What stands out the most about you?

Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 47 points –

I'm a big guy. Tall, fat, boisterous, strong, opinionated, and outgoing. I love watching people, giving compliments, and delivering a solid joke. I make an impression on people whether I realize it or not. I'm too big to hide so I've chosen not to.

But I'm also an introverted hermit, so I almost never get to be that guy unless I've pushed myself to be out and among people.

We could hang out together. Then i might not be the loud one for once.

I'm in Duluth, Minnesota, if you're anywhere nearby.

Eyes I guess. Every once in a while a random stranger will comment on them. Usually cashiers.

“I thought you were an asshole at first but after getting to know you you’re one of the funniest nicest people I know” got that a few times. It’s not really a “stand out“ observation but it’s an odd characteristic. I’m not very proud of it.

I walk like a giant apparently, or with springs in my shoes. Not sure why I walk this way but its noticeable and many have pointed this feature out.

Same. I'm not tall but I've been told I walk like I'm 6'4.

I'm tall, fit, relatively handsome, somewhat charismatic and have good manners.

Not necessarily how I see myself, but the stack of evidence to the contrary grows higher each day.

There was a time that people prefixed my nickname with "Wiki-", because apparently I stand out for knowing a bit about everything. I don't quite agree with it but hey, at least it's something nice.

My accent (when speaking Portuguese) also stands out, apparently. Outside my city people are quick to identify where I'm from; and yet in my own city people often ask me where I'm from.

Either the shirts I wear or my height. They're what I get commented on the most. Basically a 50-50 chance when meeting someone new they will invariably say:

"Wow. You're tall." Or "I like your shirt."

If you offer me a chance to win millions of dollars and all I have to pay is $2 USD and the date happens to be Friday the 13th, then there's a good chance I'm going to pay you the $2 USD for the chance to will millions of dollars so long as you're a legitimate lottery that I'm legally allowed to play.


Hyperfocus makes me ramble. I've also dedicated an enormous amount of time to an abundance of different "talents" and skills.

It can make people around me feel like "normies", which is not a self-compliment but an admission of social unawareness.

I've made a concerted effort over the last decade to remind myself to listen intently when people are talking and be aware of my potential to monopolize a conversation. I feel like it's helped a lot. Connecting with people is important to my mental health. Its always been difficult but its getting easier as I grow older and pay attention to these things.

That I’m missing a couple of body parts… nothing that big, major or important though so it doesn’t really hinder me.

I’m intrigued…

Couple of teeth, bit of an ear, part of a finger plus a couple of dents on my flesh. Something very big went “boom” near me. I’m also a bit deaf in one ear. I am incredibly lucky to have survived, let alone walk out. All of it will be patched up apart from the finger - even my hearing might come back. You might not notice if you pass me on the street but if you sat opposite me you probably would. It’s no big thing.

My forked tongue, when I show it off. I also have the best bar tricks.

What are your bar tricks?

  • Eating whole fruit with the peel nonchalantly (limes usually, but my favorites are bananas)
  • Miscellaneous lighter tricks involving filling my hand with butane or putting out jet lighters with my thumb/tongue
  • Sticking straws deep into my sinus (Google human blockhead)
  • Holding cocktail straws and cards with my tongue

This is just what I can pull out on short notice at a bar. Once people find out what I do, they're usually interested in the details too.

Oh nice. I only have one real party trick and I’m pretty sure I’d get kicked out of a bar for it (lighting myself on fire)

Oh I do that one all the time as well, it's a great way to light oil candles off each other (if you can withstand the heat)

Ah I use isopropyl alcohol because I don’t come from the circus performer side of things but the bdsm side. I learned a more unique style of fire play when I was just starting out and was taught to practice on myself until I was certain I wouldn’t do damage to others or buildings

Isopropyl alcohol is the correct fuel! If I'm at the bar, it's usually hand sanitizer. Oil candles just light faster usually.

Like so many people answering this, my height.

In my case it contrasts with my wife's height - I'm half a yard (nearly half a meter) taller than she is.

My apparently encyclopedic knowledge of early internet culture and deep cut 80s-90s media. I knew I was well versed, but thought that what I knew was near baseline. Just recently I had to explain the connection between Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid and the movie Escape From New York to someone astonished I was pulling out all kinds of details from an "obscure" old movie.

i am wise.

Yoda wise or Optimus Prime wise?

I like both! What do you think is the main difference in their wisdom, and what do they have in common?

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My hair gets a lot of compliments but it’s probably the fact that I’m an extrovert with severe adhd so I can really struggle to shut up

I can project my voice really well. I have a big deep voice. I was a singer at one point. But that was something for my younger years.