Why are 1,500 Americans still dying from COVID every week?

ZeroCool@slrpnk.net to News@lemmy.world – 228 points –
Why are 1,500 Americans still dying from COVID every week?

Feels like a combination of vaccine distrust and misinformation, cost of medical care, and the spread through coming to work sick as many can’t afford not to.

It’s a horrible situation all around that will continue as it was mismanaged from the start.

and the spread through coming to work sick as many can’t afford not to.

In March of 2019 2020 I said this would change nothing about how businesses run, and within two years we would be back to sending people in to work sick. What I didn't predict was the CDC actually changing fucking medical guidelines to benefit business instead of following the actual timeline it takes from infection to no longer spreading COVID.

It fucking sucks so hard being right. It was like overnight from "You're heroes!" right back to "You're lucky to have a fucking job! You should be thankful to me for keeping you employed!"

No one in corporate America gives one fucking shit about our lives. Why aren't more Americans ready to fucking strike over it? Probably because they're fucking stupid.

A huge chunk might be stupid, but a vast majority of workers have no union protection, are one accident/car trouble/missed paycheck away from homelessness, AND have their healthcare tied to their job. Its a hurricane of fuck you that the ultra wealthy have created aimed at the working class.

In March of 2019

Ah, so COVID happened a year earlier in your timeline

Lmao, yeah, wrong year. 2020, of course. Please forgive my misspeak/type.

It sure fucking FEELS like we’ve been dealing with this for 5 years LOL

I mean in a month and a half it'll be 4 years

I heard a theory that covid was around in Europe for a few months before it was officially recognized.

late 2019 it was on the radio about a flu in China. I remember christmas eve 2019, talking with the guys at the parts counter about all this, wondering if they would close the border, the date is clear in my memory becuase i needed an important vehicle part in order to get home for christmas. They did, a couple months after the flu arrived the following year. I was so fucking mad that they didn't do a hard January closure, instead of a half assed patial closure 6 months late that literally solved nothing, prevented nothing, angered and inconvenienced people in two neighbouring countries that both had the fucking flu while thousands upon thousands of "essential" people just carried on. The whole thing was quite literally fucking retarded. Later there was proof it was in Italy early summer 2019, that's not a theory. Samples from water treatment plants.

WTF summer 2019 was very early in the timeline

Same as USA, people in my office were coming in with walking pneumonia getting everyone sick in January 2020 and this was a tech and health company (works closely with hospitals and health insurance)

They’ve also Making it really hard to find a shot.

My doctors office didn’t have it, Rite aide wants $100 for it, my state is stupid about providing the shot. I should probably go over to the next state and try there.

Weird. I went to the local minute clinic and got it for free (or maybe insurance, I guess I don't know come to think of it. There was no copay though) just a few weeks ago. I've never run into someone saying they were finding it harder to find one, either.

I have subsidized insurance in my state. They only cover it at drs offices, ours have no covid vaccine available. We may switch drs.

Did you try https://www.vaccines.gov ? Also your city, county, or state beauty departments may have (had) days where they gave out free vaccines - admittedly, those may or may not be over for the year, but you can bookmark the info for next fall.

Got Walgreens? They take most insurances for the covid shot.

Also Safeway?

Conservatism. That's why.

If every conservative wanted to off themselves I wouldn't complain, but they're going to take everyone else with them.

Not everyone else, just the antivaxers, seniors, immunocompromised and a small fraction of the rest of us.

Because US citizens are uneducated and selfish? That's all it really takes.

Some, yeah. Some have no choice but to go into work sick, spreading it around. A lot can't afford healthcare because it's a dumb system that we just have to deal with.

Blanket statements assuming all citizens are as dumb, selfish, and callous are harmful.

He didn’t say all citizens, he said US citizens.

Because an even bigger epidemic known as "the stupid" is also going around.

Lab tests show it's lethal and puts everyone at risk. Symptoms include shouting things like "Murica", and wearing red baseball caps. According to the CDC the primary vector is Fox, OAN, NewsMax, and the GOP.

There currently is no cure.

There currently is no cure.

Lead poisoning comes to mind... Assuming the lead is delivered at sufficient velocity to a vital organ...

Because people like the HR lady at my job think it's fine to come to a company function with a fever and pour drinks for everyone. Fucking hag ruined the Christmas break for everyone in the plant. Nobody could visit with their families because one selfish person thought nothing of infecting anyone and everyone around her. Folks didn't learn a damn thing from 2020.

Folks didn’t learn a damn thing from 2020.

This above all. I remember thinking, if we at least learn some basic precautions, like not packing in lines in supermarkets, it at least would have served a sort of purpose. But people here act like it's 2018 again. We learned exactly nothing, and we have changed nothing. Not a single guideline is upheld here, not even the ones that are near zero inconvenience.

It went the other way and people "learned" to be anti vaxx lol.

Yes some places worse than others. I live in Denmark and we have about 90% vaccinated. Still that's beginning to be a while ago, and we have some that are beginning to get COVID, minor precautions could prevent that at least to some degree, with the added benefit of also helping against the flu.
So the difference is that here people don't die that I know of. In places that are not well vaccinated, it's of course even more sad that people don't take better care.
It's weird that there are still so many anti vaxxers in places like USA and some Eastern EU countries. When the evidence from here is quite clear. We have among the highest rate of vaccinated people together with Norway. And we have the lowest rate of deaths and long COVID together with Norway, and also among the lowest negative impact on economy.
But I guess somehow evidence doesn't count for them, but crazy people with bullshit claims do.

I feel like a part of this must also be from fatigue from masking, etc. Everyone seems to just be pretending that it's not a thing any more. I hardly see any masks.

What fatigue? People only kinda reasonably masked up in 2020 and 2021. Stupid public messaging like the “you do you” campaign in New York (of all places) have done huge damage to masking. Also WHO saying that masks don’t work..

Y’all need to get cooler masks

(Not specifically you obv)

I used to mask up pretty religiously but got fed up at people grilling me about it all the time e.g. you're not sick, no one is around, pandemic is over etc. I don't care anymore. We deserve it.

Wearing masks and thinking of others in society doesn't fit the me, myself, and I above all else narrative of a true Maga Patriot

I feel at this point most if not all of us know someone who died from covid. If that can't convince the idiots to stay on top of their vaccines, I don't know what will.

You can try to teach a pig to sing, but it won't work, it'll just annoy the pig.

This was a pretty interesting read, not compleyely up to date statistics, but still. Is this trend still true? Anyone got updated data? https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/why-do-vaccinated-people-represent-most-covid-19-deaths-right-now/

I don't have any updated data, but reading this from the article you posted:

"Indeed, vaccinated people now make up the majority of the population – 79% of adults have completed at least the primary series – and the latest CDC data show that vaccinated people also now represent the majority of COVID-19 deaths. There are many more vaccinated people than there are unvaccinated people, and vaccinated and boosted people are, on average, older and more likely to have underlying health conditions that put them at risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes"

Seems to make sense. My guess is that most of the unvaxxed people that were gonna die from Covid have already died. Some people have become immuno-compromised after 2020, and so they are still dying, but most of them might already have an immunity built up through having caught it and survived. So it's likely those older, already vaxxed (but immuno-compromised) folks that are now being taken out by the newer mutations of the virus

(Again, i'm guessing, but it seems to make sense)

out of all the comments not one about the state of the US education system

when is the last time schools got major funding like back in the space race of the 60s?

not justifying behavior but might be a few reasons for this article and not to mention super fund sites found all over the US

Maybe because a lot of Americans don't have healthcare and the vaccine is no longer free?

I agree but I’m pretty sure the vaccine is still free at like cvs and targets. Similar to their flu annual flu shot

I don't think the flu shot is free without insurance either?

Yeah, the pharmas just jacked up the price because all the subsidized research and first couple rounds of profits only got them a medium sized yacht.

It's still free and they've offered multiple courses of it since it came out and they've been pretty liberal with it. When I was living there I got the 1st and 2nd dose plus 2 courses of boosters all for free.

I would think the majority of deaths are from some combination of poor general health in the population which is also aging, antivax/antimask/conservative bullshit, and workers rights sucking wrt sick time/etc.

Isn't it being free ending now for some insurances? I don't know if it has already happened or it's happening soon, but unless something has changed again, it's happening.

Not sure when/if that goes into effect but if so that wouldn’t have any weight on the situation in the article right now.

The COVID vaccine was commercialized now, so they can charge for it. I don't know when that takes effect or if there are other ways to get it free, like through a voucher or manufacturers coupon. I hope hospital networks and similar are just eating the cost and giving them out.

Wow, the housing crisis is over folks! 1500american/6per house*365days/year. That's 91,250 houses becoming available on a yearly basis!

They'll just get bought up by corporate landlords

You forgot that it's 1500 per week, not per day

Oh. Man! That's not enough, we need trump rallies to get it going again lol.

Wow, the housing crisis is over folks! 1500american/6per house*365days/year. That's 91,250 -houses- trailers becoming available on a yearly basis!