Trump accepts RFK Jr endorsement and vows to release JFK assassination files to politics – 188 points –
Trump accepts RFK Jr endorsement and vows to release JFK assassination files

I thought he promised that during the 2016 election?

Yes he did. Trump promises a lot of things and never delivers.

By not releasing the JFK files Trump maintained this crucial bit of leverage. That’s some 7-D parcheesi right there.

Or y’know, Trump just being a lying POS who doesn’t bother to remember the promises he makes.

You fool! He's been playing N-Dimensional Yahtzee the whole time!

He's the type to enjoy playing monopoly, but only when he gets to be the bank.

Nailed it. 12th-dimensional strip poker and no one wants to see that.

Keeps. His. Promises.*

*doesn't keep his promises

If you deliver on your promises, they're not promises any more, but deliverables. The only way you can keep your promises is by keeping them as promises.

... Is probably what Kelly-Anne Conway would say.

"Promises Made ^(by\ someone\ other\ than\ us)^, Promises Kept ^(by\ someone\ other\ than\ us)^."

::: spoiler Tap for spoiler (gross) Like orgasm? :::

Sure, but the demographic he's campaigning for have a tenuous grasp on reality at best, you expect them to remember something that happened in 2016? I'm sure they've already constructed some elaborate scenario in their heads about how Trump tried to reveal the truth but a Oceans 11 worthy plot by The Deep State(tm), Bill Gates, and Barack Obama conspired to prevent its release.

Don't worry Trump will release everything in 2 weeks, just like his healthcare plan, infrastructure plan, his taxes......

I was unaware "what happened to JFK" was actually a major ask from the RFK-curious crowd. Don't they have more current conspiracy theories they want answers to?

It's RFK Jr himself that's probably asking for it. He's said in the past he knows the CIA is behind the killing of his uncle. Says the CIA had him killed because JFK didn't provide air support for bay of pigs and it pissed the CIA off. RFK claims he has proof but no one takes him serious or something.

He's crazy to think the CIA is behind it. The CIA handles overseas assassinations; domestic ones are the FBI's domain.

Well in this case, JFK fired CIA Director Dulles for the Bay of Pigs debacle. You’re right about the CIA being responsible for overseas assassinations. Dulles was involved with coups and assassinations in Guatemala and Iran. However, in the case of JFK, he made an exception and facilitated a domestic assassination since the case of his firing was personal.

I mean, they killed his dad as well, it's probably something he actually cares about.

If there are any sealed files remaining regarding the JFK killing, then FUCKING RELEASE THEM. honestly I don't expect much from anybody. What's Trump gonna do, show a tax return or a balance sheet.

The CIA has been dragging their feet on this. And while the President can order them to do this, the CIA probably has a video of the assassination that they shot from another angle that nobody else has seen yet just to make a point about who actually is in charge of the country.

He asked the Harris camp for a cabinet post for his endorsement. If he helps trump become a dictator he will be Secretary of Health, I guarantee it.

I would be very surprised if Trump honors the agreement. After the election is over RFK will already have served his purpose, and will have no leverage. Trump will claim they never had any deal and RFK will be left holding his dick.

Wasn't that what happened with Chris Christie? Kushner convinced trump to go back in any deal after the election?

I believe so. Was promised the AG position if I remember right.

Well, he'll have his money from Russia at least. I listened to his whole speech, the part about Ukraine is straight out of Russian state media talking points.

Yeah I think that's the deal they made which is pretty low cost for Trump since he doesn't know what that secretariat does and wouldn't care if someone told him.

At least the GOP and Trump are focused on things that will help move american forward. Things that help the average american tax payer. Things like making the presidency about yourself, something that's happened to you personally but more importantly helping another rich old white dude from a famous family.

Those are the kind of things I wish the Democrats spent more time on. Instead they are talking about healthcare for everyone, student debt relief, tackling price gouging, and increasing the taxes on billionaires. Seriously, wtf Harris Get a grip. I want to see the zepruder film and documents about an assisnated president that hasn't been relevant in 50 years.

I’m sure that Biden could do something really funny and just… declassify those documents.

I swear both of them have already promised and/or done this.

Edit: Yes. Biden declassified 99% just last year. (Another thing Donnie promised, that Joe actually did. Infrastructure week!) I'm sure the final 1% will finally prove every conspiracy true... /s

Biden declassified 99% just last year. (Another thing Donnie promised, that Joe actually did. Infrastructure week!) I'm sure the final 1% will finally prove every conspiracy true... /s

I mean...

Trump ultimately released tens of thousands of documents, the majority of which include at least some redactions.

By December 2022, Biden had released more than 14,000 additional

1% of 24,000 documents would be 240 documents. Considering they get to pick and choose which documents to keep hidden, yes it is actually very possible that they release the non-incriminating files, but keep the documents that prove conspiracy.

Example: there are 100 cookies in a pack being saved. You take out every cookie and only eat 1. Someone asks if you ate a cookie so you go through 99 of the slots saying you didn't eat this cookie.

If you never get to the cookie slot you took before they give up on asking you, it doesn't matter that 99% of cookies are accounted for thanks to your information, you still ate the cookie.

Edit: quoted portion I was responding to specifically.

I imagine experts probably advise against it because there are far reaching implications that could cause significant diplomatic or intelligence issues, domestically and internationally and that Donald "Here's Where Our Spy Satellites Are" Trump doesn't give a fuck.

Pretty sure he’s already proved that. He’s already given information on our spies to Russia, which resulted in them getting killed.

"Speaking at a rally in Glendale, Arizona, Trump also pledged that, if elected, he would “establish a panel of top experts” that would work with Kennedy, a prominent anti-vaccine advocate, to investigate childhood health problems."

Well if you stop vaccinations you will have a host of childhood problems, so you will never run out of things to do!

Can't have childhood problems with no living children to have them.

wonder about polling impact on swing states, i got the feeling the reminding RFK jr enthusiasts don't plan to vote for neither party, so not much change

Don't let RFKJR voters forget: Trump presided over creation of the Covid-19 vaccine.

I'll feel dirty doing it, but I'll do it.

It was funny to hear Trump try to take credit for this during a rally and getting booed for it. It's like one of the few genuinely good decisions he made, but he can't even use it to campaign on.

He cannot be removed from three, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin. I wonder if that many will still vote for him in those to act as much of a spoiler.

Too bad the shadow government won't cooperate because Donald's a prick.

The only person who can actually convince the shadow government to act in the interest of the people is Kamala.

vote kamala for shadow government envoy (president)

I am so fed up with how the DNC has treated RFK Jr. The lawfare and taking him off the ballot in swing states is unacceptable. Really thinking of voting for Trump as a wakeup call to the Democratic party.

The RNC is challenging 3rd parties on the ballots in multiple states. They also like challenging mail-in voting.

Hell Republicans are even taking voter signed Abortion ballot measures to court to get them removed from the election.

The Republican party also has a history of funding the Green party intentionally to draw Democratic voters away.

You're the one that needs a wakeup call if you think that the Democrats challenging RFK Jr. is unacceptable but what the Republicans are doing is fine.

They're not going to read any of that. You know that, right?

This is whataboutism at its finest. We need to hold our own party to a higher standard. I think we either need to vote 3rd party or for Trump to send a clear message.

In case anyone missed it, this guy is self proclaimed MAGA. He's purposefully trying to pretend to be a Democrat voter to dissuade people, although he's doing a piss poor job. Obviously he thinks everyone else is as dumb as he is.

No we don't. Play the game by the current rules of the system and win. Then try to change the system to be better for next time.

If you give up a massive LEGAL advantage you could have taken and lose, you get nothing. Your standards mean nothing if you hand a win to an opponent who will wreck everything you hold dear.

You want to send them a message? Not voting speaks volumes. Do that instead.

Do you really think cosplaying as MAGA brings any value to this platform or anything in general?

Not cosplaying, post history shows they're just MAGA spreading FUD.

Of all the reasons to be mad at the DNC that's what you're going with? The way they treated Mr. Brainworms whose Venn Diagram between him and Trump has always been dangerously close to a circle?

If you were a RFK voter, then you were never a concern. You wanted to vote for a guy has a freezer full of roadkill.

He is still on the ballot in Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin.

The fuck are you on about.

Cool I too am a fan of or whatever the fuck it is. That old dude using chalk to paint a Ukrainian flag in front of the Russian embassy was amazing. And then the Russians violated international customs and local law to clear it off.