Men will never understand to Lemmy – 823 points –

Now, I may just be a man, but the woman's arms on that last one don't look quite right. Is someone else holding the swords for her?

Have to watch ads before you can put it on is super dystopian.

Wait. There are sword bras? Why has no one told me that there are sword bras? Guess who going bra shopping tomorrow!!!

That's when the wire pokes you

Thank you, was wondering what the swords were supposed to mean..

The utilities one looks fun though

Dunananana inspector gadget

Preface: I'm not a chauvinist.

I'd inspect her gadgets!

Addendum: Sorry!

Wow, there's a core memory I forgot I had. I can actually hear it playing in my head.

By swords are they alludinh to the hellish underwire that breaks free and stabs you constantly?

Even bras are too demanding now. Damn.

The manzier doesn’t have these problems.