Breakfast time!!!

no to Lemmy – 299 points –

Gross, I can't believe anyone would do something so disgusting! Using a plastic spatula making everything taste like melted plastic.

I know I'm not in a great position to give culinary criticism as a Dutchman but what the actual fuck

Don't you Dutchies have pancakes with meat, fruit, and eggs all in one?

We do have pancakes with bacon or cheese yes, but they are typically combined with "stroop" (sugarbeet syrup), not fruits. At least, not to my knowledge.

A worse food crime we do is the pickled herring with raw onions, imo.

the plastic spatula is the scariest part of this picture

Everyone talking about microplastics while not getting enough macroplastics in their diet.

It's healthy living

For me it's wood or nothing. Metal scratches the pans; plastic seasons my meal with microplastics. Most woods used in the kitchen are naturally antibacterial. It's a win-win.

I don't personally use any pan can be damaged from scratching. It's cast iron, carbon steel and stainless all the way. I use metal if the dish requires a thin edge or whisk. Otherwise I mostly use a flat wooden spatula which I source locally.

Is this how Cadbury creme eggs are made?

Almost. They prepare the eggs in this fashion, then the Asian palm civet eats it and takes a dump in the classic creme egg shape you know and love.

Unparalleled stencil work each and every dump

Have you ever seen the sphincter muscles on a civet? Truly a work of art. There's a whole industry of research dedicated to the little buggers anal capabilities called Musculature-Eroneous of Actual Total Span Pressure and Interspecies Nominaliused. There used to be a website dedicated to the topic, idk if it's still up but you can give it a shot.


Well it's Milka chocolate from Switzerland, so I'm not so sure about that

Well it's Milka chocolate from Switzerland, so I'm not so sure about that

I thought milk-a chocolate was from Italy?

Originally a Swiss brand Suchard now owned by Mondelez, mostly produced in Germany.

You are probably thinking of Italian chocolate Brand Ferrero (Nutella, Kinder products, Rocher ...)

I'm from Europe, bitches! Yes, I can eat my eggs raw how about you, Americans?!

It's owned by American food conglomerate Mondelez.

Milka is produced in Germany since the 90s. And we Swiss people don't like it.

I mean we could actually make this a lot worse and put a Hershey bar in there, I'm sure the butyric acid will kick it up a notch... At least they're using Milka

I suppose you have yet to see English or Germans eating... It's... An unpleasant experience.

As a German, I have seen Germans eating. I think.

Could you maybe not fucking mention us in the same sentence with England when it comes to food?

Whenever I make curry I use these square blocks. Every time I just sort of casually ask my girlfriend "How much choco do you want in here? I'm thinking a lot." as I break off pieces into the wok.

Gets her every time. 😂

please commit unalive