What games need a remaster?

InternetPirate@lemmy.fmhy.ml to Gaming@beehaw.org – 15 points –

The entire Legacy of Kain series. Wish they would have finished the series :(

keep the original voices though!

The voice acting in those games were top-notch and I don't want to risk ruining that

Great pick, I keep meaning to check them but they sure can look daunting these days

I'm trying to replay the series right now on my Steam Deck. Started with Soule Reaver, but the controls are pretty jarring coming from modern control schemes. Soul Reaver 2 was always my favorite though, the story and setting of that game is a masterpiece

The PC ports are very rough. May have better luck with an emulated version.

That's what I ended up doing. I'm playing it through emudeck. The camera is still awful though, so I doubt that I will finish the game. I'll most likely jump to Soul Reaver 2.

Eternal darkness for the GameCube could be so good with a proper remaster.

The original Quake but the asthetic needs to be identical and NIN should actually do the soundtrack.

Deus Ex would be great, it was so ahead of its time.

Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas could use a 64-bit version. Even if they change absolutely nothing else about those games, that alone would be a major improvement, as they are very prone to crashing from running out of address space, especially if you have graphics mods installed.

Not saying that these shouldn't have a more stable official release, but hasn't this been solved by mods for a long while now? At least New Vegas I remember when I last set up mods installing a fix for this, it's actually quite stable now if you install all the recommended fixes.

Also there is a modding team making a remaster of new vegas using the fallout 4 engine. It looks really impressive, they've been working on it for years now.

That should do the trick! But, all of the old FNV mods won't work on that.

Red dead redemption 1

Honestly read dead redemption holds up so well.

Yeah but i dont want to buy a 10 year old system to play it

It runs really well on Xenia-canary.

I've run into a deal breaking issue for me. Functions kind of like 'reverse mouse acceleration.' Faster I move the mouse the slower the camera moves. If I try to make a quick turn during a gunfight it remains basically stationary. Tried adjusting every setting and can't get it resolved. Only behaves like that in the emulator. Really bummed because I REALLY want to play it.

For most of them a proper remake rather than a remaster but I'll take what I can get

  • Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
  • Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (originally used the same engine as Age of Empires 2 so porting it to the Definitive Edition engine should be doable)
  • The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Final Fantasy VIII
  • Assassin's Creed 1

Played Assassin's Creed 1 recently and it's so clunky. A remaster would need some new controls or something to be viable today, but a remake would be better.

Maybe this is moot since they just the usual Square Enix “remaster” (read: poorly upscaled and very basic QoL improvements)

I want some love for Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross. Even if they just made it 2.5 HD similar to Octopath Traveller, Diofield Chronicle, etc

Early BioWare stuff. Specifically KOTOR (don't know what's going on with that remake, but doesn't seem to be going anywhere right now), KOTOR II (yes, I know it's Obsidian, but still), and Jade Empire. Probably Dragon Age: Origins as well.

Since they're already doing it, it's probably a useless mention, but Splinter Cell needed it, especially for PC.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and the Kyle Katarn Jedi games could probably do with a touch-up as well. But they're "not canon", so that's not happening.

Maybe also the original Deus Ex and/or Thief.

I expect System Shock 2 might get one in a few years, although it isn't as desperately needed as the original was.

Bioware just announced layoffs.

God forbid any exec there have literally any brains or sight above 3 months. I'm so goddamn frustrated with the shell corporation formally known as Bioware. Yes, your quarterly revenue is in the toilet, you invest money to make a killer game and make profit when you release. Games take time, stop fucking laying off people and trying to squeeze it for every dollar and just make a good goddamn game.

They have massive IPs like KOTOR, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age that literally everyone is chomping at the bit for. They could have staff working on all three with a new game coming out every two years with DLCs in between, but they're afraid to invest in it.

They could have the next RDR2 or Witcher - if they actually invested in it. They could be the name for RPGs again, but they're too afraid about not being able to afford their next BMW.

They could be the name for RPGs again

Unpopular opinion: They never were. And neither was Bethesda. Black Isle/Obsidian are the true masters of RPGs. There was a period of time when they would take other studios' engines and IPs and produce sequels/spin-offs that vastly surpassed the original in terms of writing and world design. Bioware made Baldur's Gate, Black Isle made Planescape: Torment. Bioware made Neverwinter Nights, Obsidian made NWN2. Bioware made KotOR, Obsidian made KotOR2. Bethesda made Fallout 3, Obsidian made Fallout: New Vegas. If anything, it's Black Isle/Obsidian games that deserve to be remastered.

There are a bunch of old Sega IPs I'd love to see get a modern treatment. Alex Kidd. Space Harrier. Shinobi. Wonder Boy in Monster Land got the proper treatment a few years back with a gorgeous remake and a pseudo-sequel.

Deus Ex. The original one. It has such great story and gameplay but is dated by today's standards.

Good old Revolt. It'll be awesome with a remake of the game with the similar feel, realistic driving characteristics and challenging gameplay that's actually fun and difficult to master. I'd love a hyper realistic version of an RC car game just like revolt was back when it launched.

Final Fantasy 9. It's my favourite in the series, and it's gotten lots of rereleases in its original form. But it would be nice if it got a more polished updated remaster.

Though I would be afraid of how modern Square sensibilities might change the pretty iconic character designs.

The main reason this world/could work is because it IS so quirky, that they couldn't fuck it all up like they have everything else progressively more since ff9 came out. Square peaked with ff7 and took a nosedive after 10, change my mind. Baseless uneducated hot take: I blame Enix. Either that, or they still haven't figured out how to actually bring fun JRPG gameplay into the 21st century without ruining it and making it generic and dull. Ff11 onwards lack intimacy, value, and quiet - they're tacky, cheap, and feel disingenuous.

So, ff9 getting a remaster, they couldn't mess up something that's the antithesis of their modern stuff so badly that that quirky game loses ALL of it's appeal.

I say all of this knowing this dissent and criticism will upset people, but I've been staying quiet on this for far too long and it has to be said.

I don't know, I think it's possible they do mess it up, I would worry they would update the character designs to be more "marketable" (the cast of FF9 really are a weird looking bunch, but in a good way)

But I hope you're right!

Isn't FF9 being remade with more or less the classic gameplay and look?

oh really?! I hadn't heard but that's great if so! I really hope they do keep the classic look then. :)

Old MGS, Max Payne

Fuck yeah, Metal Gear Solid! I feel like remasters and PC ports are a no brainer. Konami has the engine Kojima did for MGS5, which I assume is what they are using to re-make 3.

Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsen's Odyssey

Man, I love that game, but it has some things I'd love to see improved by a remaster.

Icewind Dale 2 need a remaster / EE edition. I remember reading somewhere that the source code was lost. Same issue with HOMM3 extensions that why there is no HD edition of the full game and why GOG version is still the best.

Beyond Good and Evil.

Absolute masterpiece. Ubisoft has been squandering the IP for decades.

  • Parasite Eve
  • Prototype 1
  • Legend of Dragoon
  • NFL Blitz (just a modern upgrade, keep the arcade feel)
  • Smash TV

We're actually getting a Star Ocean 2 remaster in November, so I can cross that off the list.

Matrix Path of Neo. I loved that game so much and the last time I tried emulating it was so bad. I was completely hyped at that recent tech demo until I realized that was all it would be.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Vagrant Story

but please don't completely change the visual style! just clean them up for modern resolution screens


I feel like Morrowind was a "perfect storm" situation that can never happen again. A new version would be... less than good, I feel.

Now Daggerfall, on the other hand. There were many good things about it, but in sum, it was kind of a mess. I would love to see it reimagined with updated gameplay and a tightened up map. I would shrink it down to a Skyrim-like scale, but include a whole second underground map consisting of a massively overcomplicated labyrinth of tunnels and shafts connecting together a bunch of extraneous architecture representing fragments left over from thousands of years and multiple timelines of history. It wouldn't be designed to be navigable. The main quest wouldn't touch on it. It would just be there for maze-fiends like myself to get lost in.

very niche but Skies of Arcadia! I miss my pirate RPG with airship battling featuring main characters that may or may not develop a harem at the end.

Star wars jedi power battles. More people need to know about the second best jedi game with the worst title that ever existed.

I know I’m in a minority but DK64! I loved that game as a kid. Maybe it was because my game library was quite small growing up but I spent hours and hours during summer vacation with the DK Crew

C&C: Tiberian Sun and the Firestorm expansion. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original C&C, but picked up the remaster to show my support in the hopes that Tiberian Sun would get the treatment. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be happening as far as I've seen.

Yes, and Red Alert 2 as well (since it runs on the same-ish engine).

I've been hoping for this since the release of the remastered versions of the original C&C and Red Alert.

Duck Hunt, but make it realistic.

Whatever happened to gun games on consoles in general? Duck hunt was great when I was a kid, and later we had games like Time Crises. I miss those.

Lightguns don't work on LCD screens, so they were not feasible on most consoles once folks started swapping out their CRTs.

Wii had a handful of light gun like games (that used the sensor bar of course) with the Wii Zapper, but other than that games of this type have needed more niche peripherals (Kinect, PS camera, now VR) that have made them more niche.

Lightguns don't but newer technology does. Guns these days just use cameras and they work fine. There's no technical limitations here.

But I do appreciate your comment because that was an actual thing for a while, so completely relevant.

Right, but "just use cameras" is what I mean by "niche peripherals."

Other than the Wii, no modern consoles have had an installed user base for Move/Kinect/Camera type stuff to make it worth it for many developers to get involved. And even the Wii was just mostly shovelware waggle games, though as I mentioned there were some Wii Zapper games that approximated lightguns.

I think at this point we're past the sorts of external cameras and tracking necessary for lightgun things even more than we already were. This sort of stuff has already moved to VR and I don't know that we're gonna get them back in the physical realm any time soon.