My Selfhosted Homepage to – 345 points –

What is everyone else hosting? What am I missing?


Personal preference: Jellyfin instead of plex

Some that I run that you don't seem to have anything for:

  • Lancache (if you have several gaming PCs on the network or host any kind of lan party)
  • surveillance camera software e.g. shinobi
  • I see grafana, but other monitoring services like icinga, librenms, etc
  • Mayan EDMS - I've found this really helpful as anything I get in the mail, I scan in, and this makes it all searchable and retrievable.
  • There's a whole hole you could dig if you start getting into home automation (I use home assistant)

So I do have a jellyfin instance, but for some reason it couldn't play some video formats that Plex could. I haven't looked into it in too much detail yet though. And definitely need to look into Shinobi or frigate! Thanks for the suggestions!

Check your encoding settings! Also if you use an iOS client, I highly recommend Swiftfin, as it seemed to support direct play on some files the Jellyfin app wouldn’t play at first. I’m still new to it too, but after I got my GTX 1080Ti set up on the right encoding settings, it’s been nothing but butter with everything I throw at it.

What about Jellyfin do you prefer? I remember jellyfin not having the greatest hw encoding when I tried but that may be different now.

I use Intel Quick Sync and getting that to work with Plex through Unraid was a breeze. I certainly did not have the same experience with Jellyfin at the time.

I'm a huge supporter of open source, so Plex being closed alone makes it gross to me. Very little about Plex felt selfhosted.

I also like to tinker a lot and jellyfin lets me screw around with much more under the hood - precise encoding settings, dlna customizations, I'm sure there's more but the primary driver was ideology. I'm not giving my money to some company that's primarily developing features I don't want so that I can use my own media to the fullest.

I've had very little issue with hardware accelerated encoding, but I already had the right drivers installed and on unix OSes that's probably the hardest part

Thanks for the response! I think I’ll give it another shot when I get home. I’ve been procrastinating some of my home assistant projects so this is perfect haha

I've been looking at something for my cameras. I got Zoneminder running but configuring its behaviour was a nightmare.

All I want is to keep a limited rotating backup of a few cameras. Would Shinobi do that?

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Wish I had the time/energy to host this much... Currently I'm running

  • Plex
  • Nextcloud (snap on ubuntu VM because its easy)
  • pihole
  • pivpn

I'm also running Jellyfin and Navidrome, in an attempt to determine if they are good alternatives to Plex for like 6 months at this point. See comments above about time/energy.

Jellyfin ftw

I didnt use any speciall features on plex, but for me the only advantage of plex was the abbility to have all movies/tv shows in one folder. After switching to jellyfin and *arrs the folder structure is sorted so I have 0 reasons to consider plex again

I love Jellyfin, but they need to sort their subtitle support out.

Idk is it jellyfin or bazarr (probably bazarr), but subtitles are working fine here.

I’m also dual running Plex and Jellyfin. Ive had a few files I’ve downloaded that Plex won’t play but Jellyfin will. I like plexs UX a smidge better but if more issues like that pop up I’ll be a convert

How hard was it to set up homepage to show all of this? This is very cool, well done

So there is a bit of a learning curve, but the Homepage docs are pretty well written. YAML is a bit of a bitch to work with though. Very similar to JSON and easy to read, but God forbid you aad some unintentional whitespace

Things I have that I don't see on the list

  • Home Assistant
  • Frigate
  • Mosquitto
  • ESPHome
  • Gitea
  • SyncThing
  • Weavescope
  • Vaultwarden
  • Keyper
  • Kanboard

What do they do?

Home assistant is a home automation hub that integrates with almost everything.

Mosquitto is an MQTT message queue.

Frigate is an NVR that works with many camera systems and offers AI detection

ESPHome is a platform for programming ESP32/ESP8266 based devices for home automation

Gitea is a self hosted alternive to GitHub and includes an action runner

SyncThing is a peer to peer sync tool that allows you to sync PC to PC, mobile to PC, and mobile to mobile.

WeaveScope is a tool for detecting and monitoring containers across multiple hosts

Vaultwarden is a rust-based alternative server for BitWarden

Keyper is a container that manages SSH key authentication in a great way

Kanboard is a kanban board

Do you run homepage next to HA?

I mean homepage looks very sleek and I had a sudden urge to set it up :-) , but tbh, having HA set up for both browser/tablet and phone, I don't think I'd ever actually look at homepage...

I do, but it's for a semi-unique situation.

I have Homepage running for my Work VLAN, without all the personal hosted stuff, and I am even thinking of building extensions for Homepage to add buildkite and JIRA so it better suits my work dashboard needs.

My Setup:


  • Plex (never had good experiences with Jellyfin unfortunately)
  • Radaar
  • Sonarr
  • Lidarr
  • Readarr
  • Jackett
  • Prowlarr
  • qbittorrent
  • MariaDB
  • phpmyadmin
  • BookStack
  • LibreNMS
  • portainer
  • watchtower
  • pihole (2)
  • Nginx

All running in docker on two synologys. Only other things I'm running is an old CloudKey for the Unifi APs and HomeAssistant on HomeAssistant yellow (pi cm4)

What software is that?

It's called Homepage. Not sure if I'm allowed to link to stuff here. But it's basically a YAML based landing page for your self hosted apps

Thanks! I’ll check it out. (I don’t know the rules wel enough either.)

Could you share your settings file, or at least the background and icons? I love the aesthetic

Seconded, I'd love that Docker UI for my UnRaid NAS

Checkout Homepage in community apps! It's configurable via YAML files

Awesome, thank you so much! Any chance you could share your YAML file or at least how to make them? Or does it make it fairly easy to learn how to configure it? Not at my computer atm so I can't check myself, sorry

Looks like Homepage (need GitHub link). The setup is pretty well documented with widget support. Background definitely would be nice though

Shinobi seems to be pretty lightweight though. I’m running it in an orangepi zero recording 4 cameras 24/7 and streaming their feeds with no hardware issues from the orangepi. Would frigate be able to run on light hardware?

Object detection will be a challenge, especially for multiple cameras. It'll probably be fine if you have an Intel processor with quick sync.

I'm running Blue Iris on a Windows VM. I also have on an Ubuntu VM with a Quadro P2000 for object detection (it also does Plex transcoding, the object detection doesn't stress it very much).

My previous "home server" was a raspberry pi 4 running home assistant and motioneye for 2 cameras. It was able to handle it with a reasonable amount of headroom. That being said, I couldn't imagine an SBC being able to handle object detection on top of that.

I've got frigate running on a HAOS VM as an add-on. 2 cameras both running detection with only 2 cores dedicated to frigate.

Using proxmox on an old Intel 5960x, very minimal usage I'm sure you would see reasonable results on an orangepi. I guess make a backup of your SD / NVME before wiping and testing.

Been meaning to tweak detection as it's a bit slow right now, wanting some automations built around person / presence detection utilising zone detection but it's too slow right now.

Plex Jellyfin Plex_debrid Lemmy Home assistant Home bridge Minecraft Valheim Librespeed

Whoa haven't heard of plex_debrid until now. How is the quality with the streams? Can quality be controlled like how downloads are with sonarr/radar?

@chandz05 I'd totally add in Organizr to create a single page solution to access all of your various services. Beats bookmarks any day of the week

Y'know, I've played around with Organizr a little bit and didn't quite like it. I think I had some trouble setting it up or something. I'll probably go back to try it again at some point

I moved from Organizr to Homepage via Heimdall.

I had no end of issues with Organizr. It felt like something broke with each update and performance was pretty bad (not to mention some apps just not working with it). Seemed to be pretty common when I last tried it a couple of years ago, there were lots of similar complaints.

The good thing about Homepage is that the widgets mean you rarely have to go in to each app’s ui, so it actually saves me time.

I was searching for a Lemmy Instance in that mix 😅

You know, I considered it. But I would rather set that up on a VPS rather than something under my desk 😂

My list:

  • Home assistant
  • Jellyfin
  • Lemmy
  • Lidarr
  • Pihole
  • Prowlarr
  • Radarr
  • Readarr
  • Sonarr
  • Tdarr
  • UniFi Controller
  • Windows VMs for domain, and clustered file storage.
  • Zoneminder

Looks awesome! How do you use tdarr? Does it transcode all media picked up by sonarr/radarr?

Not OP but yes. You configure your desired output format as well as a number of other options like stripping subtitles etc.. and just let it rip. It's saved me terabytes of space with my collection.

I use Radarr and Sonarr containers with the Sickbeard MP4 Automator built in, and run some post-processing scripts in both Radarr and Sonarr to get everything in M4V (Apple household).

Does Tdarr essentially do the same thing?

It can. I'm actually using it to transcode from h.264 to h.265. But yes, you can also transcode to different formats, codecs, audio etc. I just started using it, but It seems pretty flexible and extensible

Awesome, thanks. I’ll take a look (along with Homepage!).

Which nextcloud image do you use? I've been having issues with the linuxserver being kinda buggy at times (not loading file previews or not being able to close a preview without editing the URL) the app has performed pretty well but the web ui hasnt been great

Yeah I'm using the linuxserver one. It was a bit buggy for me, but I feel it's improved with each update. Especially the new one, v27 I think? I also feel like the longer the server is online, the better it feels, so it may be a caching thing too

What sort of backend setup are you running?

I'm running unRaid on an i5-12400 with 32Gb RAM. I'm also using an NVME cache drive for uploads to Nextcloud and have unRaid scheduled to move the files over to the HDD array every night

Edit: also the linuxserver MariaDB image for DB. If you're also running MariaDB, have you done the manual check for errors and update process? That might help?

Looks breddy gucci --- holy mother of pimples, 39% blocked sites on your pihole? Where is it being used, on your phone?

Not that crazy. I think I’m sitting at 23.5%?

Alexas phone home… a lot. My TV does the same. As do many random devices in my network.

I have IoT devices that would love to phone home but I’m controlling them locally so have disallowed them connecting to the internet.

It adds up quickly.

Is that a lot? It's usually between 30-50%. I've set it up as my routers DNS server so it blocks ads across my entire network. Everything that connects to my router get pihole ad blocking

Is that a lot?

It definitely is -- considering that my rpi 4 with pihole has an average of 10% to 15%.

A friend of mine has something like 64% blocked. That’s what blocking telemetry does to ya! Every piece of tech, especially Samsung phones, Google TVs and various game clients phones home with such persistence that you’d think they’re DDoSing themselves.

No, it's only high in comparison to your experience. Others may have way more.

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I understand none of this but I do find it cool looking and very interesting.

I use Plex and even then it’s on a seed box.

Why not just use bookmarks?

I like the "at a glance" functionality that the various APIs provide. I can view all relevant information on a single page without having to click through different apps. I just set this as my homepage on chrome and it's like bookmarks on steroids

Bookmarks are cool and all, but having the ability to tap (if on mobile) the link or click on it visually is important. For example, I access my local dashboard via Wireguard on my phone, I can then tap the service I need to access locally. IMO, that is much nicer than hitting the browser's menu to find the bookmark and then clicking on it.

Aside from that, if you are like me and have hundreds of bookmarks, and a significant other less technically savvy as you are and are visual, then having a dashboard to go to makes it a lot easier!

Pihole - DNS-based blocker. SearXNG - Customable metasearch engine. Ntfy - Send Notifications to devices. Navidrome - Listen to your music.

I need to get back into self hosting. It's been a while and the server has been off the whole time... Think I need to get the server back up and running and take some inspiration from yourself.

Wish I had the time/energy to host this much... Currently I'm running

  • Plex
  • Nextcloud (snap on ubuntu VM because its easy)
  • pihole
  • pivpn

I'm also running Jellyfin and Navidrome, in an attempt to determine if they are good alternatives to Plex for like 6 months at this point. See comments above about time/energy.

I'm also hosting both jellyfin & navidrome to see if I can get rid of plex for music.

Currently I find plex better at managing my library, but with all music related development going to plexamp and the devs decision to lock out my users from it despite having paid for plex plass for my users, I have to find an alternative that is user friendly.

I am hoping that once my library is sufficiently large, with the metadata related issues being resolved, I can finally introduce them to my music library.

If you have any smart devices in your home (and even many use cases outside of that) you could run "homeassistant" to pipe all your different smart devices through a common, extensible, scriptable interface.

Looks super cool. How do you add the uptime on top?

It's one of the standard Homepage widgets. You can also enable disk utilization etc

My Setup:

  • Plex (never had good experiences with Jellyfin unfortunately)
  • Radaar
  • Sonarr
  • Lidarr
  • Readarr
  • Jackett
  • Prowlarr
  • qbittorrent
  • MariaDB
  • phpmyadmin
  • BookStack
  • LibreNMS
  • portainer
  • watchtower
  • pihole (2)
  • Nginx

All running in docker on two synologys.

How do you host it? I’m getting more and more into the idea of running my own stuff. Do you have a server set up at home, or are you renting servers somewhere?

Yes I basically just built a PC with a bunch of storage and expansion options. The original motivation behind it was Nextcloud and leaving the public cloud ecosystem. Everything else is just icing. My OS of choice is unRaid, since it offered the best flexibility in terms of storage options for me, however there are a bunch of other OS's etc to consider, depending on your level of comfort and use case.

Not OP, but I have a Synology NAS DS918+ and run a bunch of Docker containers on there 24/7.