House GOP will subpoena Biden family, says Republican chairman to politics – 145 points –
House GOP will subpoena Biden family, says Republican chairman

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said that his committee, which has been investigating the foreign business dealings of President Biden’s family members, will eventually move to subpoena the Biden family — a move Comer hinted could include the president himself.

“This is always going to end with the Bidens coming in front of the committee. We are going to subpoena the family,” Comer said Thursday on Fox Business.

“We know that this is going to end up in court when we subpoena the Bidens. So we’re putting together a case, and I think we’ve done that very well. We’ve shown the bank records,” Comer said. “If I had subpoenaed Joe and Hunter Biden the first day I became chairman of the committee, it would have been tied up in court and the judge would have eventually thrown it out. … We have put together a case that I think would stand up in any court of law in America.”

Comer’s subpoena tease comes a day after his committee released a third staff memo outlining millions of dollars in foreign funds paid to Hunter Biden and his former associates while Joe Biden was vice president.

That memo noted that the committee has so far only subpoenaed banks tailored to specific individuals and companies, but has not yet issued subpoenas for bank records for members of the Biden family.

Comer, though, indicated that subpoenas for members of the Biden family would not be imminent.


You know what people who operate legitimate investigations don't do? They don't announce on Fox Business that they're going to subpoena the president's family, and possibly the president himself.

Comer is running a very legitimate media circus, I mean investigation

Nothing good in the history of mankind has ever come from conservatism. Nothing at all. The more valuable time they waste in congress, the more civilized society should shun and exclude them from our daily lives.

lol, trump has 78 federal indictments and will be on trial in two separate federal cases next year.

Sorry, I just want to talk about Hunter’s penis

The anti gay stuff is obviously just because they feel ashamed for being so thirsty for hunter.

I have no doubt they will wait to try to do this during the presidential election next year. He knows they have nothing except trying to make Biden look bad through innuendo and association, and that any hearings they hold will end with a whimper. Can't have it ending with a whimper before the election, so have to wait.

They should stop teasing and subpoena Hunter Biden's penis already. You know they want to.

They should stop teasing and subpoena Hunter Biden’s penis already. You know they want to.

What would be hilarious is if the dude is packing a hog or something. And thats the extent of what we find out.

I mean, apparently his sex tape is available somewhere. So you’re welcome to go find out for yourself.

Don't tell MTG, she might screen the tape on C-SPAN. She seems oddly enamored with Hunter....

What would be hilarious is if the dude is packing a hog or something.

I don't know if it's just a meme or not because I have no interest in finding out, but word going around is that he's packing some pretty serious meat.

I'm pretty sure MTG showed a pic of it on the floor of the House, and I'm pretty sure even before that it's been known that he's hanging dong.

MTG demanding to see his cock while he's testifying on the house floor seems like a great start to some rule 34 shit.

I hope the Bidens just ignore it. Take a page out what Trump and his team did last year and ignore it

When Democrats subpoenaed Don McGhan to testify and tried to take him to court for his refusal, the Appeals Court ruled that Congress never passed a law that allowed them to sue to enforce a subpoena, and thus, can't sue for that

Trust me guys, we have all the evidence on this laptop which totally exists I swear trust me bro it's on the laptop.

We saw the dick pics already. We don't want to see them again

Hunter Biden is guilty of having a massive fucking cock, lock him up.

Tell me you're not Marj Taylor exGreene, without telling me you're not Marj Taylor exGreene.

Empty XGreen, it gets your engine clean environmentally and with no calories!

That wasn't a penis, it's a hard drive. The it guy said if we put it in our mouth all the secret info will make itself known in an explosive manner. Trust me bro

As soon as House Oversight Committee figures out what they want to investigate the Biden family for

I really can't wait until history forgets even the existence of this dipshit yokel.

"Jesus Christ, Kentucky," exclaimed the Floridian unironically.

How and why would you subpoena a "family" lmfao? Is this going to include Bo Biden, who volunteered for service in Afghanistan and died in the service?

Beau died of brain cancer after he was on active duty?

Wasn't it from possible exposure to some shit while on duty though?

That sounds vaguely familiar. But he didn’t die in active duty afaik

He died from exposure to toxic burn pits. Democrats passed a measure extending healthcare to veterans exposed to toxic burn pits and republicans tried yo block it

Another one Jon Stewart tirelessly fought for.

If they have legitimate evidence a crime was commit. Good, question him.

Republican or Democrat doesn’t matter, show your evidence and if they are doing something illegal let’s get rid of em. Biden shouldnt be immune, nor should any other person.

Except they don’t lol

Sure, maybe not, but are you positive? Is Biden/his family infallible for some reason?

If there might be weird ties to money, what’s wrong with investigating and getting their official statements? It could be political BS, but would you really rather just brush it off and dismiss it so quickly?

I’m not positive, no. But you’d think if they said “we’re releasing the evidence” so many times now… that one of the releases would have that evidence, right?

Sure, but look at the Jack Smith case against trump, are we getting evidence put out by his team? Not really (there have been leaks), and I’m glad. Build your case, make it solid, then present it.

I also hope anyone using this as a political weapon faces legal repercussions as well if it can be proven.

Are you referring to the unsealed indictments?

Maybe the “leak” you’re thinking of is the audio where Trump confesses that he’s showing off classified docs? Y’know, a felony?

An indictment is not evidence. Oxford: “a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.” Yes enough evidence was presented to a grand jury to get the indictment, but the indictment itself is not evidence, it’s the accusations.

So similarly, if there is evidence that there is illegal things happening for Biden or anyone in his family, I hope the evidence is presented to a grand jury and if they believe there’s just cause, an indictment should be issued for the individual.

Would you at least agree that if there is something nefarious going on, with any politician, regardless of party affiliation, it should at least be investigated?

I think they should take the lead from Gym Jordan and not show up. Be honest, did you come online and argue with republicans on ‘doing the right thing’? Hoe committed where you then?

And please, do us all a favor and try avoiding ‘be better’ or some nonsense like that.

I’m very happy trump is seeing his day in court soon, and by all accounts, it appears they have a lot on him to put him away. Good, GREAT!. I want any politician doing something illegal to see their day in court. They should be held to a higher standard than any individual after swearing an oath to the public. In fact for trump, it seems from what’s out there he’s not alone, go after them too, PLEASE!

It’s funny seeing the polarized response here to if a politician may have done something wrong, they should be investigated.

The difference here is that this ‘investigation’ was called for by republicans before they even knew what to investigate. And on top of that, even admitting they have no evidence to present (suspicions is not evidence) yet claim to have evidence. Witnesses they claim to have seem to be lost somehow and cannot be produced for investigation.

And based on this obviously flimsy, if not outright lies, you want to be ‘reasonable’?

I distrust your honesty

Great, and as I said, whatever they have should go in front of a grand jury for indictment if it’s worthwhile. If it’s nothing, should be no indictment. Simple. If they have something plausible, indict him. Again simple.

For now, they have a suspicion. Investigate it. If there is a hint at an issue, let’s get statements for the record.

Let’s take Clarance Thompson for example. There’s some pretty good suspicions there that some sort of payments/“gifts” have taken place. Let’s investigate him for wrong doing. We should also subpoena him (if possible) to get his official statements on things. Not sure why this is hard to agree on.

And I fail to understand you not being able to make a distinction on having a reasonable concern and investigating vs creating a platform of accusations based on a ‘desire’. This so called investigation is used as a tool to hammer someone, just because.

Indeed, take Clarence Thomas as an example. People disagree and abhor his political stance. It was not that what drove the current calls for investigation. It is based on records which became available and an admission he took those ‘gifts’.

Your failure to understand this make me doubt you know what you are talking about. Your suggesting a methodology we know all to well. It’s what was used to accuse ‘witches’, just because someone yelled ‘witch!’

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I’m very happy trump is seeing his day in court soon,

Why lie though?

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You can read the evidence in the indictment though? No idea what you’re going on about.

The indictment only contains the basics of the case and the charges against him. There is said to be over 11 million pages of evidence, the indictment is 45.


11 million source:

Charging and indictments:,citizens%20called%20a%20grand%20jury.

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You don't think it's weird that they've been wasting so much energy on this and nothing has come out?

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But it so hard to prosecute someone you don't like without any evidence...

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They're gonna get really loud about this closer to election season. There won't be any more substance to it than there is now but they'll certainly try.

If he did something illegal beyond what he's already plead to, lock him away. Same with the president. ANY president. I don't care if it's Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton, GW, Clinton, Clinton, GHW, Reagan, Clinton, or fucking George Washington.

So they want to make a case that would stand up in any court - without any hint of evidence? This is as "solid" as Trumps "stolen election" cases.

They want to make a case that "stands up" in the court of public opinion. That's all that really matters. And it's much, much easier to convince morons that there's a "Biden Crime Family" than it is to meet the standards of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in the courtroom.

And even then, their target audience is very specific: It's the population of right-leaning independent voters that don't need much of a nudge to go towards Trump. They don't need millions nationwide. All they need are a few thousand in juuuuust the right parts of various swing states to tip the election in Trump's favor, even if he once again loses the popular vote by a wide margin.

So, the claim here is that there isn't any evidence for Trump to be charged in the stolen election case?

Do you live in a cave?

No, I think they just stated it ambiguously. That's from Trump's perspective. His claim that the election was stolen. Meritless.

I saw this asshat trying to justify himself to Lawrence O'Donnell and one of his "Well isn't that SPECIAL..." stats was that just after Biden left Romania, someone in Romania wired money to his grand daughter.

Which sure SOUNDS damning when you put it that way...

Too bad it didn't actually happen that way...

Here's the timeline:

Biden spoke in Romania
One year later, Romanian national Gabriel Popoviciu wired money to Rob Walker.

Rob Walker later wired about 1/3rd of the $3 mil. to various Biden family members.

So, no evidence Biden was involved in the ask or the payment. LOL.

Lots of stones being thrown by folks in glass houses... I'm not sure the GOP really wants this kind of deep dive into their financials. If you think this is bad, I can't even imagine the kind of shit they're hiding.

The gross irony in the very first sentence of this post... Oversight and Accountability? Fucking laughable.

Response from every single member of the Biden family:

"Dear Mr. Jordan,

We have received the subpoena and intend to treat it with the same level of respect and diligence as you and your colleagues have treated subpoenas in the past. Thank you and have a good day.

Sincerely, The Bidens."

Are there actually rules around who Congress can subpoena? I don't think you NEED to put together a good case, I think you just vote to do it.

Which is lucky for this guy because spoilers... they don't have a good case.

And every one of them should all opt for doing a Gym Jordan on the matter.