Joe Biden ends re-election campaign to – 1583 points –
Joe Biden ends re-election campaign

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My money is still on Harris to be the final candidate. Get ready.

I am all for a women president, but Harris is just a Hilary repeat ... Please dont.

AOC would be amazing but I know shes "too progressive"for the boomers... What ever the fuck that means

Why is she Hillary repeat?

The thought is that her years as a prosecutor will come back to bite her. Plus a lot of people seem to have a problem with her personality.

I haven't watched her enough to form an opinion but those are the takes I've heard most often.

A prosecutor who is anti marijuana and anti minority.

I don't know much about her, but directly from the wiki:

The rate at which Harris's office prosecuted marijuana crimes was higher than the rate under Hallinan, but the number of defendants sentenced to state prison for such offenses was substantially lower.[76] Prosecutions for low-level marijuana offenses were rare under Harris, and her office had a policy of not pursuing jail time for marijuana possession offenses.[76]

It sounds like her position on weed is not exactly what people are painting it as. At least these comments make it seem much worse than it is according to the wiki.


According to this, she even supported a bill in 2019 to legalize marijuana at a federal level, tax it, and use that money to (according to this):

Create a community reinvestment fund to reinvest in communities most impacted by the failed War on Drugs and allow those funds to be invested in the following programs:

Job training;

Reentry services;

Expenses related to the expungement of convictions;

Public libraries;

Community centers;

Programs and opportunities dedicated to youth; and

Health education

I don't know if it's on purpose, but you are definitely spreading misinformation.

If that's the spin republicans will take on her, they'll alienate their own voters and push them democratic.

She's a democrat so the average voter is totally incapable of identifying that they could be anything but pro minority and soft on crime.

It's like pointing out that republicans keep crashing the economy, doesn't matter, they're branding is still 'good for business'

I think this is an instance of people failing to think from a systems perspective rather than an individual perspective. Kamala Harris was a functionary of an oppressive system and chose the easy path of not challenging it from within. That in itself may not inspire confidence in her potential presidency, but it does not discount her completely. She is still an individual who has changed her views over the years in a way that suggests hope for her being a better president than she was an Attorney General.

Because that is the talking point that the foreign propaganda machine has been pumping out for the last few months. You'll notice there were no comparisons to Hillary a year ago. Now it's all "Harris is a cop," and "Harris is Hillary 2.0". Ignore all of that bullshit. It's foreign trolls doing their job and muddying the waters.

I feel like I heard that stuff during the 2020 primaries as well, but the spotlight has definitely shifted back on her so we'll be hearing all sorts of things.

Exactly. If it were a real issue, it would be important enough to talk about all the time. When it only comes up if she is in the spotlight, it's a disinformation campaign.

Why is she Hillary repeat?

They don't know. Watch... they won't have specific factual reasons, only vague generalizations. Betcha.

Speaking, presentation, likability.

So well spoken female that people just don't like for some reason?

  1. Chosen because of her gender before her merit. Evidence:

  2. She ran for president previously and lost terribly because people didn’t like her. She is not well spoken because clearly people didn’t resonate with her, women included.

  3. When she loses, and I assure you she will, it’s not because she’s a woman. It all comes down to her track record and how charismatic she is, both which are bad.

  4. Let’s not forget she backs Biden so things that the left is against, such as her and Biden sending bombs to Israel will hurt her terribly.

  5. I’m probably voting for her, but it leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth stomaching it. I’m able to accept that I won’t have a perfect candidate but most Americans aren’t these days so it’s a loss for her, yeah.

Piece of shit cop that ruined people's lives for the crime of minding their own damn business. Not progressive, at all, and very far right as Democrats go.

I do not like Hillary and I do not like Harris. I don't however agree with harris being a Hilary repeat, I think she has a way better shot than Biden did

Have you actually listened to her on the issues or do you just know what the media has been spouting? I was surprised to hear her very articulate and reasonable stances from her directly rather than through a progressive media filter. There's a mismatch.

To each their own, but when I watched her in the debate years back I only remember her as one of the people I explicitly didn't like lol. Whatever, there's some good points in this thread and I dearly hope they're right.

Progressives aren't going to get a candidate we like this year. And you know what, that's ok. I wasn't going to vote for Genocide Joe, but I'll do everything in my power to put in office Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, or whoever else milquetoast neolib gets the establishment nod, if only to prevent Trump from taking office.

I wasn't going to vote for Genocide Joe

Thanks for letting us know you'd rather have an autocratic despot run this country than Biden

Get it all out. We're on the same side now, sweet heart!

Your "Genocide Joe" slur indicates you wouldn't vote for him due to his stance on Israel. You think Trump would be better? He'd immediately start doubling arms shipments, I'm sure.

How do you think Harris's policy will be different? She's supported Biden's foreign policy publicly, so seems like she would hold course as far as Israel and Palestine are concerned.

You may think we're on the same side, but

AOC is legally too young to run still.

Dont understand how this myth still persists, since it is immediately corrected every time I've seen someone claim it.

Having the first US woman president would be cool and have a first woman vice-president as well, why not?

E: Whoops, you already had a first vp, Sorry, Americans.

Haven't you just had the first woman vice-president?

Nobody voted for Biden because Kamala was the VP. Get real man, accept reality. Yes she might be better than Biden at this point but the only way she wins this is if she beats trump in a debate and based on her speaking skills in the few speeches I heard from her she will look like a moron on stage compared to him.

...what does any of that have to do with the comment you replied to

Running a woman for president is risky because of boomers, but the majority of them are voting Trump anyway. Running two women on the ticket I think would be a mistake. There are a lot of progressives that are still misogynist. As much as I'd love to see Harris/AOC I think they need to pick a man for VP.

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They kind have to... IMO... You know, the whole DEI thing.

She’ll get absolutely demoed by Trump. I can’t wait for Dems to have to vote for a racist cop though, peak irony.

One of the things Harris really has going for her is the fact that she would absolutely demolish Trump in a debate. She would not let him off the hook for his lies and would be able to counter his BS with reality.

Which is why Trump will never agree to debate her.

If Harris does become first name on the ticket, they better put Jesus Himself Christ as her running mate.

If Harris does become first name on the ticket, they better put Jesus Himself Christ as her running mate.

GOP: Holy shit, why didn't we think of that?

They probably did think of it but then rejected it when they found out how progressive Jesus is

Put a woke commie pacifist on the ticket? Hah! Now, Supply-Side Jesus, that's a candidate.

You cannot be serious. She's as bad at public speaking as Biden during the last debate. She absolutely would not stand a chance in a debate with Trump.

What makes you think she could do that? Honest question. The few speeches I heard from her she performed poorly.

She was a prosecutor. Trump is a rambling tank of lies. She is smart enough to predict his bullshit and have responses in the can. I would love to see someone call Trump a liar to his face constantly for an hour.

She's great on attack, she just gets tongue tied on defense sometimes. Before the primary (where she had some good attacks), she was most known for questioning people in the senate.

Anyone will get demoed (?) by drumpf and the GOP.

They'll probably claim whoever gets the nomination wasn't born in the US, is part of a satanic paedophilic cabal, etc etc etc.

So that bit doesn't matter. Get someone who ideally inspires the swing states and hesitant voters.

Then there'll be a violent uprising with the support of the supreme court, but again there's nothing you can do to prevent that now.

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