DeSantis says his health care plan would ‘supersede’ ObamaCare to politics – 106 points –
DeSantis says his health care plan would ‘supersede’ ObamaCare

GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said his health care plan will replace ObamaCare if he is elected to the White House, promising that his full plan will be released in the spring.

NBC’s Kristen Welker pressed DeSantis, the Florida governor, on former President Trump’s vow to repeal and replace ObamaCare — a promise that he failed to keep during his time in the White House.

“Here’s what I will do. What I think they’re going to need to do is have a plan that will supersede ObamaCare, that will lower prices for people so that they can afford health care while also making sure that people will preexisting conditions are protected. And we’re going to look at the big institutions that are causing prices to be high: Big Pharma, big insurance, and big government,” he said on “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

However, he offered scant details for his proposal when asked what “supersede” meant. He said that his plan will have coverage that is “different and better” at the “lowest possible price.”


"My plan is going to replace Obamacare by having the exact same plan as Obamacare."

They can't replace it because Republicans came up with it in the first place.

Not true. Romneycare had a public option

hahha helll yeah... a conservative plan then gutted by conservatives that happens to be purposefully nicknamed obamacare.

the scary part is democrats act like it was some kind of win instead of the bare fucking minimum

It was a win, a bare fucking minium win. Something like 60 million more Americans have healthcare now and pre-existing conditions are covered, which used to be insurance companies go to for declining even more claims.

It's shitty, but so much better than the abysmal system we had before.

insurance != healthcare. that 60 million people can now successfully become bankrupt while maybe gettning some care is not a 'win'.

its a conservative + democrat love letter to insurance companies. you know, the only industry that literally only profits at the cost of human suffering.

america is #1 in medical bankruptcy despite insurance

but yeah, now the insurance company cant NOT take our money before denying the claim, thanks obama

Didn't said Vulture Captial Investment firm, the founder of Bain Captial, ol' "binders full of women", Mitt Romney, recently break from the GOP and say he'd vote Democrat?

Have to admit its weird being on the same side of anything as that police impersonating shitstain.

Sort of. He said he would rather vote Dem than Trump or Ramaswamy. That’s still something, but it does suggest he’d happily vote for Desantis, for example.

"different and better" and "lowest possible price" can only mean one thing: single-payer, tax-funded "medicare for all".

that's what he means, right?

You're right, but even if that was what he was promising, he would still be lying.


“Look, nobody knows how much anything costs. Well, of course it’s not going to lower prices. There’s third-party payers.”

So if he's eliminating 3rd party payers... it makes it SOUND like he's backing single-payer, but I bet he's just pushing it all onto the patient.

if the patient is the only one paying, it's still "single payer"

Well, if there's only one patient. Do we have confirmation he plans to cover anyone but himself?

Trump kept saying he had a healthcare plan ready and waiting. Now he’s saying he will look into it. How do people keep falling for this?

How do people keep falling for this?

Because too many people vote with their emotions instead of with facts.

See also: third party advocates.

They're not falling for it, they're willing to suffer for the cause as long as someone they don't like suffers more.

For the past 10 years, the GOP’s alternative to the Affordable Care Act has been “details are coming.”

My guess is that if DeSantis does show a plan, which is doubtful, it will shy away from the tools that most other nations use to expand coverage and lower costs.

It will be something that the CBO accountants don’t think will work, but the GOP will say “trust me bro, ignore them. They’re deep state.” And if it were to pass, it will do what the CBO said, but they go into Fox News and say the democrats are somehow to blame for the increased costs and terrible coverage.

Because ACA is a Republican plan and it really doesn't go against any of their principles. Indeed, it provides big corporations with a captive market

They had to oppose it as theatre because it was put in place by Obama

He should be worried about Florida homeowners insurance.

If Desantis has taught us anything, it's that he sucks at trying to manage insurance markets.

it’s that he sucks at trying to manage insurance markets.

That and he doesn't care about what happens to what he's in charge of once he's in charge of it.

Why? If no one is offering it, they won't need to keep paying higher and higher premiums! Plus, why should they be forced into some communism plan where they pay into a pool to help other people when they have problems? If your house gets destroyed by a hurricane, just pull yourself back up by your bootstraps (assuming they didn't blow away) just like grandpappy did back in 19 dickety 2.

So this new plan is basically Obamacare in lifted cowboy boots?

Sorry, dork, a healthcare plan that manipulates prices IS "big government".

When Republicans say shit like this together in one sentence, I just immediately know they're full of shit

When Republicans exist, I immediately know they're full of shit.

promising that his full plan will be released in the spring.

I look forward to the years when this plan will be two weeks away.

This guy is dumb as fuck. Appealing to a dying cult rather than the youth and future is going to be the death of this country.

Ron's determination shines through like a pair of polished leather boots. He's currently digging his heels in, facing challenges head-on. With each step, his resolve remains as sturdy as a well-worn pair of heels. Ron is stomping forward, his footprints leaving an indelible mark, ready to kick up some dust and make strides towards his healthcare reform goals.