Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza to politics – 370 points –
Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After narrowly backing Israel’s military action in Gaza in November, Americans now oppose the campaign by a solid margin. Fifty-five percent currently disapprove of Israel’s actions, while 36% approve.


What do the majority of politicians now think? Because they've shown for the past 100 years that they'll disregard popular opinion in favor of their own every time the two conflict.

They don't care about the people; they care about the donors.

My dog is barking.. Can you stop blowing that whistle?

Oligarchs control the United States. You think that's insensitive to point out?

Biden’s approval rating for his handling of the situation in the Middle East, at 27%, is his lowest among five issues tested in the survey. This is because far fewer Democrats (47%) approve of how he is handling the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians than approve of his handling of the economy, the environment, energy policy and foreign affairs, broadly. On those issues, no less than 66% of Democrats approve of Biden.

Only further contributing to Biden’s low rating on the Middle East situation, just 21% of independents and 16% of Republicans approve of his performance on the issue.

Wasn't there something about Americans and not getting representation? I recall that being a big deal at some point in America...

The DNC could have a slam dunk victory if only they'd run a candidate who wasn't pro-genocide

But all the party leaders take AIPAC money, they'd rather trump be president than a Dem who refuses to fund a genocide.

Don't blame voters for having standards, blame the DNC for caring more about how Israel can afford their genocide than preventing trump from getting a second term.

blame the DNC for caring more about how Israel can afford their genocide than preventing trump from getting a second term.

The DNC shares the blame along with our shitty election system that prevents third parties from being viable, and allows money to buy whichever politician they like, etc.

Even if the DNC dies and gets replaced with an actually leftist party, the new party will just rot from the inside out until we fix these things.

As an American, I've been anti Bibi/IDF for a while.

Here, 5 months ago:

Feels good to be able to say you were one of the few on the right side of history when Genocide happened.

I was on the right side of history when I said that extermination of Jewish populations in Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Jordan was also genocide.. Where is my kudos?

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Are most Americans Russian shills now?

The worst part is that I actually thought you were serious for a second (please tell me you're joking).

I'm mocking lemmy's pro-genocide centrists who immediately call anyone who opposes Netanyahu's genocide a Russian shill, yes.

Most of the people I've seen here are against Israel, even the ones who are against Russia.

Good for you. The centrists who love that the US is supporting the genocide they've always wanted scream "Russian" when anyone suggests that the US should stop supporting genocide.

If you've never seen it, try being critical of the US' support for Netanyahu.

I've never been accused of being Russian over my criticism of Nazrael. Did you read the article? It's about how demographically, the statistical centrists have flipped against the Israelis.

They're against Israel but when you say you'll vote third party or sit out the vote you get people jumping at your throat and trying to deny reality by telling you to fall in like or we'll get another Trump term. I don't see it as much now but it was pretty common even just a couple of weeks ago.

They're against Israel but when you say you'll vote third party or sit out the vote

No. They assume without evidence that opposition to genocide is advocacy for voting third party or staying home or voting for Trump.

I see it constantly in this community.

"Biden should stop supporting Netanyahu's genocide."

"You think Trump would be better? Russian Chinese Republican nazi tankie child shill bot!!!"

This is not reality.

The reality is that if you oppose genocide you get yelled at for continuing to show any support for the Biden campaign despite the fact that his opponent is the genocide-accelerationist candidate.

And I'm someone who thinks we should defund Israel and then look away for a year or 5.

Stop trying to have abstract parasocial arguments with entire demographics at once, you're driving yourself nuts.

This is not reality.

I've been called a russian in this very thread for saying that Biden should stop supporting genocide.

I suppose that's good enough for you to throw everything else I said out the window. Good morning.

Edit: that or those comments were deleted by a moderator, I would invite you to reconsider throwing everything else I said out the window.

I suppose that’s good enough for you to throw everything else I said out the window.

Don't say I'm lying about recent lived experience and I won't point out how you're wrong.

I mean, strategy in FPTP voting systems means that you aren't voting for a candidate, but against the worst candidate. Is this not the correct understanding? Or does your state have RCV or another alternate voting system?

Edit: I was downvoted, so maybe I misunderstood something. Could someone explain?

The people who decided not to vote for Biden made that decision with this information in mind. The problem is: The enshittification of the Democratic Party relies on the idea that people will hold their noses and vote for the "lesser evil". This nonsense is how we got Trump in 2016 and how we (or well you I'm not American) are going to get him in 2024. Even if everyone does hold their noses and vote for Trump we'll get another Trump, then another, then another, until the Dems are putting children back in the mines and saying "but we're better than the Republicans".

If people don't put their foot down and demand change nothing will happen.

Is this not the correct understanding?

It is in very general terms, but when you get down to it it fails miserably, because when both candidates are bad people not all vote for the lesser evil; they just don't vote. This depresses turnout for the Democrats (Republicans love Trump), when voter turnout is their lifeline. The people who voted for Biden in 2016 are extremely disillusioned with him for many reasons, not the least of which actively perpetuating genocide. This isn't the recipe for high voter turnout. Essentially saying vote for the lesser evil works until the people you're calling on say no thanks, and we're way past that point.

Edit: Grammar.

FPTP implies you're voting against all the other candidates, not just against the worst candidate. I don't think that's worthy of downvotes though lmao I think state propagandists tend to downvote discussion that actually leads anywhere productive. Sorry.

I've been preaching that centrist stance for a while. You and I have tangled over it before.

But public sentiment is definitely changing.

I still think that taking a strong stance against Israel will harm Biden more than help.

But that might not be true for much longer. If this trend continues, then what you've been wrong about before will become right.

I still think that taking a strong stance against Israel will harm Biden more than help.

I actually don't understand this stance. Pro-Israel people tend to be one of these groups:

1-People who simply grew up with the propaganda and are still believing it. These lost the majority of democratic voters recently, and they're only decrease more, but more importantly to them this isn't an election-deciding issue. I think we can agree that this group doesn't care as much about Israel as they do about Trump not becoming president. There's just not much for them at stake.

2-Zionist Jews. This is usually pointed to as the demographic Biden will lose if he doesn't support Israel, but the thing is: Jews are less likely to support Israel than the general population. If anything being tougher on Israel might win Biden Jewish votes.

3-Evangelicals. These are the real deal here, but let's face it: How many of these were voting democrat to begin with?

Yes a very large number of people support Israel, but that's not the number we need to worry about. The really important question is: How many people on either side will take it as an election-defining issue and how likely are those people to lose Biden the election? Given that losing Muslims alone is liable to make Biden lose, and he's losing (mainly young) progressives on top of that, I think we can see the answer to that question.

Given that losing Muslims alone is liable to make Biden lose

How many Muslims do you think there are in the US??

I think we can agree that this group doesn’t care as much about Israel as they do about Trump not becoming president. There’s just not much for them at stake.

I don't necessarily agree. As I said, that's changing. But yes, the average, ill-informed, centrist voter until very recently would have very strong opinions about Biden not supporting Israel. Maybe not enough alone to sway a vote, but with such close sentiment already it would push a large number over the edge.

How many Muslims do you think there are in the US??

Irrelevant question.

A better question is - How many Muslims are in Michigan?

And the answer to that is - Enough to flip the state, and therefore the election, to Trump.

Possibly. Another relevant question - how many white centrists in Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona?

People who would vote for Trump because Biden chose not to support genocide? Probably not many. From what I understand real centrists are a dying breed.

From what I understand real centrists are a dying breed.

Politically active centrists are a dying breed, because if they actually paid attention they wouldn't be centrists.

But somewhere between 1/2 and 1/3 of the country falls into the low-information voter category.

I mean low-information voter is one thing, but I think even those people either understand that Trump is a threat to democracy or think that he's their messiah who descended from the sky.

It seems like that to us, because those are the types we're exposed to. The low info voters don't comment on political articles.

Thank you for telling us which demographic you consider indispensable.

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so as an asian who supports israel,which group do i belong to?

bearing in mind i am not in any abrahamic religion and i support Israel military actions against hamas and their supporters but not palestinians.

You're number 1. "Military actions against Hamas and their supporters but not Palestinians" don't exist in Gaza.

sounds to me you are a hamas supporter that supports genocide and the oct 7th attack didn't happen kinda people.

Nice strawman. You're literally supporting genocide and apartheid.

as opposed to letting hamas commit genocide per their charter??

Israel has had a permanent occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 1967, maintaining an apartheid state through direct and indirect violence.

Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation.

What Is Hamas? - Council on Foreign Relations

What Does Hamas Actually Want? - NY Mag

Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

Hamas Election - Snopes

Hamas 1988 Charter and Revised 2017 Charter

The 1988 Charter, which is certainly unreasonable in its fundamentalism with Sharia Law and is antisemitic, does not call for the extermination of all Jewish People. The 2017 Revised charter accepts a Two-State Solution of the 1967 Borders. Check Article 7 and 13 of the 1988 Charter to see yourself, compare it to Article 20 and 24-26 in the revised charter

you are aware,despite their charter saying what is it they represent and do,the reality is they do what they have always wanted,genocide,from the river to the sea,even that statement remains in their 2017 revised charter.

i had to go read through your links,while some does provide insights to the conflict, i get the nagging feeling here you are trying to villify israel while painting hamas as a victim of circumstances. this is a typical propaganda tactic employed by.....hamas and their supporters (surprising,i know).

if you find israel's punishment of innocent palestians for hama's actions indiscriminate,maybe trying calling out hamas for their indiscriminate terror attacks on israel.

an eye for an eye makes the world go blind,israel isn't the good guys here and neither is hamas.

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Speak of the devil.

You managed to go 6 whole sentences without screaming that I'm a Russian because I oppose the genocide you love. I didn't know you had it in you.

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it’s time for everyone’s favorite game: AIPAC bootlicker or chuuni edgelord?

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this comment made me feel the breadth of human emotion in one bite sized sentence, good one sksksksks

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So now will Biden do something?? Hmmm?

Genocide Biden will give more weapons to Israel.

The majority? Nobody asked me or anyone I know. Weird.

Not understanding statistics doesn't invalidate them.

But my test base is the best test base, which is me and mine, which is totally not selective or biased at all.

Grandma was on the fence, but after weeks of subverting her and making her fearful, she's come around to the fact that we should do what I say and what I believe, because that is true consensus.

It's neat watching people forget the difference between a poll and a census the instant a poll says something they don't like.

It's neat observing the lack of comprehension on Lemmy in real time.

So you aren't calling this poll's findings into question because the majority of the respondents disagree with you?

No. It was a jibe at how ridiculous poling has become. Look at those derpy upvotes. I weep for humanity.

This poll has restored some of my faith in humanity. I'm glad that a majority of Americans oppose Netanyahu's genocide.

Riiight. Any survey that doesn't ask you specifically your opinion must be made up, right?

Sorry, you guys have bankrupt me. I simply can't afford anymore smooth brain trophies.

... And opinions you don't agree with are wrong a priori. Gotit. Probably just best to not engage with other people if you already have all the answers

Technically they should say something more like ‘poll of # estimates that majority in U.S…’

Lots of people that just want Israelis to roll over and get slaughtered quietly.

Ah yes, the two options, genocide or be genocided.

Benji wants Hamas to exist so he can tighten his control over Israel. He knows perfectly well the way towards eliminating Hamas is by removing the motivation to join a terrorist group. He knows perfectly well forcing Palestine to be a shit hole and killing Palestinians with little regard for who is and is not actually Hamas will only encourage people to join and oppose the IDF. Israel needs an enemy for Benjamin to justify his hard right authoritarian policy at home, and he knows perfectly well how to keep them around.

You mean like living under an occupation in an apartheid state?

Hamas began twenty years into an Occupation enforced with direct and systemic violence, with the goal of ending the occupation.

What Is Hamas? - Council on Foreign Relations

What Does Hamas Actually Want? - NY Mag

Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

Hamas Election - Snopes

Hamas 1988 Charter and Revised 2017 Charter

But is Israel giving any reason to keep a peaceful behaviour in the region? They have more than a choice, and they chose the worst one yet.

So, do you think Hamas is going to disappear after leveling whole cities? Or thar they need a specific general to land succesful attacks? Neither of those. They need hatred and a general idea of an enemy. And they're giving them both.

Secondly, Hamas is a loosely organized movement with multiple faces, they can afford terrorist attacks without harming their reputation, but Israel is a democratic state, they can't do what Hamas did without harming their relationship with other countries on the long run. They cam burn bridges whereas Hamas never had such bridged in the first place.

They need to move better if they want to survive as a state and as a democratic entity. Think before you act. The trace of destruction that they're leaving behind may have been, in fact, forseen and understood by Hamas.

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