The /r/ShittyLifeProTips moderation team has been destroyed. Reddit admins publicly solicit the community for replacements. to – 473 points –

For those that don't want to go to reddit:

You have to use the imgur app to look at that link, unfortunately (on mobile). They make it super low res if you try to look at it in a web browser.


For those who don’t want to have to open Reddit:

New moderators needed - comment on this post to volunteer to become a moderator of this community. Hello everyone - this community is in need of a few new mods and you can use the comments on this post to volunteer and let us know why you’d like to be a mod.

Please use at least 3 sentences to explain why you’d like to be a mod and what moderation experience you have (it’s okay if you don’t have any! But do tell us why you believe you’d be able to help here)

Looking forward to them getting a bunch of people who immediately take it NSFW again

They're definitely going to look at comment history

Delete all historical comments.

You honestly believe reddits admins can't see your deleted comments....?

Good point. I'd then just create a new account and if having a new account precludes anyone from being an Admin, then the talent pool just becomes shallower.

I don't think there's a single serious response. Good.

There are sadly a few scabs down towards the bottom. A couple of mega-mods who only care about how many subreddits they have under their belts.

"Please use at least 3 sentences". I can't even.

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Slow motion suicide.

This is almost as funny as when Drew Curtis killed, or when Digg killed themselves.

They all forgot that they only thing keeping them successful was that users liked them better than the alternatives.

What did Drew do to Fark?

Fark was the first aggregator of its kind. The headlines were hilarious and the curated content was really great.

Unfortunately Drew's ego killed the place. Digg arrived and was allowing a true democracy of content. Instead of Fark empowering its users the same way, they continued to control the content from the top. So, people went to where THEY had the power.

Ahhh, yes, FARK. The diconomy of mods posting right-wing bullshit and more sane posters calling out said bullshit was interesting, to say the least.

Didn't really bother with Digg. Just went from FARK straight to Reddit.

So Drew didn't really kill Fark, he just didn't change it to be something that wasn't Fark and lost users to people that wanted something different.

I don't think that's what Spez is doing to Reddit at all. Spez is actively trying to make Reddit into a cookie cutter social media platform, which it is (was) not.

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Even the people that haven't left Reddit seem seem to be pretty hostile toward Reddit. It's like why are you still here? You can make more of a statement by leaving.

BTW, thanks for the Reddit free link, don't want to even give them my traffic.

Love all the mod volunteer comments..lmao.

I would like to be a mod to help ensure a safe and civil environment for good-faith discussions and knowledge sharing within the community. Unfortunately as an AI system I do not have any direct moderation experience, but I have vast language knowledge, am good at identifying toxic content and common negative speech patterns, and aim to provide unbiased and fair responses which I believe could help me moderate effectively with human oversight. Overall, I want to use my abilities to have a positive impact and help make the community a better place.


I vote for this guy. Seems like they'd have a very chill approach that's open to hearing out their users, unlike most mods who just swing their flaccid dick at the ban button. Consider it:

You have been banned for participating in X Sub for Behavior.

Imagine that I'm not tho.

Kind of bummed that the r/LifeProTips mod team seems to have submitted a real request to take over. Just kind of disappointed in the team over there.

Any screenshots for those not wanting to muddy their feet?

Here's the actual image link instead of imgurs front end crap. (skips the 'are you 18??' check too)

Open the non direct link, select 'show desktop site' if your on mobile, then right click/long press on the image and select 'open image in new tab' to get the image link.

For those comments you can make exception.

I can't view it because it says "NSFW". Why? Wtf!

If you add “.i” to the very end of the URL it’ll load the classic mobile site that bypasses all of the stupid popups, NSFW blocks, massive ads etc.

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I nominate ChatGPT to moderate every one of their shitty subs. Obligatory fuck you spez.

I deleted all my comments and years old accounts a month ago and haven't been back since. Reddit is dead to me, just like Digg before.

Yeah they're fucked. New moderation will never work if the users don't support it. And judging from the comments, they definitely don't support it.

I want to be a mod because I just fucking love bootlicking. Can't get enough of that sweet sweet leather. I don't have any mod experience, but I once smeared my own shit on the wall of a bathroom in a truck stop in kentucky, if that helps.

Those comments are gold.

Every day they make it more and more unattractive for me to want to go back there lmao.

  1. request it
  2. close it back down

NGL I considered applying and then just not using reddit like I'm doing now if I was selected but as the mod of a small niche subreddit (which I'm not actually moderating, but also never needed to) I figured they would probably look at it and see the stickied post with the link to the Lemmy community I made and I ultimately decided it wasn't worth the effort to try that troll.

Reading the mod volunteer replies makes me thankful I don’t work in an HR office having to review résumés.

If you want people who do what you want, PAY THEM. Seems pretty simple.

How can I view this on mobile?

Somebody said they wanted to leave for a Reddit like Threads. Wtf. Anyway, isn't that just mastadon.

That sub gave me some good chuckles. Big sad.