Reddit mods claimed my buddy was stuffed to – 1013 points –

Had to upload 2 more pics and a video of her smelling me for them to un-ban my post. Fuck reddit.


well, if he's stuffed, maybe you should stop feeding him so much....

I once shared a screenshot from Good Mythical Morning on r/shittyramen and the post got removed. The moderator accused me of being a bot lmao. The reason? Advertising.

They were using GMM labels to explicitly hide brand names. If I recall correctly it was a bottle of generic, vinegar based hot sauce that triggered this person.

I forget which video it was from but it definitely qualified and I thought it was hilarious. That mod really bummed me out.

Imagine being that invested into a job you do for free so Reddit can be somewhat profitable.

Imagine being that lonely and that unable to get people to like you on the internet.

Pro tip. Post more foxes…. People like foxes…

Enough blather. Where are the two more pics and the video of the cute fox? I demand more cute fox!

Couldn't upload videos here apparently, this is the best I could do.

Sadly, that gave me a 404 error. I will just have to imagine the cuteness.

Fixed it! :) reuploaded and edited the link, realized WAY too late.

Awww! It was worth the wait! Such a cutie! How did you get to be friends with him/her?

When I first saw her she just sat there looking at me holding a hotdog, so I threw her half, which CLEARLY wasn't enough since she started to carefully walk towards me while sniffing.. I caught the drift, got down on my knees and put the rest of it about a meter infront of me, she scurried away pretty quickly after snatching it. Next time I met her she was a lot more trusting, eventually around the time I recorded the video she'd occasionally let me pet her for a minute or two (for the exchange of a sausage).

I doubt I was the only one who had given her food though, considering how quickly she trusted me and how close she got even the first time.

Very cool. Have you ever read Le Petit Prince/The Little Prince? It reminds me of the part where he slowly becomes a fox's friend by getting a little closer to him every day.

Oh yes, it's a classic. Funny how that works with basically any animal!

Same here. Can't just mention that and then not show it.

Going to need a few more photos for proof here too. Can't be too careful.

Also the video, that sounds adorable like compelling evidence.

It's probably a combination of the lighting and how your phone takes pictures that makes it seem a bit off. A lot of phones these days like the pixel actually do a bit of automatic post-editing the clear up images, but can sometimes make things a bit surreal

LOL, I got perma-banned from all of Reddit for mentioning that Elon Musk and his Boring Company made a flamethrower thing!

Yes, I got banned for stating known true facts.

Fuck Reddit and fuck Spez.

Oh, I got shadow banned from Reddit for helping someone run a large language model on their GPU.

Like I just assumed the user stopped caring until I looked at the post in incognito and my last comment just wasn't there, yet it appears when I log in

So with the third party apps thing, that was the last straw for me.

I cannot believe that. Do you have any proof? Could you be mistaken that that comment was the reason?

Can't provide said evidence, R admins deleted it.

Prolly partly has to do with the fact I provided an eBay link..

1 more...

They're so stupid over there.
Obviously you can't stuff a CGI fox. Come on!

She's wicked cool looking

Reddit is stupid. I just put Lemmy tutorials in the comments. I realize how often you got banned for nothing on Reddit and won't miss it.

She's gorgeous.

I don't miss the mental gymnastics of Reddit at all.

But what does the fox say?

Even the fox disapproves of that decision.

It's worth asking, though... why do you have a fox? Is it one of those Russian domesticated foxes?

It’s probably a wild fox that has moved into the suburbs and has come to understand people like to feed cute things.

Or it’s an urban fox and OP got their wallet stolen.

No, it's not a Russian domesticated fox. Those are silverish and have floppy ears due to domestication. I second your question: how/why do you have a fox? It looks magical.

This isn't necessarily the case - they have a wild variety of coat colours and markings, ear floppiness is variable. They tend to have slightly wider snoots than their wild cousins.

This probably is still a wild one though.

Source: lived with someone who kept them!

Couldn't upload videos here apparently, this is the best I could do.

Just a fox that ended up getting a little too much snacks from people at the manned gas station. She'd hang out around the door and after I gave her a sausage for the first time she seemed to get really comfortable with me. She'd walk up and (sometimes) let me pet her for a minute or two.

I'm sorry you had to go through that process. It's never a pleasant experience, but I hope they'll ramp up their disgusting power tripping mod practices so that more people leave Reddit and come to the light side.

But really, is he stuffed?

Looks AI. It isn't, but looks that way.

OP posted a video in a comment a bit further down.

Aww she’s adorable! Reddit’s loss I guess!

Stuffed or not, cute is cute, aww is aww.