Gay rule to – 650 points –

Fellas is it gay to be straight

Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to women?

Women have arms, legs, heads, abdomens, hands, feet, hair etc. Exactly the same as men do. How can it not be gay?

  • stares at pic of woman for innumerable hours
  • sees vague dick shape
  • sorry, ur gay lol

makes sense to me

Someone called LibertarianTrap is probably very gay

The national libertarian party had gay rights as part of their founding charter back in 1974 when the Dems and Republicans were still holding hands and chanting "god hates fags" together in unison.

So yeah, good chance this person is gay

I was really more thinking about the Trap angle than the Libertarian one.

The modern "libertarian" movement is pretty bigoted overall, if not actively then very much passively.

The libertarian party is still on message. Authoritarian conservatives/republicans claiming they're libertarians because they think it sounds cool have tainted the name.

The libertarian party is on message if the message is "half of us is yellow republicans and the other half is waiting for the day of the rope"

Why is a smaller version of the picture superimposed onto a larger, blurry version?

This is a screenshot from a social media app. I haven't quite figured out which one since I don't use it but a friend of mine posts these all the time.

Everyone knows it is gay to be a man, you are literally inside a man.

Trans men before transition are the only straight men on planet earth

Okay great, but what are you if you like your women with penises??

Tiny boobs, large boobs, penis, vagina, glasses or skirts do not matter. If you like girls, you are gay, if you like dudes, you're still gay no matter what. Accept it and live with that

If being gay for Juliana Morgan is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

MFW I'm so straight that the line went straight from my dick and around the world into my butt, and now I'm gay logo

1 more...

That's why I like to look at balls - it's a super straight activity because they remind every observer of boobs.

Anyone else feel like there have been so many different ways the word "gay" has been used as a slur - both ironically and unironically - that the whole concept just kinda doesn't work anymore?

The only response my brain produces these days is just giggling and moving on. Like if your intentions are to shock me, I'm afraid that ship has sailed. Best thing I can compare it to is how poop jokes stop being funny when you hit a certain age, and start being a different kind of funny once you hit another.

But it probably really depends on your environment. Obviously if you do feel negatively about the whole, that's a completely valid stance to take. Don't think of this as me trying to ifluence what should and should not offend you.

I personally don't feel like lumping this in with the kind of shock humor that toilet humor is feels analogous.

This to me, reads just as surrealist humor that is meant to highlight the absurdity of some straight men's homophobia not allowing them to interact with or do anything procieved as gay. Not that I think I needed to explain that to you, just highlighting where i am coming from.

This isn't to say it cannot be shocking, or intended as such, I just don't personally feel like its main purpose is to shock.

That's a nice take! It is indeed the absurdity of it all that probably does it. My comment was more of a shower thought inspired by this post than a direct reaction to it.

As you can probably tell from my choice of pronouns, I'm still figuring out what the concept of "being gay" even means to me. Though there's probably no point to doing so. Which only makes being called gay even funnier to me.

That, and of course the ridiculous concepts of what does and does not make you gay, that are going around. But that's part of the original joke.

How many people here know this video?

Isn't it about industrial supply chain security or something like that? (Haven't seen the video in a while)

Pretty close. Most people who have seen it don't seem to remember what it's about anyway

I have seen the original video like 10 times and still can't remember what she was talking about. I must be demented or something.

By this same logic we will trick gay people into being attracted to women! No! The gay utopian future is slowly closing!