What Google search in your search history is for something innocent but looks really messed up to others ?

x4740N@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 71 points –

IT have some questionable naming conventions.

how to remove a child from parent with fork

Std list

IS-IS tuning

I work for a porn company. My history is all the way fucked.

I am a chemist. Half the things I search for probably look to the average person like I am making street drugs or bombs.

Programmers have all kinds of weird keywords that if they're taken out of context would be quite alarming.

I was once asked by our CTO to remove all instances of the word "nonce" from our crypto code. (British slang for paedophile/pervert)

And writing code to find, kill, and reap orphaned children is routine stuff. I mean, you wouldn't want to risk pesky zombie orphans running amok in your system!

I thought nonce meant extremely stupid. I heard "You fucking nonce" once or twice before.

"Can you survive a throat slit?" "Is being stabbed in the back always fatal?" "Can you survive a neck break?" "How much blood loss is fatal?"

I'm doing research on wounds my characters experience in my book and seeing what I could inflict on them without instantly killing them. Don't worry, they only experience this as a plot point to highlight how strong they are. They'll survive whatever I enact on them.

Texas baby spine fractures

My wife is into true crime and wanted to know if I could find this historical case she couldn't remember.

Welp this question here really fits today, I have been playing lately, for nostalgia reasons, in a sever of an old MMORPG game called RO (Ragnarok Online), and is kind of knowledge intensive so Im searching an hour or so ago about a in-game skill called "Create Deadly Poison" that's it, that is literally the name of the skill, and thought to myself hmm this is going to raise all kind of red flags over the security institutions. Lol.

Damn blast from the past! Loved RO back in the day

How many litres in a bathtub

How many litres of blood in a human

I write fiction. This was actually for a romance if you'd believe it. Lol.

  • "setting horse on fire without killing it"

.... it's a videogame glitch (BotW) that basically creates a Ponyta.

From the same franchise:

  • "how many steaks can you glue to a stick"

  • "murder chicken squad VS. goat"

  • "how to cook wood"

Most people with kids. Kids get health issues with their genitals. Your first instinct is to Google the symptoms.

Google gives a warning that your search terms may be illegal.

Not Google, but on chatgpt my friends saw I had the phrase "unfixed male dog size" as a topic header.

How to use SPI with multiple slaves and only one master.

  • (rimworld) steel knife vs wooden mace
  • where is my meme
  • (lemmy) asshole (was looking for asshole design, I got the other kind of asshole)
  • fear of holes
  • (rimworld) shooting thru doors
  • (tvtropes) [sic] interace screw
  • (rimworld) how to fix brain injury
  • (rimworld) unable to install prosthesis
  • [sic] y
  • (factorio?) put items quickly
  • (rimworld) how to lower wealth
  • (minecraft modded) nuclear reactor calculator
  • clown to clown communication jerma
  • my son will speech bubble
  • (cruelty squad) cruelty squad
  • this website will self destruct
  • (rimworld) wooden hand
  • jerma knee
  • jerma grandma (I also searched 'jerma after taking percocets' to get that link)
  • jerma holding banana
  • you are not immune to propaganda
  • (factorio) put on both sides of belt
  • jerma sus guy
  • (tvtropes) arson murder jaywalking
  • (ultrakill) creature of steel
  • human or not
  • (factorio) why is everything grey
  • (github) MAS
  • amogOS
  • the sus guy
  • take me to space
  • pwaat creamapi
  • when the impostor is sus
  • among us meme
  • jerma sus face
  • jerma when the impostor is sus
  • pig white background
  • [sic] city.
  • i made it the fuck up
  • what does milf stand for
  • lemmy construct links
  • epilepsy
  • lets fucking go spongebob
  • it isn't fun anymore meme template
  • (warez) cakes shut down
  • sea mines
  • ocean mine

Probably dry herb vapes: I only use them with CBD buds, but I'd probably look like a stoner researching dynavaps

Not so messed up to many these days, but to some they'd probably look down on me looking at my browser history.

There's a dynavap group plus vaporents and vaporists. Which dv do you have? I bounce around among my pax and dynavap b, and have a flowermate that mostly sits in a drawer. I used to take it to the beach because i don't care if it gets lost, but I've been buying the secret nature disposables and now just take those to places where I'm likely to lose them.

If you haven't tried it yet, I'd recommend CBG bud over CBD. It's heat treated to make it have stronger effects (like decarbing weed to make edibles).

I was using CBD/CBG to alleviate stress and chronic pain until my state turned medical/rec. There was a very significant difference between CBD and CBG for me.

I never tried it with CBD/CBG, but I keep all my already vaped bud (AVB) to make edibles. Running it thru the vape decarbs weed the same way baking it in the oven does. I do a few water baths and then strain it, and mix it with butter or oil in a slow cooker on warm for 8 - 10 hours, then strain it thru a cheese cloth. Since it's been vaped and lost most of the THC, it's more a pain relief/anti-inflammatory/relaxing rather than intoxicating. Could be worth trying with your already vaped CBD bud.

I love getting a second use out of my bud to make edibles. One of the best parts about dry herb vaping, along with health, efficiency and taste.

Yeah, I use it for anxiety, pain, and avoiding cigarettes. I've made food with it too, anything you can make with butter or oil. Works ok.