Trump gripes on Truth Social that indictments are keeping him from PGA championship in Scotland to politics – 357 points –
Trump gripes on Truth Social that indictments are keeping him from PGA championship in Scotland

In the midst of a considerable amount of legal woes, Trump appears to be spending his Sunday focusing on what's most important to him presently . . . golf.

"I can’t go. I have to stay around and fight off the Crazed Radical Left Lunatics," Trump says


I don't think there's anything coming up immediately that demands his presence in court. This is likely just another lie like "I can't release my tax returns because I'm under audit."

Looking at my timeline, the next events are setting a trial date for Sidney Powell, who has requested an expedited trial in Georgia. That could happen as soon as Monday.

Also on Monday, we get a trial date for the 1/6 charges in Washington D.C.

But I don't see Trump being present for either.

Updated 8/28/2023

13 state felonies
Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
All 19 defendants have surrendered.
Trial - Fani Willis has now requested a trial date of October 23rd after originally asking for a trial date of 3/4/2024, one day before Super Tuesday..
A judge has now confirmed an October 23rd trial date for Kenneth Chesebro. But ONLY for Chesebro as he requested an expedited trial.
Sidney Powell has also requested an expedited trial, no ruling on that yet.

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - DOJ lawyer Jack Smith has requested a trial date of 1/2/2024, Trump lawyers have requested a date of April, 2026. The judge will announce a final date on 8/28/2023.

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one. That trial date is currently set for January 15th, the same day as the Iowa caucus.

Thank you so much for these running summaries, they genuinely make the whole situation actually followable for a non-American <3

Thanks! It started on Reddit when people kept complaining about hearing the same events over and over with no apparent progress and I was like "Do people not realize we're talking about MULTIPLE investigations here and each one has their own process?"

Guess not... so I wrote it up! Helps me keep track too! ;)

Locking in a trial date for the 1/6 case will be a huge help, then we can just focus on Georgia.

Is he allowed to leave the country while the trials are pending? I would think that would be a big flight risk.

Trump wasn't labeled as a flight risk, even though he should be.

So what's keeping him from traveling abroad? Bail bondsman conditions? Advice from his lawyers?

Advice from his lawyers?

When has that stopped him from doing anything?

Part of being arrested is they confiscate passports. The only way he can enter another country is if they give him asylum

Maybe for normal people. He didn’t surrender his passport.

I've not heard that he surrendered his passports yet

I doubt they need to physically take his passport. I'm pretty sure that can be revoked by the DoS at any time. Also with how public this is, I doubt any airport would even allow Trump onto the premises at all, for fear of what may happen if they somehow let him escape.

He does have a private jet. It’s not like Trump is going up to the ticket counter at American Airlines and asking for a ticket, then proceeding to go through TSA for an x-ray or a pat down.

That is also true, but he would still have to file a flight plan. Otherwise those pilots might as well get asylum too, they would never fly again in the US if they took off without filing an FAA flight plan.

The feds did not do this, it was reported. Didn't hear about Georgia, so maybe they did it there.

4 more...

Scotland doesn’t want him there. Why would they?

He's out on bail in four different jurisdictions. I'm sure one of them has a "no international travel" condition.

4 more...

What is the saying, if you cannot do the time, do not do the crime?

If you want a vacation, don't insurrect the nation.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... good.

Dear god... I don't know what I would do if I couldn't fly on my private plane to Scotland to watch the PGA championship!

Yeah, if it could happen to trump it could happen to anyone that endlessly and openly commits crimes!

As is it said by Trump, it is most likely a lie. Safely assume he could go. So probably either there is no PGA championship in Scotland, or he needs the money for his lawyers. Because him being rich is probably a lie, too, I assume it is the second reason.

And here people have been saying he's never had to face consequences before. Behold, he's facing consequences!

And even more, they're consequences he can maybe actually understand!

Woah there partner, hold your horses! You're giving him way too much credit. I believe he's capable of failing to understand just about anything.

Wasn't this clown barred from posting on social media?