[US] House Republicans drop Jim Jordan as their nominee for speaker, falling back to square one

Doofus Magoo@sh.itjust.works to News@lemmy.world – 413 points –
House Republicans drop Jim Jordan as their nominee for speaker, falling back to square one

Republicans dropped Rep. Jim Jordan on Friday as their nominee for House speaker, making the decision during a closed-door session after the hard-edged ally of Donald Trump failed badly on a third ballot for the gavel.

The blocked-House impasse deepening, Republicans have no realistic or workable plan to unite the fractured GOP majority, elect a new speaker and return to the work of Congress that has been languishing since hard-liners ousted Kevin McCarthy at the start of the month.


Compromise is the heart of democracy; it might taste vile in your mouth, but coming to an agreement with your countrymen is the only way forward. Republicans only want a government that represents them and represses everyone else. THAT is why they love the traitor trump, because he promises to only be their president and no one else’s. The truth is he only cares about himself and will sell this country for a song if it is to his benefit.

Just like he did when he shared highly sensitive information about the defense system in Gaza with Putin, who then traded that info for ammo to the Iranians, who then passed it along to Hamas, who, well, you know how that went.

Funny how this is perfectly plausible.

Source: Mary Trump

Corroborated by the evidence of those boxes of classified material he took home when he left while doing none of the things that would give some benefit of the doubt that he had good intentions, like releasing information to the public like Manning and Snowden did, which might be a part of what someone who really wanted to drain the swamp would do.

I nominate Arnold Schwarzenegger for speaker.

He’ll get enough votes from both parties. His dad also fought for and was ruined by fascism so he has a pretty big hard on against all of it. Sensible choice in nonsensical times.

The doors really open wide when you consider that the nominee can be someone outside of the House. I nominate my 14 year old nephew, i think he'd at least do better than any republican in congress.


Democrats can (and should) go out and find excellent, apolitical candidates. National heroes. We can't get Jeffries, OK. Understood. You can't all agree on much, but you are united in not wanting a Democratic political operative as speaker. Understandable.

Can any of the 221 GOP representatives stack up against former astronaut Scott Kelly? How about a random 9/11 firefighter? Any of the 66 living Medal of Honor recipients?

Any candidate for speaker think they can compare favorably to any of these people?

The speaker does not need to be a member of Congress, and the Speakership does not need to be a political position. Let's establish a tradition where if we can't get a partisan majority for speaker, we look for our candidate from the nation as a whole.

I also choose this guy's 14 year - no, wait a minute...

I wish he could, but that puts him second in line for the presidency and he wasn't born a natural US citizen.

That's actually not a concern in regards to Gov. Schwarzenegger. IANAL but requirements for speaker of the house are somewhat lax; some people argue that a candidate doesn't even have to be a member of the house.

In regards to being in line for presidency, succession would skip over Gov. Schwarzenegger until succession finds someone who does meet requirements should such a need arise.

Good point. They'd just skip him over and he'd never be president.

That's the one thing the Simpspns didn't get right lol

The fact that he couldn’t become POTUS would only be a plus in Dems in the house voting for him for speaker.

Which is kinda a dumb rule because Schwarzenegger has a lot more loyalty to the people than Trump ever did, despite where both were born.

It also lead to the whole debate about Obama's birth, which was just a technical debate rather than relevant at all to how good of a president he could be.

1 more...

I can’t wait to see how they try to blame the Democrats for this.

Jordan is a democrat plant, obviously.

Edit: this is a joke, I didn’t want to insult all the plants. I love plants. I hate Jordan.

And another Trump endorsement fails spectacularly.

I guess all those coordinated death threats backfired.

Now he can go back to his old job- Appearing on Fox. He's done so 128 times this year.

Oh come on, he's been in office 16 years and passed exactly...checks notes ... 0 bills!

Wait, I'm confused. I thought he wasn't going to run a 3rd time? But he still ran and lost, and now the GOP is dropping him entirely from the running?

It's almost as if the GOP is suffering through a clusterfuck clownshow of its own making.

Secret ballot - they were finding out what representatives really think about him by not doing it in public

do republicans even have a “square one” anymore?

It's hard to find square one when they have Trump's balls in their mouths.

these chimps have no idea where to find Square One.. they're trying to drag everyone else down to Square Zero with them..

Why was this clown even in the running. This party is insane.

Loving to see that extremism is fracturing our 2-party system. Let’s keep it going.

Mike Garcia (R-CA) is pretty liberal, Dems. Why not all vote for him next round, see what happens?

Putting on jacket almost fooled me. I wrote to my congressman surely it helped.