Valve To Steam Deck Owners: Stop Huffing Its Vent Fumes to Steam – 254 points –
Valve To Steam Deck Owners: Stop Huffing Its Vent Fumes

I just Huff my Stream Deck recreationally or socially, I’m not addicted to it I can stop anytime I want

Listen here fuckstick, you’re a junkie and your deck sucking is tearing this family apart

Steam Deck

Steam Deck with OLED screen

Steam Deck with aromatherapy cartridge slot

Finally, FINALLY we can have... not the smellovision nickelodeon promised us... but something SUPERIOR!

Aromatic Gaming!

swift cut to gamer playing HL2 on his Steam Arom-OLED Deck, actually wretching and vomiting when Gordon gets to Ravenholm

Hrm... I wonder what GMANs time stasis pocket dimension... smells like.


Ozone, maybe?

Headline 3 years from now: "Huffing Steam Deck vent fumes linked to increased risk of cancer" (Only when done habitually)

Ads: "Have you or a loved one huffed Steam Deck fumes? You may be entitled to compensation."

Valve: Goddamnit. You fucking addicts couldn't stop huffing the vents. WE FUCKING TOLD YOU! It's safe for normal usage. NORMAL usage. Not heroine addict levels of usage!

How do you guys cook your fumes?

I crank up all the performance settings and keep Ling's website on 24x7. Nothing makes a more decadent fume than running state-of-the-art portable gaming hardware on shitty web code. Can't beat the high off of Steam Deck engineers' imaginary tears.

Don't besmirch the good name of Ling's Cars like that, it's like a lighthouse in a sea of corporate blandness!

You're not the boss of me steam. Just keep the supply moving, I need my good good

This "article" lacks any attempt at explanation for that sweet sweet Valve plastic smell. I feel like the index has the same flavor. Maybe their component suppliers?

Yeah it's honestly not really an article, more like a summarised and paraphrased version of the Reddit post it came from. But I thought the headline was pretty funny

My Steam Deck doesn't have the smell anymore, but when it did I knew it was unhealthy to smell it, yet I did anyways. It didn't even smell good. It was just impossible to resist.

I thought I'm doing this to check how hot the steam deck runs. It's just so convinient to tilt it and check with the nose... But now, after reading the article, I'm not sure I'm not addicted to the fumes!

Asking steam users not to huff valve's fumes, that's a tall order.

Just a few drops of essential oils into the vents while playing some demanding game and all your worries will fly away!

Who needs essential oils with those vents?! Bout to make a Bane mask outta Deck vents.

I guess I’ll have to add this to my upcoming Steam Deck Owner Simulator game.

Release it on steam deck but just make it a blank screen since they're already experiencing owning a steam deck

If they didn’t want me sniffing it, then they shouldn’t have made it smell EXACTLY like my first PC. Until then I’m huffing it like ashy larry hits the pipe.

I don't own a Steam Deck nor have access to one...but now I want to sniff one. I must know what it smells like!

It’s got that ‘new-tech’ smell blowing out of the cooling vents in spades.. it’s legitimately pleasant!

For better or worse, I never quite understood the Steam deck smell. My sense of smell lacks the ability to smell a lot of things, so I'm guessing I'm just unable to pick up on whatever makes it so appealing to people.

I am pretty sure it is a nostalgia thing for me. It smells like electronics from my childhood, moreso than other newer electronics I have. When I smell the vent it brings me back to my childhood and all of my friends and siblings gathered around a console in a small room with no AC in the middle of summer. A simpler time when I wasn't a dad, didn't have a mortgage, a job, taxes and bills to pay etc. I was just a kid sitting on the floor shirtless in shorts surrounded by my friends trying to finish games.

Dear Valve, stop telling me what to do. And no, I won’t wear a hat on a windy day either

What does it smell like?

It's a bit sweet. Not to the full extent of 3D printing PLA but it's in the area.

Interestingly, the Valve Index scent is almost exactly the same as the Steam Deck vent scent, just the Deck's air is heated. I remember the Steam Controller box also smelling like this.