Alabama wants to be the 1st state to execute a prisoner by making him breathe only nitrogen to – 145 points –
Alabama wants to be the 1st state to execute a prisoner by making him breathe only nitrogen

They could just try not killing people.

Not that I disagree with your statement, but tbh using nitrogen is way more humane than what they use now. While I believe the death penalty should be done away with (with exceptions for very extreme cases), I think switching to a more humane method of executing someone is better than nothing.

In full agreement. If the state is going to murder people, I'd rather it be in the least shitty way possible.

Still would rather the state not murder people

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Honesty, this is going to be way way way more humane than lethal injection. I'd prefer the state not have the power to kill it's citizens but if they are going to, I want it to be painless

Took the words out of my mouth.

I oppose the death penalty but if it's happening regardless, then at least let's be humane.

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I'm conflicted on this. I want the death penalty abolished, but also recognize that a more humane death lessens suffering.

What I don't want is humane methods of execution being used to further normalize the killing of citizens through a flawed and biased judicial system.

I hope these humans methods are adopted, and that people keep pushing for executions to be abolished.

In my opinion, death penalty is never a solution. For many reasons, but one of the biggest ones being that countries with death penalty don't have less crime for which death penalty is punishment, implying it doesn't really work. Another reason being is that when government kills someone it's doing it in the name of all, making us all murderers. Perhaps the biggest reason is making sure person actually did it. Law is not about who's right but who argues best. Time and time again we've been proven this fact, especially when the rich are involved.

Also it costs a fuckton to prosecute and in many ways is any easy way out. What, you're giving the guy who shot 3 kids and then tried to shoot himself the death penalty?

Life in prison, where the food is just enough to not starve, the healthcare just enough to continue your suffering, where you're surrounded 24/7 by the worst of humanity is about as close to hell as we know exists. Just put people in there.

I know it might be a fine line, but there's a difference between punishment and torture.

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The second one is literally the goal so I wouldn't hold your breath. Or do since it's nitrogen.

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Great BBC documentary about this from years ago:

Definitely shows this is the most humane way to kill people if you needed to.

However the tldw is that the suffering and painfulness of executions are basically the point for many. These sick fucks see it as punishment. "A painless death would not be justice"

Alabama, a state I wouldn't even want to fly over for the chance that the plane could crash and I might survive.

Believe it or not, even a shithole state like Alabama has a few things going for it. My mother spends her winters on Dauphin Island and it's not a haven for dumb rednecks. But I agree overall the state (like lot of US states) sucks.

I wanted to make a Belle Delphine joke because I thought her name was Bella Dauphin but googling to come up with any info about her just came up with bathwater and the correct spelling of her name so clearly I don't know enough about her to make the joke.

And people say the US doesnt innovate anymore.

Instead of inventing new methods to kill people, has anyone ever thought of, well, just not killing them?

They should try nitrous oxide instead. Might creep out the spectators tho when the dude goes out laughing.

They could also use massive doses of morphine (or fentanyl these days), though they don’t because it’s too pleasant a way to go. If they’ve sentenced someone to death, presumably for some heinous crime, they don’t want to put them down like a beloved elderly Labrador.

Frankly, I don’t care how they leave, as long as they do.

Then be the change you wish to see in the world.