Google removes app that helps people boycott pro-Israel companies to – 215 points –
Google removes app that helps people boycott pro-Israel companies

It was removed because of language used in the description which has been fixed. It was not removed because of what it did or what it was for.

There are plenty of legit things to get mad about. This wasn't one of them.

The app sadly doesn't appear to be FOSS and thus not on F-Droid, but I did check it out. Streisand effect? Or not apparently it was removed over semantics.

Just a reminder that folks are encouraged to review the rules in the sidebar. It's okay to disagree, but please keep it civil (rule 8). Thanks!

Jfc can we defederate from blahaj? This is getting out of control

Just a heads up for folks - moderator removals unfortunately don't federate between lemmy and kbin. The comments is referring to don't appear for folks on the lemmy side. They're not imagining things!

moderator removals unfortunately donโ€™t federate between lemmy and kbin

Honest to god I keep forgetting about this lol thank you

Blahaj needs to lock down their registrations for a while, seen three different spammers flooding lots of comment sections within the past day or so registered on their instance.

I think it's a trolling group from a specific instance, if you inspect the location of the images attached in the comments

Yeah or do the beehaw thing where they have to write a little something required the same when I signed up. Maybe this should be the standard for major instances. Even Hexbear asks you to fill out a form

??? Wrong post, mate

Must just be for you on Kbin. I can't see them on, or when I view this thread

I did, probably was removed/blocked before you got in here.

It was a hopefully fake image of Nicocado. You don't want more detail than that, trust me.

I'm on Sopuli and see it. It's more noticeable if you post because those comments remain in your inbox forever lol. Not sure if it's an Activity Pub kink or something to be fixed in Lemmy (or both).

It's still on ApkPure and alike, so just another reason to avoid Play Store for net-neutrality.

I do not have any political opinion about it and try to keep myself away from the subject, but Play Store removels of non-virus apps are just Google shooting itself in the foot... again... ๐Ÿ˜…

Good! This is discrimination against a people group and against companies who are being unfairly targeted.

Imagine if this app let you avoid companies that supported Black people? It wouldn't be tolerated for one second.

This is exactly the same. Well done Google.

If Israeli wasn't murdering Palestinians regularly, there would be no need for such an app. Imagine that.

They aren't murdering Palestinians. It's war and Hamas hide behind citizens

The IDF has a long tradition of using excessive force and not caring about collateral damage and deaths of innocent civilians. I don't believe that's changed overnight.

I suppose Hamas was hiding behind this Palestinian, too?

The way I see it, claiming Hamas is hiding behind citizens is just an excuse for the IDF to murder two Palestinians for every Hamas fighter, without stressing their conscience:

The blood of innocents is on their hands and people like you, supporting them. Hamas, the IDF, the Israeli government... All murderers or complicit thereof.

Will they also block apps that help you boycott russian or chinese companies?

I kinda wanna make an app to boycott Xhina, except when you launch it it just says "throw your phone away".

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I think this is a click bail title. I'm pretty sure it was antisemitic.

From what I've read recently, any criticism of the state of Israel is antisemetic now and the Jews Bernie Sanders and Jon Steward are apparently the biggest antisemites of all.

Uh, can we just treat each other with respect? The Jewish population around the world have no control over Israel.

Please stop the hate

You should talk to those people about that who make the ridiculous accusation that Americans Jewish people criticizing Israeli politics are antisemetic.

Agreed. Iโ€™d love for Israelis to stop the hate. They are some of the biggest racists on the planet, see violent settlers encouraged by their own government.

Letโ€™s treat Palestinians with respect. Letโ€™s treat Jewish people around the world with respect. Letโ€™s also give Israelโ€™s government the respect it deserves, similar to the respect we give to apartheid South Africa or the Nazi regime.

similar to the respect we give to apartheid South Africa

Already the case. Western governments loved apartheid South Africa.

Wasn't this an app that just boycotted business with ties with Jews? It would be wild if it wouldn't be deleted

State of israel?

State of Israel what?

The boycott is about Israeli companies. Not "Jews"

Nominally yes, however because most Jews have some ties to Israel, or have relatives in Israel, or workers/brunches most of the Jewish-owned business were targeted For example one of the kosher restaurants that doesn't have brunches in Israel was targeted because their owner has ties to Israel, at least by their words

Biggest Evil In American Politics? Kissinger?

Biggest Evil in American Entertainment? Weinstein?

Biggest Evil in American Finance? Bankman Fried?

Biggest Evil in Human Rights? Israel?

We sure are hitting the high notes in scapegoatism these days huh. And see how natural and easy it all feels

Blaming Jews is just right gosh darn it! Target the only Jewish state, it's only right!

Lay absolutely no blame whatsoever at the heroic freedom fighter Arab Islamic Terrorists who use suicide bombings, missiles, rape, beheading, eviscerating, burning against civilian populations for the last 70 years.

Poor little "Palestinian" cinamon rolls, never did nothin to nobody. Except want peace with Jews, ever.

I didn't even know Kissinger was jewish, maybe I wouldn't include him on your lists because he's a huge fucking asshole responsible for a lot of deaths:

Do you really want to be associated with Weinstein and bankman fried? There's so many other Jews who contribute positively to the world.

Just because these people are Jewish doesn't mean they're worth defending. Associating with them is tying yourself to an anchor and vilifying yourself so your enemies don't have to.

This operative is bad faith actor. Review his post history.

If you didn't know Kissinger was Jewish, you must not be Jewish, and if you're not Jewish, but simply an ally, then shut the fuck up. When the world scapegoats Jews, Jews fucking die, and we're a bit tired of being made to be the ultimate in the sin of the world, because of all the, you know, Expulsion, Inquisition, Pogrom, Holocaust, Terrorism, and stuff. Again, do us a favor, and shut your whore fucking mouth. You have no idea the damage making Jews THE scapegoat causes.

My personal ethnicity should be irrelevant. Maybe focus on my ideas rather than my genes, schmuck.

I suspect your posts have turned more people against Israel and Jews in general than generated sympathy. Your post at the top here is a prime example.

Poor Weinstein, Kissinger and Bankman fried, the only reason someone could hate them is because of anti-Semitism right? Fuck off.

They can't go after your opinions because that racist fuck is too stupid to do anything more than use Judaism as a shield for objectively horrible people and actions.

I mean, look at them defend the Forrest Gump of war crimes right along side a massive financial criminal and a well known sex pest just because of their religion. It's the same reason they've cheered while hospitals get bombed because there's no wrong that can be committed by Israel.

Look at who you're replying to, and their posting history.

Kissinger didn't give a shit about the Jewish people, or people at all, even after seeing first hand the horrors of the Holocaust. Kissinger backed the genocide of Bengali Hindus, personally approved bombings in Cambodia, directly influenced the reign of terror that would murder thousands of Chileans, and told Nixon that the gassing of Soviet Jews wasn't America's concern. He called US jews who called for action against the Soviets "self serving bastards" and completely ignored his own heritage when visiting his home town in Germany.

Amazing that you would claim him when he wouldn't claim you.

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Kissinger was openly anti semetic, he was jewish by birth and heavily and openly hated it.

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