‘Brazen gaslighting’: J.D. Vance slammed for telling Dems ‘tone down the rhetoric’

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 404 points –
‘Brazen gaslighting’: J.D. Vance slammed for telling Dems ‘tone down the rhetoric’

Vance makes more sense as a Trump VP than Pence ever did. Just a big lyin' sack of shit who doesn't care about facts or reality, just saying whatever BS line serves his purpose in that very moment.

Pence is a christian fascists fuck, but at least he has principals. They are misguided evil controlling ones, but the man at least has a backbone.

and Vance wears makeup, too.

it sucks that these two are the one that are normalizing men wearing makeup.

Pence was chosen to reassure hardcore Christians and more "moderate" Republicans that Trump wasn't such a bad guy. Pair the know. Philanderer with a weirdo who isn't even allowed in the same room as a woman without his wife present. Now they know that wasn't necessary, as all the Republicans are pretty much aboard the Trump train, so now they just want a guy that will do whatever Trump wants


Not arguing, but is gaslighting really the right word?

Think of it as the society being the victim. The clearest example is when Trump started talking about Fake News. The goal is to devoid words of meaning, to reason based only on emotional attachment, to eliminate critical thinking. This guy follows the same strategy.

Below a definition of gaslighting, I think it applies pretty well to the kind of society these people are leaving behind:

Examples of gaslighting behaviors are denying something the other person knows is true, spreading rumors about them, and blaming the victim. The mental health impact of gaslighting includes feelings of powerlessness, confusion, isolation, disorientation, and low self-esteem

I think if people actually watched the movie they’d understand what it really is.

yes. that definition is great for folks that knows that something which is not true is true and therefor x is gaslighting them.

Have you seen the movie for which this phrase is named?

yes but I was refering to the definition of the commentator that you commented to. I mean in the movie he was actually taking her stuff and saying she lost it and such.

There is only one definition.

The term "gaslight" comes from the 1944 film Gaslight, which was based on the 1938 play Gas Light by Patrick Hamilton. In the movie, a husband manipulates his wife into doubting her own sanity by dimming the gas lights in their home and then denying that the lights are changing. The term "gaslighting" now refers to a form of psychological manipulation where someone makes another person question their reality.

I get that and I was refer to what cuerdo had as not true he had as part " denying something the other person knows is true" which is what I see people doing. I feel something you say is against what I know is true and so your gaslighting. Its actually sorta turned around because its about someone lying about things they know are not true and manipulating things to make their lies seem truthful.

The only way it would be gaslighting is if the dems were questioning their own comments.

And they aren’t.

He’s just being a hypocritical lying dick. Not the same thing.

yeah I was never even commenting on the appropriateness of using it with vance but I think often they know they are lying and do try to manipulate the narrative. In this instance its hard to say but im willing to say they do it overall.

I thought the same thing. People are obsessed with the word gaslighting.

This seems more like textbook hypocrisy. Person doing thing talks about the harms of others doing that thing.

People love to use it because it makes them the victim.

.... What?

Is this some weird "victim mentality" thing?

People love to use it because it got popular and grew to mean more than the original definition to the point where it just got generic to encompass a wide range of things. It's the same as cringe.

Classic manipulative bully behavior. Antagonize and abuse a victim until they react with hostility. And then play the victim and implore for peace so the victim looks like the aggressor. Though Vance is such an incompetent sack of shit that it's following nobody who's not in that death cult.