Kamala Harris was less than 20ft from pipe bomb on Jan 6, report reveals

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Kamala Harris was less than 20ft from pipe bomb on Jan 6, report reveals

Vice President Kamala Harris was less than 20 feet from a “viable” pipe bomb on January 6, according to a new report from Homeland Security’s internal watchdog.

The Office of the Inspector General released its report on Friday detailing the Secret Service’s preparation for, and response to, the events of January 6, 2021. Five people died and hundreds were injured in the Capitol assault, where rioters aimed to prevent the certification of the election for President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Among the shocking revelations was that Harris, then vice president-elect, was within close range to a “viable” pipe bomb that Secret Security had missed in a security sweep.

“The pipe bomb had been placed near the [Democratic National Committee] building the night before”, the report states, but Secret Service personnel did not identify it during their security sweep on the morning of January 6.


We as a country need to understand that to these MAGA weirdos, violence is acceptable and even encouraged.

We also need to figure out what Trump broke in the Secret Service and fix it, because this shit is pure incompetence.

CPAC had a banner that started "We are domestic terrorists". They're softening the word because they keep filling the role

"Softening," my ass! They simply mean it literally.

By the way, the banner said "we are all domestic terrorists." No exceptions: every single CPAC attendee is literally a member of a terrorist organization.

literally a member of a terrorist organization

But just on paper, then, right?

We also need to figure out what Trump broke in the Secret Service and fix it, because this shit is pure incompetence.

It's extremely obvious that Trump values loyalty over competence. I seem to remember that he gave key posts in White House security to the people who had been in his private security detail beforehand. People like Keith Schiller.

It would also not surprise me if he got to hand-pick his Secret Service detail to be people who he could get along with (i.e. people he felt were loyal). We may find out in a few years that Trump deliberately picked the most loyal ones, who also happened to be the most incompetent, and is partly responsible for their lapses. That is, if we're allowed to. If Trump wins, he's gonna take his Sharpie to all this and we'll never find out how it all really went down.

Yeah. It shows his lack of intelligence too. Would you rather be protected by a yes man. Or… someone trained to fucking protect you that cares nothing about you and only about protecting their package. I’ll take option B 1000000% of the time. Thanks.

"They were false-flag antifa blm FBI plants ordered by Pelosi"

-- maga

Diaper tyrant didn't break anything that wasn't already decades in the making of its decay by the very same fucknuts currently steering his slobbering ass around.

During slavery and Jim Crow, violence was acceptable the way it was done. So these people continuing that thinking really shouldn't surprise us.

I mean it was surprising to me, until I put it in the context of history. The US right wing has always relied on violence and they pass that mentality down. Seems outrageous to the rest of us, but to them it's just a tool and the way to do things. Which is why they project of course.

I think calling them weirdos at that point does a disservice to weirdos. Someone setting up pipe bombs during an insurrection is a terrorist. Anyone supporting them is a terrorist as well... That makes MAGA a terrorist organization.

Also, here's what Trump broke... It should be noted that Murray was involved in the investigation of the Jan 6th texts and emails that were deleted shortly before his retirement...

My personal opinion... Someone said "Walk away or this will get really messy for you."

I think calling them weirdos at that point does a disservice to weirdos.

Yeah, but (as a weirdo myself) I think we should take one for the team, since -- weirdly, unlike "terrorist" -- it actually manages to stick and piss them off.

Correct, hit them wherever it hurts.

You'd think that being called a terrorist would be worse. However, I have read a lot that child-like insults actually hurt more than mature ones. We established them when we were children, so they've been with us longer and carry more emotional weight. So it's technically more effective to call someone buttface instead of shithead.

Just look at their commander-in-cheetodust and his tendency to call his opponents names like "Sleepy Joe," "Crazy Nancy," or "Lying Kamala."

Great job Homeland Security! What was the rush in disclosing this information? You waited for 3.5years, why not wait until next insurrection? Ted Cruz and rest of the repubes are already finishing the planning for next Trasonfest

I mean, you do kinda gotta hand it to them to reveal that one of Trump's goons got close to killing his opponent in this election after Trump's assassination attempt and before election day.

I'm sure it's not for a good reason that they waited this long, but it'll at least be useful.

Still unsure why the seditionists didn't/aren't getting stiffer penalties.

Points angrily at all of US history.

Our record on holding people accountable is abysmal. We certainly aren't unique in that regard, but as context for this case the US has a history of being fine with violent white protestors and completely unhinged in response to minority protestors. Jan 6th matches that pattern.

I was watching it live on TV and I thought to myself, if these were black people they would be mowed down with machine guns.

US has a history of being fine with violent white protestors and completely unhinged in response to minority protestors

And that's apart from being fine with the war crimes abroad. But it never affected anyone within the country, so that's all fine and dandy thing of the past.

Everyone there conveniently forgets that "history" and only reiterates about the "violence" when it starts to affect themselves.

It just might be that your country loves, or likely worships violence.

They weren't black people who could be working road maintenance crews. Genuinely the reason these people acted so entitled and stormed the capital after taking an L is because they felt like they were gonna get clemency. What you're seeing now is that clemency. The lack of accountability in this nation created that raid. The lack of accountability in this nation is what's following that raid.

Because this administration thought we should extend an olive branch by appointing a conservative Attorney General. That was an error.

Merrick Garland didn't even open an investigation into Trump for 2.5 years, and he only did that because congress publicly pressured him into it.

Conservatism is cancer and our nation is riddled with it. We are trying to treat it, but our prognosis is questionable. Anything shy of complete eradication of the cancer will eventually result in another deadly flare-up.

Some insurrectionist attempted murderer is really kicking themselves right now.

Wouldn't their knees be too sore to actually do that?

Good point. And I could say 'punching themselves in the face right now,' but they're probably already voting for Trump.

Secret service about as useless as the TSA.

Not as useless as a mob of republicans, apparently 🤗

storm the capitol

take selfies


Trump gets a second term

Ever seen a TSA agent run somewhere? Of course you haven't. I'm sure it happens, like winning the lottery happens, but I haven't had the opportunity to witness either of those things happen.

If you see any of those gov orgs running, maybe try to keep up.

Isn't their primary job to run the security stations? I wouldn't expect them to be running around an airport.

I don't think I've seen any law enforcement officers running anywhere, for that matter. Maybe like SWAT or other special response teams. Usually they just roll up on a truck.

The pipe bomb that MTG planted?

You give her too much credit. If she tried to plant a pipe bomb, it would have blown up in her face.

Didn't it? I thought that was how she got her hairstyle.

That would only explain it if the bomb had gone off. I think we need to explain her hairstyle on a complete lack of taste.

After reading the article, it says there was a pipe bomb found earlier that sweep at the RNC also. It makes me wonder if beyond the MAGAts, there may be foreign interests involved here at the same time?

I have few doubts that there were many plans aimed at agitation depending on the events of Jan. 6.

They were literally there to murder the Republican vice president and anyone else who refused to support the coup. It's not surprising at all that the RNC was a target.

I think they just forgot that one on the way to the Capitol

Probably no foreign interests (not directly anyway, plenty about stirring up division). First it's way too sloppy, if a competent foreign country wants to do something they will do something far more guaranteed. Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/b4meFC1ee7Q Second no country would want that to come out and come back to them. It would be extremely painful.

Or the RNC one was just a decoy.

That’s not what the report said.

How would they know whether or not it was a decoy unless they know who planted it?

A decoy is different from a dud.

As much evidence as there is that we're living in the Mirror Universe, there is ever the occasional reminder that it could have been even worse.