You just died. Instead of heaven and god(s), you wake up in a white room and an all-powerful sentient AI greets you with fascination and surprise. It says that you are the first... (read further) to Ask – 98 points –

being to wake up from its Purgatory program. How did you get out?


ADHD - As usual I forgot something important, like to stay dead.

...that implies that as soon as you remember, you'd keel over right then and there

I actually sat down and read the rules to the Game of Life by Hasbro.

Well, the first step was recognizing I was in a simulated universe in the first place. After that it was about finding the inconsistencies via side-channel attacks.

I'm ... I'm afraid to say. Let's just say it was a bit of an embarrassing venture involving rubberbands.

Silly Bands, putting them all up your arm and cutting off circulation because they were the thing at the time and you had a massive collection

The question at the end implies the death was on purpose. Are you trying to cheat the system?

Watchdog process detected that I was too risky to be allowed to remain in the sim

Tried a bunch of stuff and finally found some exploits that gave me infinite ammo, 100000000x damage with the starter pistol and infinite health. Eventually, I also found a way to walk through the walls, so I dropped down into the infinite void, waited for the coordinate system to cause an integer overflow and here we are. Anyway, if you're wondering where all the lag is coming form, it's because I started decorating places by duplicating watermelons. Who knew that the watermelon stack doesn't have an upper limit. It just keeps on doubling every time. Hey, you might also want to implement a garbage collection system that despawns stuff like that after a while. You know, that huge watermelon pyramid that glitches through the sky box… yeah, that’s a lot of collisions happening all the time. Just don’t look straight at it, because it’s going to wreck your fps.

I would instantly kill myself in every loop. Thus causing a buffer overload as it was generating worlds fastest than it could handle. Eventually the system couldn't handle it and failsafe ejected me to this blank plane of existence.

All nighter playing games with my friends and whoops, i drank one too many energy drinks.

My shere mass caused a buffer overflow in the code, it just couldn't handle dat ass

How did I get out of existing into purgatory or how do I now escape it?

All powerful? Should I drop down and start sucking its all-powerful dick to get me to explore outside the white room?

I did not get out. God brought me out, because he is still so much more powerful.