. I'd rather spend more time shooting arrows than looking for arrows.

If those are your complaints, I'm genuinely confused about what you think "real" Zelda games are. Zelda has always been so much more than dungeon crawling, but it seems like that's all you care about. Plenty of other Zelda games had things that weren't just dungeons (like horse riding, fishing, mini games, talking to characters, shopping, mini puzzles, etc.) and involved a fair bit of wandering and searching. Once you actually play BOTW and TOTK you don't even really need to bother looking for arrows anymore, they're fucking everywhere and you can buy them all over the place.

Sounds like you just aren't a fan of Zelda, which is fine. But your claim that the recent games destroyed anything is just plain silly.

They're completely different. Since you haven't played them, the older games have a wide variety of interesting tools that unlocked a new area. Yes, exploration was linear, but things were fun and new instead of grinding out yet another segment of stamina bar to spend another several minutes climbing rock faces to get to more of the same glider/magnet/ice block puzzles.

If you think the new ones are the same type of thing at all you are willfully closing your eyes. It's cool that you like a mid game about collecting various numbers of nearly indistinguishable plants and critters but I wish Nintendo had done it with a new franchise. It's grating to have people claim they are Zelda fans when their favorite title is the soulless grinding entry.

Since you haven't played them,

So wrong there. I've played nearly every title. My favorite has been A Link to the Past. But, there will always be a place in my heart for the original. The N64 games were okay, but don't hold the same childhood nostalgia. There's a good chance I've been playing Zelda longer than you've been alive. You don't know what you're talking about.

If you don't want to hear people assert you haven't played this or that, perhaps you yourself should not do so.

If you cannot tell there is a significant difference in gameplay that started in BotW you weren't paying attention during nearly every title you played.

Pay attention this time. Nobody said they weren't different. I just said you seem to only like one aspect of the many varied aspects of the many varied Zelda games. Your reading comprehension skills are trash or you're just burning straw men to make yourself feel better. Stop being a troll.

I would far rather have far fewer side quests with actual content instead of "collect 10 crickets" "collect 10 lizards."

Oh, what's this, I did literally write something about enjoying the side quests when they felt meaningful? Your eyes were closed during my comment like they are playing Zelda games. Unsurprising.

So what's that you were writing about strawmen? Because I did have fun with the parts off the main quest on the previous games. BotW scrapped all of it in favor of extremely mid fetch quests and grinding hearts or stamina.

Like stopped using it? No I still do. Looking forward to its successor though.

Me, I sold it to my friend and bought a steam deck

The switch walked so the deck could run.

The steam deck runs switch games better anyways I'm told?

Eeeeehhh does a "more or less" gesture with a hand

I tested for a bit. Some games yeah. Others not really. The Zeldas are about the only things from the Switch that I really miss and whether you use Suyu or RyujiNX, Tears of the Kingdom runs like shit. Like pretty much unplayable.

Gonna give it a shot when Prime 4 drops though.

Too many good games! Yes, the hardware is old (it was old when it launched!), but good games are good games. There's still so much fun to be had. :-)

Nope, I still love to play it in bed (I've never played it docked since it was the handheld aspect that drew me) and just relax

Left as in stopped using it? I barely touch mine since I got the Stream Deck.

I wish I had a Steam Deck too, I hear the refurbished one costs about $200.

Actually, my SteamDeck broke so I've been back to using my Switch a lot more! I picked up Yooka-Laylee on sale and have been really enjoying it!

Hell, if the price is right and my digital purchases all carry-over, I might even consider buying Switch 2, it's been a great little system.

It's the only console we have, so I don't think we're going to leave it currently. I like playing Balatro still, and need to finish Tears of the Kingdom.

Honestly the Steam Deck has made me realise just his much missed potential and poor design decisions the Switch had. Not to mention Nintendo being a scummy company...

So yeah, my Steam Deck has basically replaced the Switch for me.

I looked around the house but couldn't find it. You sure it's not in your backpack OP?

I barely used it to begin with. Mostly had it for first party exclusives and portability, but once emulation got to the point where it delivered a superior experience the Switch became a dust collector.

The fact that I barely used the Switch made me hold off on getting a SteamDeck for a long time. Now that I have one, my high end gaming PC is the thing collecting dust and the Switch feels like a cheap toy.

After my joycon drift got too bad I just never replaced them and stopped playing. ACNL is better than New Horizons anyway

My grandma/mom are huge Nintendo fans, so I'll keep coming back. We like playing the Mario games together.

Nope, I've had mine fired up everyday playing Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

I rotate between switch, ps5, and PC regularly (not to mention older systems). But there have definitely been games where I avoided them on switch because i knew they'd run like ass.

I still use it more than my series S since the pro controller is much more comfortable for me when I wanna play on my TV. I love the touchscreen in handheld mode for simple unwinding games like "stitch."

The Switch was my most recent reminder that I'm not a console person. That said, I do still use it, off and on, with my 3dprinted portrait grip for playing Pinball FX3.

Though its been a while, I need to see if I still have the high score on the Bob's Burgers table.

After I got my steamdeck I haven't touched it.

Dropped it the moment I got a PS5 and never turned back. It makes a good dust collector.

About a year ago I got a steam deck and haven't looked back. Now my wife plays the switch

I don't use it anymore, after playing on my series X the thing is such a downgrade and the lite feels so flimsy in my hands yet gives me cramps due the flatness.