Police: Vandal spray paints ‘F--- Elon’ on 34 Tesla Cybertrucks in Fort Lauderdale

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Police: Vandal spray paints  ‘F--- Elon’ on 34 Tesla Cybertrucks in Fort Lauderdale

Police said 34 new Tesla Cybertrucks were damaged. The owner parked the exotic cars in a parking lot in Fort Lauderdale. 

In an apparent vendetta against Elon Musk, a vandal, or vandals spray-painted an expletive and his name — “F--- Elon” — on the ostentatious electric trucks starting at over $80,000 each. 

“It was just one row and then it was a second row, and then a third row and a fourth row,” Adam Docktor, who works nearby, said.


The reason they stopped at 34 cybertrucks is because vandalizing any more would make it a federal crime. You can read up on this by googling "cybertruck rule 34"

I had thought it was because only 34 cybertrucks existed in Florida

And here I was thinking it was one truck per felony for PG's big strong political daddy.

1 more...

I mistook the trucks for dumpsters.

With this visual improvement to a cybertruck, I may be coaxed into buying one.

Police said 34 new Tesla Cybertrucks were damaged.

By Friday afternoon, the graffiti had been wiped off.

Social media influencers and passersby stopped to snap photos.

Fort Lauderdale police are now investigating the case.

What a rollercoaster

So I take it the trucks are now piles of rust then?

As before when they were merely potential piles of rust.

The spray paint on those was about as weather resistant as a the "stainless" steel

Just for info, spray paint you buy in shops now is shit because it's basically water based

Under no circumstances should you search online for "2K" spray paint as it's a two part paint, almost like epoxy resin and would be almost impossible to remove from a shitty pile of junk

Also worth noting: 2K is incredibly toxic and regular paint filter masks are useless for preventing it from getting into your lungs. It's supposed to be used while wearing positive pressure ventilated PPE.

Probably not the best choice for redecoration on the move.

If i remember correctly the old spray paint is banned in a bunch of places because of graffiti.

Some say vandalized, others say upgraded.

Yeah they were just trying to help tesla by demonstrating the concept of painting vehicles since tesla doesn't seem to understand it very well

Tbh the custom paint jobs I've seen on them usually look pretty good.

Maybe they should consider the value of painting the things by default

I say insurance fraud. They were never leaving the lot.

Apart from the painting, it's interesting that Tesla needs to rent space to store Cybertrucks! Maybe it's not selling so hot?

I think they have a delivery hold on it right now for some issue they have to fix, again!

There is a no sale order as they fix the pedal and wipers. Voluntarily.

Wow so nice of them to not sell their class action bait in accordance with legal requirements.


To be fair, that's actually more than I expected from Elon. Maybe the lawyers showed him a brightly colored graph illustrating the liability going up alongside sales.

Pretty normal for manufacturers dealers to rent unused lots if they don’t have enough space to store inventory. And Telsa doesn’t have dealerships with attached lots. They just have little showroom stores, and they need hubs to park inventory.

Well if they can hold spray cans, they definitely have wrists, so I suggest the justice system give them a good hard slap if they get caught.

Edit: I wonder- am I pissing off Cybertruck lovers or people who think this deserves a harsh punishment (or just people who have never heard the phrase 'a slap on the wrist')?

I think you were downboted for "hard slap", when obviously it should just at most be a soft slap.

Fuck, now I have to say fuck ten time to balance out the five censored fucks in this fucking post. Fuck this fucking noise, you're allowed to say fuck on the fucking internet for fuck's sake. Fuck.

Made them look better IMO. Probably raised the value of it too.

There are a few basic lifepaths you can pick in Cyberpunk; corpo, nomad, and street kid.

Corpos wouldn't be caught dead in a truck like that. It's all about smooth lines and luxury.

For a proper Street Kid look, that thing should be covered in Graffiti and random tags. So yes, these tagged trucks do look better in my opinion as well

For a Nomad look, random shit needs to be soldered to the truck, battle car/mad max style. This is probably the best look for that abomination IMO.

Lagniappe: Paint it all black and add some fake rocket launchers to the back for that Militech look.

Only gonks drive cybertrucks.

Trü. Only divorced bourgy dudes think it's preem.

I'm lost. Why is the word Fuck sensorer both on image and text? What's going on? With the sensoring there's no way to know what's true and not. Maybe they wrote love Elon. No one knows.

Yeah, but “Elon” is just right out there for the world to see its shame and be disgusted. Won’t somebody think of the children?

Etching fluid would be a better choice, take .002-.003” off over the course of a night and no one would know until the sun hit it just right.

Might need a battery if you want to speed things up, but I think it’d work for a quick tag too.

Parking that much merchandise in one spot - might I suggest hiring a security guard or two? Maybe at least a fence and gate?

I'm not a forensic handwriting analyst, but I kind think same person wrote the message on all of the trucks.

30 cybertrucks, one owner? Fucking spiders georg here

I ignored the colon the first run through and I was trying to understand if the police hnd a vandals unit that went around fucking shit up. It kinda seems plausible. Then I reread it and noticed the colon.

That’s hardly a vandal. More like a freedom fighter.

Wow! Find out more by Googling "Elon Musk Florida Rule 34"!

TIL Cybertrucks are exotic cars...

Police said 34 new Tesla Cybertrucks were damaged. The owner parked the **exotic **cars in a parking lot in Fort Lauderdale.

If it breaks in a car wash and takes 5 hours to reboot, that’s pretty exotic.

One definition of exotic is "intriguingly unusual or interesting"

I think thats a fair description of the design. Doesnt mean people have to like them, or that they are well built.

Many exotic cars have been terribly built and ive seen super cars that i think are much uglier than cybertruck... And just about every saab car ive ever seen