Trump's latest meltdown reveals his naked bigotry to politics – 312 points –
Trump's latest meltdown reveals his naked bigotry

Is he orange or is he white? Because up until a few years ago he was white, then went orange.

His race is "asshole"

Trump meltdown again reveals his named bigotry.

Yeah that’s like saying “Apple reveals Apple’s existence as a corporate entity alongside new iPhones for 2024.”

Memo to headline writers: please never put the words "Trump" and "naked" near each other again.

So, back in the Runup for 2020, and when I still hoped a certain uncle wasn’t a full on cultist, I was trying to explain just how “unpresidential” and how scandalous he was as a president.

During the conversation, I pulled a picture of Trump in tan suit pants from somewhere, and threw some pixelation like they do on cops, and stuff.

That was all I did to, just pixelated his pants.

Then I showed them, saying “he’s so bad you don’t even question if this is real.”

The stared at the picture then totally thought he was just having some kind of wardrobe malfunction and that people totally lose their pants on stage… all the time

IMO, the real scandal was Trump wearing tan suit pants. How unpresidential can you be???

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Who was holding their breath? Do we have to wait until after the Doom Slayer comes for him until we're sure he's also a fucking demon?

I think she's American.

The American people deserve a leader who tells the truth. A leader who doesn’t respond with hostility and anger when presented with the facts. We deserve a leader who understands that our differences do not divide us. They are an essential source of our strength.

Damn right

That's a great way Harris could respond to this: "Yes, Donald, I am Indian. I am also black. Most importantly, I am an American.

An American who loves our country and the strength our melting-pot of diversity brings. "

The "undecideds" are not looking for measured, reasonable "we go high when they go low" type responses - that's not the mindset for this moment, unfortunately (even if it's the decent thing). They are looking for her to dismissive tell him he's weird and move on. Because he is and she should.

Realize the weight of this moment, we can stand on principle as the ship sinks, or we can save the boat from sinking and then hopefully work back to civility from there.

These aren't mutually exclusive. I'm entirely onboard with kneeing them when they go low. But you can do a one-two punch with mockery and dismissal while injecting some truth in a bite-sized form. That's literally what satirists do.

You can't here - You're not talking to satirists or the audience for satire. You're talking to non-college educated mothers from Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, along with undereducated, disengaged young people in Georgia and Arizona.

If you add the noble point to follow, they feel judged and looked down on. Again, it's not fair or right, but it's the reality of this moment.

American, black, and Indian? How?!! We already have the mystery of the trinity. This is too much!!!

Trump is going to dropping N-bombs by September.

I'm sure he never stopped. He may just get publicly saying it.

Betting that when he drops it, Fox News will cover it up like, "Ah it was just locker room talk!" Or "How come you can say Cracker but you can't say N word what's the problem?"

It is a tactic that has long been part of the underside of American politics: presenting an opponent as somehow ‘other’ or ‘not one of us’ — someone who cannot be trusted or truly known. But, it is a different time.

It didn't take this meltdown to see his naked bigotry, it's been on full display for decades.

Well maybe this time, instead of energizing and recruiting more fascist it will show them the error of their ways.

I thought it was great seeing US journalists acting like journalists again, and asking actual real questions. They should have pushed even more so for him to actually answer the question. Don't go to the next question until the current question has been answered, even if it takes the entire night

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Please shorten this comment it eats half the screen (mobile) on literally every post.

Does it not show the comment with collapsed spoilers in mobile?

Not on Memmy no. screen shot of bot comment on memmy

Also just put “donate here.” We don’t need to see that fake plea with the heart 40 times a day

May want to look into an app that was not abandoned.

Sure but with or without proper spoiler tagging, seeing all that dozens of times a day is annoying. The donation request/bot information can be done with way fewer words or emojis that are too cute by a half

“This action was performed by a bot. Please consider donating here.”

I do not disagree with you, I think the bot is garbage. It could just post the rating and be done.

It’s honestly too long even when the client does properly implement spoiler tags.

That being said you should request proper spoiler tag rendering from your client devs too. It’s a nice feature and does make the bot somewhat more bearable.

Its does, but even then it takes up a lot of space due to how its formatted. Also the 2 links get special treatment on some apps which leads to them taking up as much space as the text.

When using the Connect app it doesn't collapse unfortunately, probably the same for other apps as well