Sen. John Fetterman and wife Giselle taken to hospital after car crash in Maryland to politics – 198 points –
Sen. John Fetterman and wife Giselle taken to hospital after car crash in Maryland

I wonder if he'll be more like his old self after this like cartoon amnesia

Unless a bruised shoulder treated by frozen peas is severe enough to indicate amnesia, I doubt it.

What old self? I keep hearing people say this, but I don't think they were paying attention to who he was before. This is who he is. He was always at best a neoliberal. He's a man who represents a State aptly described as Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Alabama in between.

He literally ran on the same progressive talking points as Sanders/AOC. I don't care if "this was always him" either way I'd be pissed if I voted for him.

Praying that this somehow glitches him back to the one politician I was actually hyped for back whan

The problem with people who claim to to want change. Who claim they want to drain the swamp that once they are floating on top of it like rest of the scum they only see an opportunity to get what they want.

I mean, he was already a mayor.

As a mayor he is just that fuzzy scum you can vaguely see growing on the roots of the plants through the murky waters.

Spin the wheel of TBI suddenly changing his politics. Where is he now? Supporter of the IRA? Neo Apartheidist? Neo-Liberal?

Anarchist? Monarchist? Georgist?

What final destination sequel is this dude living in?

Well he seems to survive every time so... Penultimate destination?

Eh, there's usually one or two people who survived to be murdered off screen or in a later movie.

See, your mistake was driving in Maryland. It's Mad Max out here.

This. For the past 3 months I've been driving down the 95 at dawn. Around 5.30 AM it's every person for themselves. Around this time, people casually cruise at 80mph. The person forcing you to move from the overtaking lane while your car is breaking a sweat at 85mph is an unmarked cop car trying to get to wherever faster than you are. Cops drive far worse here. It's the one place PG cops just let shit slide. You don't bring your nonsense to the 95 at dawn.

I'm not from the US but I get a lot of drive by news from over there and every time I hear of Fetterman it's in the context of some medical thing. Be it depression, stroke and now this. I don't know shit about his political stances but I think he deserves a break!

Btw his last name looks like "fetter Mann" which in German literally means fat man, which sounds kinda rude :/

This guy just cant catch a break

If homeboy is so brain damaged he turned Republican, he probably shouldn't be driving.

Maybe it'll bring him back online? Of course that would invalidate the running theory that Republicans are caused by brain damage. I feel horrible that Giselle was involved, she's been through hell and back with his ever-changing personality basically discounting her lived experience with immigration and now this....

Well that’s…incredibly suspicious

Not really, especially if he was headed to/from DC. Some of the worst drivers in the nation regularly frequent 495.

The DMV has some the highest car insurance rates in the country for this reason.

If you are rear-ending another car, you are the problem 100% of the time. You always need to treat other drivers as if they were complete morons. That includes always keeping enough distance to safely stop if they suddenly slam they breaks.

Yes it is, if you didn't read the article and also know nothing about anything.

Man with brain injury who recently had been publicly eviscerated for a rightward swing maybe is a little bit careless when driving. Yeah it’s suspicious.

Man with brain injury who recently had been publicly eviscerated for a rightward swing maybe is a little bit careless when driving

Yeah? And? There are accidents all the time.

Yeah it’s suspicious.

Total non sequiter.

Just come out and say what you think is going on. Was this some convulated failed assassination? Was he trying to murder suicide? Did the deepstate cut his brakes because he told Bill Maher too much?!

A bunch of bad stuff happened in his life recently and he had a bit of a mental lapse when driving. Maybe you should stop reading so many conspiracy blogs.

Also: I find it hilarious how much extrapolation people replying made here. Y’all are just as bad as the rightwingers you think you’re better than.

Lol wut? You're the one claiming something suspicious happened in this extremely boring non lethal non interesting event that happens every minute of every day, but now I'M the consisparcy blog nut?

There is no consisparcy here! You are making so many wild jumps here. I was laughing at you with those 3 """theories""".

I never said the word conspiracy, nor implied it. I don’t know why this is so difficult to understand.

Then what exactly is suspicious?!?

That he got into an accident after a series of negative things happened to him. I’m saying I doubt it was an “accident.” Dude is possibly dangerous to himself and others.

I’m saying I doubt it was an “accident.”

That is literally the definition of a conspiracy.

A conspiracy of one person? I’m saying Fetterman is possibly lying about it being an “accident.” Just him alone.

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People who turn conservative or less progressive don't get into car accidents so if he did that's unusual?

The dude is possibly having a mental breakdown. Trying to cause yourself harm can be part of that process. That’s the suspicious part. People really, really can’t read.

Nah, you are trying to salvage this situation by changing everything you meant. Suddenly you are trying to sanitize every reference you made to political ideology and try to dress up this as concern. Now you accuse everybody else of conspiracies and extrapolation when you used 'suspicious' (which has a very clear connotation about a malign or hidden background instead of 'indicative', 'concerning', 'worrisome', 'troubling'. People can read, and they read 'suspicious' which along with your references to political ideology really says who is the one thinking about conspiracies.

I don’t necessarily believe his story that this was an accident, I believe he was trying to harm himself and others. That’s what I’m suspicious of. Come back a few months when this dude completes his mental breakdown and does something really fucked up to himself and others.

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guy who had stroke not driving well? Ancient alien theorists believe...

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