Rep. Matt Gaetz subpoenaed in defamation suit by woman he allegedly had sex with as minor to politics – 505 points –
Rep. Matt Gaetz subpoenaed in defamation suit by woman he allegedly had sex with as minor: Sources

You don't "have sex with a minor". You rape a minor. The fact that this asshat is breathing free air is already a failure, let alone that he's still sitting in Congress.

The age of consent is often below the age of majority. Gaetz, as scummy a piece of shit he is, isn't being accused of having sex with anyone below the age of consent, which would meet the legal definition of rape.

Claiming he raped someone would open them up to libel, because it would be a lie. The best we can get is pointing out that he had sex with a minor.

Whom he trafficked across state lines for the purpose of having sex with. Which is a felony.

Which is also not rape. I'm not defending gaetz here, hes a fucking huge piece of trash. I'm just explaining to anyone who comes here why they aren't using the term rape.

Once you trafficked the person across state lines, it can become a federal matter and the definitions of statutory rape, those of the federal definitions, not the ones in Florida. Or in either state, the one of origin or one of destination. this is because the rape charge can become an accessory charge to the trafficking charge. It all depends on the manner in which Gaetz is charged in these cases.

Can you direct me to the federal law that would make this rape?

Depends on whether you're talking about rape as a legal definition or a violation of a universal understanding of consent.

It obviously doesn't make sense that having sex with a 17 year old in one state isn't rape when it would be in a different state, but that is the law. A bad one.

Doesn't the fact that you recognize the law varies from state to state kind of disprove your claim of "universal understanding"?

1: Tell me more about how you want to fuck teenagers

2: It's very clearly a hypothetical being advanced to make the reader consider exactly that the belief isn't universal

I won't lie. I see plenty of underage women that I find physically attractive. I find it hard to believe any man has never seen a minor that they find physically attractive. However, there are few I find intellectually or emotionally attractive... and precisely zero I would actually have sex with.

I don't see what that has to do with the law or your claim it's universally accepted that having sex with someone under 18 is rape.

I don't follow point 2. The only way I can interpret it is that you are saying your point was actually the opposite of your point.

Age of consent with a minor in Florida still requires both parental consent and/or that the person who is above the age of 18 be within a certain amount of years of the person who is under 18. Matt Gates does not meet either of these qualifications. That would make it statutory rape.

Edit: there is also the matter of interstate trafficking of a minor, to which the statutory rape charges could be added as an accessory charge at the federal level, and there’s no “underage consent” bullshit at the federal level. Gatez could still face that, and I don’t know what behind-the-scenes literal pole-greasing has been going on for years to prevent it, but someone(s) are clearly running out of grease.

And get the strong feeling that many many years of interest on him getting away with all this shit or about to come do, and he is not gonna be able to pay that bill.

I hope so, but they've already dropped the charges of trafficking. I'm afraid he'll get away with it.

to be clear and noncowardly, he was not a minor at the time. he raped her, as she was a minor

So you're saying that Matt is a nonce?

Amazing how this cross-eyed rapist gets these kind of kid gloves, but your local drag queen is automatically a groomer or worse.

True, but 17 ain't exactly a child. My gf and I were fucking like rabbits at that age.

The adult brain doesnt hit full maturity until 25, so 17 is still pretty young.

But either way, he was in his late 30s when he paid $900 to have sex with this 17 yr old child, transported her across state lines, then supplied her with booze and cocaine.

That still just normal behavior?

But were you years apart in age when one of you was 17?

20 years apart, even. He was 37 when he trafficked her at 17.

The difference in their ages was greater than her entire life.

but 17 ain't exactly a child

Yes, it is. Without exception it is.

But kids fucking kids is whatever.

Fingers crossed Gaetz is one of the 3 Buck was talking about

Please expound?

On feeling pressure from his party about his resignation, Buck mentioned something along the lines of, "It's not my departure they should worry about, it's the next 3."

Some news sites have latched onto this as if it was insider knowledge of certain members planning to retire. Personally I think it sounded more like deflection as if to push the burden on whoever might be next to retire.

While it would be great if there were actually 3 more lined up to retire… isn’t it the case with Buck’s retirement that Republicans only have a 3 person majority? So I think that’s all that was meant by him saying “the next 3”. Not that he knows of more people that are going to retire, but IF they did they would lose their majority.

I'm trying to follow Buck's story, but it's all just drabs and speculation.

One theory I heard is that, since he was leaving anyway, he decided to screw Bobo out of her seat.

Isn't that just the party math? If 3 more go then the Dems are the majority and that's what the R's should worry about?

Yeah. That's how I read it too. Hope no one is holding their breath.

We all talking about the rapist Matt Gaetz? The Matt Gaetz that notoriously trafficked minors across state lines to have drug-fueled sex with children Matt Gaetz? That child rapist Matt Gaetz?

It would be fitting if Gaetz’ exit from the House brought about the Speakership of Hakeem Jeffries

That is a hungover man. A long night of bleach-ivermectin-and-tequila body shots

It says so much about the quality of characters Republicans voter for. Matt, MTG and Trump. They just love awful people.

Jfc even his fucking face screams “rapist”.

He could have had an alibi, but they said "Be there or be square"