AI is ruining the internet to – 291 points –
AI is about to turn the internet into a total nightmare

Hot take

The internet was already ruined. It’s no longer the same place it was in 2016 or 2010 or 2000. It’s become a corporate hellhole where you can’t get away from tracking, monitoring and other shady practices no matter what you do. Almost nothing is free and open and everything is designed to milk as much money out of the product.

AI is just accelerating this. Makes me think of the “old net” in Cyberpunk2077. Infested with rouge AI that have turned it into a battleground.

Lukewarm counter-take: That non-commercial internet is still out there.

As long as there's nerds, there's going to be nerds building stuff for the fun of it. Building your Lemmys, your Fediverses, your Geminis etc..

There is definitely more legislation now, dissuading some percentage of nerds, but we also have a lot more nerds...

Even places like lemmy or mastodon aren't safe anymore. Everything that is public can be, and is, data mined by some corporation. There will be bot accounts or paid people pushing their agenda. And several other things.

It's not a technical problem. We can have places that are better than the average, but the corporations will still put their tentacles in.

Even the non-commercial spaces are commercial. I’ve seen a bunch of thing disguised ads on here already. The fediverse is no different than the rest of the net. The big corps are still monitoring everything.

Every “nerd” I meet now wants out asap. The only ones who don’t seem to be pushing blockchain or AI. The tech sphere I loved is well and truly gone. The people are so profit driven nothing else can matter.

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It’s just the normal capitalist cycle.

  1. New thing invented
  2. Golden age of thing
  3. Corporations figure out how to engineer thing for maximum profit
  4. Thing sucks

2000 or 2010 maybe (too young to know) but I'm not sure I see any difference between now and 2016. The only major new thing I can think of is tiktok but it didn't ruin the internet.

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TL;DR; - The internet is getting shittier at ludicrous speed, thanks to AI bots. Expect the next generation of AI to be even worse, as it's likely to be fed the shit the current AI is dropping everywhere.

It'd be funny if a lot of bots get discontinued just because the tools can no longer discern real and fake content and just become unusable.

They already can't. They just rely on the assumption that most of the data they collect is correct. Which is generally true, there is more correct than incorrect content on the internet. The inability of the bots to discern incorrect data coupled with their ability to make it sound authoritative is what makes them dangerous.

Who wants to bet that the powers that be will make a CAPTCHA that you have to decide if the text is written by human or AI.

The internet is a place where people can connect from across the world, bringing them closer together and allowing the free exchange of information. It's unfortunate that it is being more and more locked down and controlled by business and government interests looking to isolate, control, and monetize people. AI isn't the only tool being used to ruin the internet, but it's damn effective.

"free exchange" is being capitalized by the rich.
there are countries going through brain drain, this is the internet/world going through a brain drain global recession/dark age

It's not "ai"'s just a few billionaire assholes.

& it's not just the internet. It's the entire "reality".

capitalism and the rich** ftfy just like they're destroying the earth and space

The rich aren't making spam websites full of bot-generated content. Neither is capitalism, or communism or socialism.

What do you think is the purpose of bot-generated content?

To get clicks from people searching up things and happening to land on their page, who then read a little bit and see ads before leaving.

What's interesting is this is also kind of a circle of tech moment too. At least for me, search has been sort of killed (or google search anyway), but it's just back to the Internet of 1997 again, where we have "sort of useful" "search engines", some walled gardens like AOL was, and maybe webrings or the original sort of Yahoo! curated link / subject sites / lists.

Oh no who could've possibly seen this coming? Literally everyone, it turns out.

That's two twitter clones from two tech billionaires in just six months. Capitalism truly breeds innovation.

What's the other Twitter clone (other than Threads)?

Good read. I love that suburb meme as an analogy of what the internet is going to look like. IMO it's already there.

Thank you :D I also thought it was a good analogy, especially since we've just accepted it as inevitable. Even with all the urbanism revival enthusiasm on the internet, they never push for beauty, just practical stuff like walkability, public transit, etc. It's good stuff, but I want bread and roses too.

And yes, it's getting there fast, if it's not already there. I remember in 2015, when people still loved google, and I started talking about what I then called "The Apple Crisp Problem." In a span of just a couple years, googling recipes went from super useful to entirely SEO blogs of maybe-not-real women in their late thirties named "Kate" taking their dog named "Pancake" to the orchard to pick the perfect apples for her also-not-real nana's apple crisp recipe. Recipes were one of the leading indicators. Now it's just everything. Super lame.

Just as bad, if not worse, than the blockchain craze that came before it.

This is worse. Blockchains didn't do anything except extract money from suckers, which is bad but has a very limited impact. There were no valid applications, nothing they could do cheaper or better, so they just existed in their own separate world of scammers and grifters. AI is appropriating people's work to shit up the internet we all use with nonsense and will continue to be used because it has valid applications: creating bad art or vapid text without having to pay anyone.

Blockchains didn’t do anything except extract money from suckers

And consume more energy than Egypt. And drive GPU prices through the roof for a couple of years.

I feel like with "cheap" AI we're entering a dark age of tech.

Eventually everything will, the tools and the tech will get more mature and sort itself out but for a couple of months/years we will be confronted with bad AI news , bad AI games, bad AI art, etc

I'm pretty confident a day will come were AI will be seen as a tool and that pure AI generated content will be seen the equivalent of a bad JavaScript game or a cheap knock clone.

Google made the recipy for the shitty internet cake and put it in the oven. AI is the icing.

This stuff is only economical at scale, it makes no sense to set up an AI spambot farm on because you’ll just get banned and you’ll have to do all the ban evasion stuff you have to do on, say, Facebook but for a site with a hundredth of the daily active users

For now.

Right now, there can be value in using a bot net to create 10000 AI driven bots that look like humans but have a coordinated agenda on Reddit. As that value drops, I expect that smaller and smaller forums will get inundated with these bot networks.

So be it. Humanity got along just fine without the internet for milleneia. Its clear at this point that the public internet isn't going to be used to improve our human existence. If there is anything to bemoan, its that the practical usefulness of the internet will only continue to get more and more narrow.

Right but how much of our daily existence is tied to the internet? Like all of our banking systems, our commerce, communications, infrastructure.

I think that functionality will contunue just fine. It's surfing that dying. They're trying to put up billboards up wherever are eyes are looking and we can't even see what we're looking for anymore. AI is just a "smarter" billboard. Eventually we're just going to stop looking.

Yup. The Internet used to be the yellow pages. Now it's turning into an offramp.

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We got a along without antibiotics for millennia, too, but I wouldn't want to lose access to them.

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