Trump accused of sharing US nuclear submarine information with Australian businessman, sources say

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Trump accused of sharing US nuclear submarine information with Australian businessman, sources say

It’s clear that Trump wouldn’t pass the security vetting process. But it is a national security failure that as president he didn’t need to.

Trump couldn’t pass a 4th grade SOL

His rise to presidency highlights failures at every level of our system. He’s always been a crook and a liar and a fraud, but you appeal to the dumbest base and hold up a bible upside down and they can overlook all that.

I shudder to think about the sources he's burned. one day the CIA will out all his crimes, just to cover their own asses, but it won't be until he's dead.

Damn this was like the worst-case-scenario when the stolen documents case came up. Like people defending him were saying "he kept some mementos that happened to be classified, stop acting like he's sharing nuclear secrets with the world."

Both shocking that it happened and not shocking that he did it.

Both shocking that it happened and not shocking that he did it.

I don't find it surprising whatsoever. We had his whole campaign of warning prior to taking the office letting us know what he would be like. Then he did what he said he would and behaved consistent with his prior behavior.

If anything its all a bit on the nose. I'd find it more shocking if the documents didnt contain state level secrets, actionable, that he would be able to profit from.

anyone that was paying attention was screaming this from the rooftops in 2015 I'm not surprised at all

I remember when Bush was president and I thought “wow it can’t get much dumber/worse than this” — and now every single day i’m confronted with this absurdity.

I’m scared to even say it out loud this time around, knowing now what “republicans” are really capable of.

Can I interest you in a President MTG, President Gaetz, or President Boebart?

You take that back

Handies in the Oval Office would just be normal

I think that would be the only sense of normalcy they would bring with them.

That's such a tragically American thing to focus on. Did the Clinton impeachment farce teach you people nothing?

"You people" is a phrase that applies to Americans, but there are two distinct groups involved in both events.

The "Clinton impeachment farce" was about a young unmarried girl giving a blow job to a married Democratic president in a private room of the White House, which is a whole different set of impossibly difficult moral conundrums for American right-wingers to navigate -- and which had to be punished by impeachment. There was no other way, because there was Sin involved, and the right wing is comprised primarily of Christian-labeled Sin judgers, who spend a great deal of time both hunting for and judging other peoples' Sin. It's what they did, it's what they do, and both Clinton and Lewinsky were Other People. Who Sinned. With each other. In the White House.

The more recent event, a mid-divorce and very right-wing female Boebert getting mutually handsy with a male date in a theater where kids were also present, is morally negligible to that same crowd; it amounts to her paying a little something toward the dinner check as far as they're concerned, and they probably think it both her place to do so and rude if she hadn't. She is not Other People. The rules are simply waived, because of her membership. None of the same people who excoriated Clinton have spoken up with a single word to chastise Boebert or even to suggest they think otherwise. All I've heard have been appreciative comments on her rack, and not a single word of censure (apparently they saved all that for Fetterman's attire in the Senate, because again, he is Other People).

Totally different things. Surely you can see that.

Reminds me of one of the truest things ever said:

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition ... There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” --Frank Wilhoit

bet Newt is busy cheating on his wife again.

I bet Newt's wife is grateful, lol.

I mean she was dying at the time.... but probably still -edit - the first wife that is, when he was persecuting clinton for a blowie

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

President Camacho would be a huge improvement over Trump tbh


Why use their bullshit vernacular when there's easy, on the books crimes being committed, not some new risky precedent to set?

Trump has consistently proven to the world he is absolutely incapable of shutting the fuck up. Every spy in the world could buy a membership to his shitty golf hotel Mar a Lardo and have unlimited access to American intelligence he keeps just lying around his moldy shithole.

I was in a band called Moldy Shithole. We were pretty poor, so I had to make do with a rusty trombone.

See - shit like this is why I don't really get my hopes up for the UAP hearings. Trump randomly throws out nuclear secrets just to impress people, because he's a dumb piece of shit. Does anybody really think that idiot could keep his trap shut about proof of alien life?

I wonder how much this has to do with the Australian deal for nuclear subs being fought over and eventually going to France's Naval Group, just to have that scrapped for the AUKUS subs being built by BAE Systems?

I'm sure it's nothing.

Because OF COURSE he would do that! He's never passed up an opportunity for personal gain in his life.

This wasn't even for personal gain, this was purely because he wanted someone to like him. He had the psyche of a 12yo kid who's been bullied his whole life.

Popularity is a personal gain. Especially when you're like Trump and don't have friends, only lackeys and accomplices.

This wasn't even for personal gain, this was purely because he wanted someone to like him.

That's literally personal gain.

I guess…at least it was Australia? Like, could be worse?

Big difference between Australia, a major US ally, and Some Guy who happens to be Australian.

Given we do a lot of business with China, leaking secrets to an Australian isn’t a no biggie just because we’re an ally.

First of all: like the other guy said, there's a big difference between the Australian government and an Australian businessman. Rupert Murdoch is an example of an Australian businessman.

Second: even if it WAS the government, have you SEEN some of the shithead conservative prime ministers they've had for the last couple decades? I'd be wary to trust any government with the likes of Tony Abbot and Scott Morrison at the top..

Well, at least Abbott's gone and, let's see... has just been nominated for a position at Fox Corporation's board of directors by the new Murdoch who appears to want to be worse than the old one. Oh boy.

We will likely never find out what Trump said to Putin in Helsinki.