125 House Republicans back 'life at conception' bill, no IVF exception

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 336 points –
125 House Republicans back 'life at conception' bill, no IVF exception

If frozen embryos are children, I can claim them as dependents on my taxes, right?

I'm assuming that housing and utility expenses are being paid on their behalf, so yes. That should count.

Fun fact, the only way you can claim dependents on your taxes is with a social security number. Some people in the US are exempt from the Social Security system and don’t have a number.

So good luck getting a social security number for a frozen embryo.

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Is masturbation going to considered mass murder? Or premeditated mass murder?

If life begins at conception, can we get some tax laws changed to reflect that?

If it is then about 90% of us are gonna be serial killers 😂

Women are the target. Men will not be prosecuted unless they help women.

It was a masterbation joke. I was trying to make light of the situation based on OP's initial comment.

I'm going to keep fapping every time I get horny and if the feds want me to give up my porn, they'll have to cum and take it.

You could have 100 ivf embryos setup and claim them as dependants and they're super cheap to provide for. Just a freeze tank.

But then risk of a single power outage and you'll be on death row for the murder of 100 kids.

Masturbation? No. Menstruation? Yes.

If we're going to keep going this route, I have daughters, and I am tired of calling my senators and representatives every week.

Slightly misleading. The bill was introduced about a month ago, before the Alabama SC ruling. There is no mention of IVF in the bill. That doesn’t mean it would be banned per se, but up to federal courts to interpret.

With the logic and reasoning capabilities of the current batch of assholes, if it doesn't say it's exempt, it's not exempt.

The courts are going to ban it, just as they sanctioned hair-based racial discrimination in TX despite a law protecting against that specific discrimination.

It'll be just like abortion being denied the people. Bans for thee and rights for me

Someone please reassure me that there’s no way this gets any votes in the senate.

There’s probably a couple of nuts in the senate that would go for this, but no way in hell that a majority of republicans want anything to do with this, not to mention the democrat majority and POTUS veto power.

The neckties these guys wear make it really easy to choke them…just throwing that little fact out there in case you happen to come across one trying to rob you of your civil or human rights.

"can't prevent conception" bill incoming soon...

Oh look Steve scalise. Every time I see scalise I realize why that guy tried to shoot him...scalise is a horrible person who hurts other people.

Wonder if they also want to adopt the Korean "babies are a year old at birth" thing too. Or maybe this whole thing is trash and they don't care about internal consistency

They don't give a fuck about consistency outside of cruelty.

Never forget that the cruelty is the point. All the backwards, hypocritical, batshit insane laws that the right pushes suddenly makes sense when you acknowledge that their only goal is to harm people.

All the "protect the children!", "...babies!", "...egg cells" "...heritage!", "...bathrooms!" etc bullshit only ever serves a single goal, which is to commit evil against groups of people they've chosen to hate.

I don't believe that's entirely accurate. Like for enough people for it to be a problem yeah they're just cruel. I think it is more accurate though to say that power and control are the point. Some people are willing to do that by creating fear and offering 'solutions'. Imo he cruelty is a side effect of having to continually up the stakes