Marjorie Taylor Greene complains about "socialist" Medicare

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 338 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene complains about "socialist" Medicare

It seems like nothing they say matters anymore. Some Republicans want to get rid of Medicare. You would think this would lose them massive votes among the elderly, their biggest constituency. But it just doesn't seem to matter.

These people will consistently vote against their own best interest to "own the libs" which I'm not even sure what that means at this point.

"owning the libs" means eating shit incase a liberal has to smell your breath.

Not to mention that they're often convinced the things they vote for will never impact themselves.

That's how the classic "He's not hurting the right ones" quote came about.

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Because they aren't taking Medicare away from the elderly. They've been proposing to take it away from gen x and future generations. The boomers still get theirs under all the proposals I've seen.

It'd be stupid, but it's love for someone to run on the platform of immediately defunding Medicare just to see the heads spin, and expose the hypocrisy

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I wish Major Trailer Queen would stop getting media attention. She’s an idiot. The worst kind: an idiot with a microphone.

If it's so bad why doesn't she refuse the socialist healthcare provided by her job in Congress?

Exactly, she gets to have some of the best healthcare available for free provided by tax payer. She should be so upset to refuse that and also the pension provided to her, also she should also give back the paycheck she received as that is tax payer money as well. But just as with everything these people get "outraged" about it is about other people getting the benefits.

Their motto: Less for you means more for me.

Can someone please remind me, what is the Republican platform other than whining?

Racism and homo/transphobia. Oh yeah, and women are just incubators. I think that sums it up.

You forgot about our many insightful hearings into various conspiracy theories, along with not even bringing up the importance of Hunter Biden's Penis in today's society -- a topic so important that the word Penis needs to be capitalized in order to emphasize just how important it is.

Why do people keep listening to her and giving her attention?

She has power. She's on major committees and basically controls McCarthy's speakership. Ignoring her won't make her go away.

She's been expelled from the Hard right caucus, shes losing political capital with her antics. Calling Boebert a bitch wasn't a good move for her fascist buddies.

My question was more why she has that power, why she is in major committees. Still a politician who is not taken seriously will eventually lose their power. Listening to her only empowers her

Yeah… I got yelled at a while back for saying that I think she’s irrelevant. Apparent I’m not allowed to think that because she’s a super-important politician™

A person who works in government administration (the governing body that decides the laws you have to obey) is relevant, even if unlikable.

Edit: also 'yelled at'? Lol I saw that thread. It was you ignoring 12 people talking sense to you.

I was me being told I wasn’t allowed to have the OPINION that she is irrelevant TO ME.

I don't think that's how it went. Enjoy your opinion.

So not only are you telling me what my opinion should be, you’re telling me that how I said it wasn’t how I said it?

Is there a gatekeeping award coming up? Because I’d love to nominate you.

Idk, I guess that's better than the idiocy involved in "Get your government hands off my Medicare!". At least there's an internal consistency that you can argue against. Cruel, consistent evil is easier to work with than the Trumpian spew of bullshit.

Medicare is the best medical insurance in America. You automatically get the best price on everything (except drugs) because the profiteering charge is automatically removed.

The only problem with it is that reimbursement rates are so low that a lot of private practice doctors just won't take it.

Sporkfoot the Shaved Georgia Skunk Ape has never been known for brilliant rhetoric or insightful discussion. She's done nothing but grandstand, screech hate-filled nonsense, and gin up people dumber than herself.

Oh, and be buddy-buddy with BoBo the clown and Gaspaedo.

So what is her solution then? Homelessness is bad, ok, do what did she propose to fix it? Funding Ukraine with old military equipment that is being replenished with modern equipment both bolstering or arsenal and increasing manufacturing jobs in America, doesn't protect our borders, conveniently ignoring the huge negative effect it has had on one of our biggest military rivals. Also, were not just giving that shit away.

How does anybody this fucking stupid get to that position and have the power that she does? She is so fucking dumb.

Because smart people don't overtly seek positions of power that require a popularity contest and therefore do not run for publicly electable positions because of how shitty it is.

That's fair, but had the ever been anyone this bad before? This particular article doesn't even touch how stupid she is. Jewish space lasers and all that.

The part of Georgia where her voters are from are particularly fucking retarded due to the Republicans reducing public funding for public schools and the result is apparent now.

So what is her solution then

Republicans don't offer solutions, because their entire party is built on proving the government doesn't work and solutions to problems dispels that lie. Also, campaigning (and fundraising) on grievances and imagined problems is easy, fixing things is hard.

How does anybody this fucking stupid get to that position and have the power that she does?

I have bad news about American voters...

I think it's too general of a statement to group all American voters as morons (my word not yours). The electoral college and gerrymandering play a large part, but there are still too many fucked in the head people voting for these shit heads.

Public healthcare is communism. Facts. Public schools are communism too, school shootings aren't communism though.

school shootings are equal opportunity though

From each according to the magazine, to each according to where I can aim.

Republicans have been against Medicare since the Johnson administration. Reagan railed against it too early in his political career. This isn't new. Arguments against it now are still just as dumb as they were in the 60s.

Imagine thinking the one part of healthcare system that almost works is the problem

Socialism is the boogie man to the Right, but if you ask Right leaning voters about individual policies they almost universally all want to keep them. So damn frustrating.

"Every time I've gotten into trouble in life, these disloyal feet of mine walked me right into that trouble - I don't think it's a coincidence... we should shoot my socialist feet y'all."


Isn't the state that bankrolls her "socialist" (is Russia). She's a corrupt idiot.

Socialist only in name. I would say that Russia - especially post USSR fall - was the most cutthroat capitalistic place ever

govt spending does need to be curtailed, not sure if I agree with some of her other points though.

Everyone can agree with the statement that government spending needs to be curtailed in the abstract. That's not useful if you're not willing to say specifically what you think should be cut.

Medicare is about 12% of the budget. Do you think it should be cut, do you think the government should spend less on that?

Social Security is the largest part of the budget. Do you think it should be cut? What about the fact that its income comes entirely from payroll taxes - not general income taxes - and it still has a huge surplus?

After medicare, social security, and debt interest, the next largest category is defense spending. Do you think that should be cut? If so, how would you do that responsibly?

I'd love to see the defense budget cut, but I think it's tricky, because most of that money goes to pay for the salaries of people. The money that doesn't go to U.S. government employees (pentagon, armed services, etc.) go to contractors who employ lots of people. Cut the budget dramatically and millions of people lose their jobs, which could devastate the economy. Again, I'm not saying we shouldn't do it - just that it isn't quite so simple as just cutting the budget and being done with it. There are consequences.

Alternately, we could actually collect taxes from the companies that use the majority of our nation's resources, underpay their workers, and are the cause of much of the need for spending for Medicare & social security due to killing pensions and opposing universal health care.

Honestly, the military would probably be the easiest place to cut it from. Now, I haven't been in the military, but I have multiple friends thats either where in, or are currently still in, and every single one of them that ever progressed past e5 have flat out told me if you just cut down on the waste in the military, not even completely eliminate it but just cut it down, you could cut the budget by 20% and literally nothing else would have to change.

Obviously this is all completely anecdotal, and I in no way know the answer as to how to solve the problem, but hearing it from so many people across 3 different branches tells me that it has to be bad.

Realistically, as long as we wish for things to continue to even function, I don't really see anywhere else that it's even viable to continue to cut spending, let alone a good idea. Homeless population that is continually growing, growing portion of people already food insecure, only a paycheck or two away from being without, an aging, ever more crumbling infrastructure system. Anywhere else you turn to try to cut something, you're either looking at mass Homeless/hunger, riots, or just flat out the whole house of cards inevitably coming down. Like, everything after the big 4 that you listed with Medicare, social security, debt interest, and the military, are all tiny percentages in the budget. Cuts on anything after those 4 would have to be such a massive portion of their spending to make a noticeable difference deficit wise they would fall apart. It's a shit sandwich no matter what way we look at it.

It sure does. We spend more on the military than the next top ten countries combined. We spend 40% of all the military spending in the whole world. You're darn right we need to curtail government spending!

Oh, sorry, not supposed to talk about that spending. That spending is just fine, with complete disregard to whether a politician has a D or an R next to their name, every year, without fail, without exception and without argument. We're in such a financial crisis you guys! And yet more than half the bloated budget is just magically off the table! Isn't that fascinating.