Idaho’s Teacher of the Year flees state after being attacked for LGBTQ+ allyship to – 641 points –
Idaho’s Teacher of the Year flees state after being attacked for LGBTQ+ allyship

Karen Lauritzen said it has been the hardest year in her 20 years of teaching...


I want to imagine Republicans actually care about driving out good teachers. But getting rid of education is probably just a win for them.

Only because they're astoundingly shortsighted. This sort of crap causes a brain drain, and absolutely obliterates economies long-term. What we're seeing right now is the beginning.

If they also cared about long term issues, West Virginia would be better off

The venom is what they live for. They don't want to actually fix a single thing

It's why desantis is actively trying to make Florida schools worse. Education = Bad

We’re gonna have to see if they can hit a moving target at 20 yards before Republicans can determine if they’re a good teacher.

Is that with a football or a bullet? Both scenarios fit.

No surprise there.

I live in Idaho and a lot of my neighbors are so fucking dumb it seems like some sort of inside joke I'm not a part of.

I feel you. I'm Idaho born but have lived in CDA for 14 years and watched the community go from trying to distance itself from far right racism to barely dog whistling and trying to shut down the local collage.

I grew up here. People seem proud of being dumb. It was always a select few of proud ignorant people but now more people are embracing it. It's very sad and disheartening.

Idaho born and raised, too. I left for good over ten years ago. Not coincidentally my social life and career have improved significantly in that time. They don’t deserve the good people that remain. They do deserve the enduring shitty national reputation they have thoroughly earned.

Republicans are awful people. Not every Democrat or leftist is a good person - just look at Lemmygrad and Hexbear, or turds like Anthony Weiner. But every Republican has chosen to support a party which revolves around anger and bullying those who are vulnerable.

American conservatism is distilled cruelty.

Both parties are garbage. Not necessarily the people. To say one side of shit is better than the other side of shit just means your not looking at the shit the right way.

"MuH bOtH sIdEs" as you're in a thread about hateful right-wing politics and people driving an objectively good teacher out of her state. You're not very bright.

If the Democrats are like a flood of sewage that comes unbidden into your home, the Republicans are like you constructed a sluice specifically to pipe it in.

No. Democrats are like having to eat mushy vegetables with no salt because they're healthy for you. Undesirable, but necessary.

Republicans are like being paid to eat something gross from the back of the refrigerator. And only rich people get the money. If you're poor, you just have to eat the garbage. Both unnecessary and disgusting.

The people are the party for Republicans. It's their identity

I know some Democrats and they just hate Republican policies because, well, they're not evil people. But being a Democrat isn't part of their identity

Republicans are actually terrible people. Period

In quite a few ways they are similar. Both parties get money from the rich, attack those that have different view points, believe themselves more enlightened than the other, don't keep most of their promises, lie to get what they want, throw fits when they don't get what they want, try to divide people on issues, have zealots, and start to do stuff right before elections come up. Ultimately they are the same with minor differences in views that are taken to the extreme by few loud people.

Now tell me what those viewpoints are

They're not the same, not even close

I'll leave you too it. If I tried to explain everything to zealots I would never leave my phone. Have a good evening.

You're a fucking coward and/or a dumbass.

Abortion rights since one party thinks they shouldn't exist. LGBTQ rights since one party thinks they shouldn't exist. Labor rights because one party doesn't want unions to exist or workers to get things like paid vacation or sick time. Child labor laws, because that's it's own category because one party thinks that 14 year olds can work 40+ hour work weeks. Free school lunches since one party thinks children in poorer familes should starve. Public education, since one party wants to siphon public funds to private schools through school vouchers. Public education again because one party supports book bans and defunding libraries. Healthcare because one party's stance on vaccination caused twice as many of them to die during the pandemic. Healthcare again because one party's stance is to allow insurance companies to be able to discriminate against anyone for any reason by repealing the ACA. Environment because one party has no plans of acknowledging climate change, let alone dealing with it. Environment again because one party wants to dismantle protections that limit pollution emitted into our air, water, and land. Healthcare a third time because one party wants to dismantle protections on food and medicines that would stop people from being poisoned. Labor rights again because one party wants to dismantle protections on workers that would stop them from being injured or dying.

I love how you don't specify which party but everyone knows. Everyone always knows. The people in that party know and get mad when they're called out and start their whataboutism.

At least you get to leave the argument and not have to abandon your state.

It kind of seems like you were just talking shite expecting not to get called on it but when you were your arse collapsed like a wet paper bag.

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"leftists are the ones cancelling people" say the Republicans who drove a teacher out of her state for supporting queer people

And these coward conservatives will simultaneously get upset when we compare them to Nazis.

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Haven't you heard? Educating children is leftist commie bullshit. They don't need math or science or logic just like their parents didn't have. Just keep them at home and thump the Bible at them every now and then, they'll turn out fine.

The article doesn't say where she taught. Post Falls. I'm not surprised. Sounds like Post Falls.

Post Falls is where my ultra conservative Catholic school was based. No surprise here

Every time someone like this flees, conservatives celebrate. One less vote against them and one step closer to their dream.

Yep. A country so shitty that 35 states are unlivable. But that still gets them 70 senators and enough Governors to change the Constitution