Donald Trump Airport? Trump on the $500 bill? Republicans can't stop honoring ex-president to politics – 211 points –
Donald Trump Airport? Trump on the $500 bill? Republicans can't stop honoring ex-president


Who here had to go look the meaning of that word? Raise your hand. ✋

...why are you getting downvoted for looking up a word??

I don't know. My native tongue is French. Sycophants in French means spy or inside informer. But we rarely, if ever, use that word.

In English it has another meaning. I had to look it up.

I have an extension recommendation if you're using Firefox (and if not, I'm sure there are similar ones for other browsers):

Makes a little popup when you double click a word with its definition; and you can even double click a word in that for a followup definition when necessary.

I use it all the time - 10/10.

Maybe because an up-vote is - hands raising and down-vote is - hands down. Some things are hard to convey via internet messaging.

Good for you that you learned a new word today.

But that term has been associated with Trump and characters like Elon and Bezos for a long time now.

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It's so funny to me that they want to rename Dulles Airport the Trump Airport. Foster Dulles. The guy every single Maga Republican would view as a saint if they actually were educated. This is a guy who was still backing the Nazis well past the point everyone else had gotten out. If FDR hadn't died he was probably going to bring him up on treason charges. This is the guy who, along with his shit stained brother, help to overthrow and Destroy democracies all across the world. He destroyed all of Central America.

Hell, I'm almost certain he must have been friends with Trump's father.

The sooner Trump meets the requirements to be on currency, the better off we'll all be.

I'm fine with him being on the $500 bill if it's a pic of his stroked out corpse holding the berder that finally got his cholesterol high enough.

No one accepts $100 bills anywhere anyways. He'd be on paper thats effectively worthless because everyone will think it's a counterfeit bill and it fits him perfectly.

"no one accepts $100s"? I haven't noticed that. Maybe cash is less common for large purchases because people usually use a card?

Store might refuse large bills on small purchases. Doubt they'd put up a fit if you used a $100 to buy $120 worth of stuff.

It's because they got away with this shit with Reagan. Now they think it's just "something they do" to "honor" shit presidents who made everything much, much worse because they ran with an R next to their name.

Go ahead. Open up the Trump presidential library. Do it. DO IT.

I mean.... Doesn't every former president get a library? Am I remembering that wrong?

Oh they do. They pay for it, though, so. It’s unlikely it’ll be in trumps lifetime.

Of course, he delivered the activist Supreme Court that they always dreamed of.

All he did was not be Hillary Clinton, sit at a fancy desk and read names off a list.

Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham delivered this activist Supreme Court, by refusing to bring Obama's last choice up to a vote, while rushing through the Republican President's last choice in a similar situation. Any Republican President would have done the trick, as long as he read off the same list.

If they sucked his dick any harder they'd neuter him.

What is the occasion? Most successful fraudster in US history?

I think they should name an airline company after him instead. Or maybe a steak company.

Those definitely won't go bankrupt, surely. No way a businessman of his caliber would let that happen.

I believe a casino would be more fitting Trump's personality and experience

god... the thought that so many people are this removed from reality and a danger to themselves and everybody else is depressing

How about we'll get back to you after we get Harriet Tubman on the $20.

This is simply a bunch of criminals paying back the guy who pardoned them.