Lemmy World is now on Matrix

lwadmin@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 645 points –

We know most of you were thrilled about our Discord server, so we decided to make you even happier with our very own space on matrix!

And lastly, this one is more for admins of other instances but we have opened a "LW Defense HQ" room which we want to use in our ongoing fight against spammers: https://matrix.to/#/#defense:lemmy.world

Come join us!

EDIT: Madlad @ruud@lemmy.world was easily convinced to set up a lemmy.world matrix server. So I edited the links to the new space and rooms. The old ones still work too!

That means you can now also sign up for a Lemmy World matrix account. Instructions in this comment: https://lemmy.world/comment/3443207


One of the things I love about Lemmy is finding out about new things. Now I get to figure out what matrix is!!!

Same idea as Lemmy except for chat. Basically Reddit is to Lemmy as Slack / Discord is to Matrix. One minor detail is Matrix is actually the protocol, so it's more like ActivityPub (which is Lemmy's protocol), and there are specific apps for Matrix which use that protocol.

I heard it's like Discord

No, it has some differences. We don't have channels but spaces, which in discord terms are groups of different discord "servers". For example you can create a Lemmy space with different rooms (matrix equivalent of discord servers) like general, coding, fediverse etc. Inside the Lemmy space. Currently video calls are a bit finicky but it's still pretty good. Especially with E2E. For a complete clone you can use rocket.chat

Aren't spaces more or less the building block for "servers"? i.e. can't you basically have channels by grouping rooms in a shared space?

Spaces are similar to discords servers/guilds yeah, but rooms don't have to be in a space and they can be in as many spaces as anyone wants

that's the alternative approach that matrix took. Probably has to do with technical things I don't know about. But they a little bit inconvenient and less smoother than what discord has.

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Native group calls are being actively worked on with element call and what Do you mean by channels?

#general, #gaming etc. in discord. https://sh.itjust.works/comment/3298872

You can kinda have that with spaces, I don't see any reason why clients couldn't sort them like discord does, would probably need something added to the spec so they can be sorted a certain way if users wanted to

Native group calls are being actively worked on with element call

I know, it's great! But I am just saying that it's not there yet. But hopefully soon!

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You can even add your Matrix account in your Lemmy settings so that other users can DM you securely through Matrix, not the Lemmy or Matrix admins will be able to read messages sent through that.

I had no idea that’s what it was for. I hadn’t added mine for fear of spam but this makes way more sense now.

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Did you know you can bridge matrix to discord? So your discord users can talk to your matrix users?

Yeah I'm aware but we haven't given it a try yet. Does it work well and is it for room/channel or server/space?

it's for channel - room communication. It works well, unless you have a spam problem on matrix because then they bypass the anti-spam protections of discord. but if you don't have a spam problem, it's great

https://t2bot.io/discord/ is a free discord bridge you can use or host your own since the bridge is fully open source

I tried this one but it doesn't do emoji reactions and such. Is that because of the bridge software or is it technically not possible?

I think the problem was that they use a bot at the discord side, which can only react a specific emoji once.

I'm not 100% sure, I would ask in the support room for the bridge which should be on that page

Yes but no. Yes, technically possible. No, I don’t think it’s what you’re looking for - you’d want to create your own bot for your own account (each user needs its own bot), and it’s technically against Discord TOS to use, so use at your own risk.

No each user doesn't need their own bot you just add one bot on the matrix side and one in the discord side

Can you share what type of bot you’re using? The last time I tried this, I had to add a personal app key for the bot, which was linked to my account. It created a bunch of discordbot profiles, one for each user in my contacts, and added them to the server. I’m not positive but I think that anyone who messages these profiles will be messaging my contacts, though I think they didn’t appear in the directory by default. Either way, if anyone wanted to setup a new user, they would need to go through the same process I did, which includes having admin access to the server.

Where did I go wrong?

I'm afk but Honestly if you Google matrix discord bridge you should find it. It really doesn't need all that. I'm running it right now

There’s a few options, which is why I’m thinking maybe I did the wrong one. Do either of these ring a bell?

  1. https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-discord
  2. https://codeberg.org/git-bruh/matrix-discord-bridge
  3. https://github.com/mautrix/discord

IIRC I used mautrix and used puppetting. I assume you’re also using puppetting?

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Minecraft server next. πŸ˜ƒ

You don't know me, but I've seen you on TV (well more accurately Lemmy)--what a great idea!

Have you seen me in the movie theater recently yet? I can't promote it, but the movie is still playing.

Huh, I guess I should find out what Matrix is!

It's got an ominous name for sure xD but then Discord isn't exactly a happy name either :P

It's an open source group text chat protocol, with multiple apps/programs you can use it with

I guess it's just a federated version of Discord.

But open source. Not owned and operated by one company.

Discord is garbage.

You mean you don't like having to pay for Nitro just to make your profile icon an animated .gif, a feature which costs the developers literally nothing?

...Yeah, me neither.

I honestly think it's nice. You're paying for mostly cosmetic stuff and the core Discord experience is unaffected.

I'm not sure if they suck or have shady businesses, but I have never felt the desire to pay for Nitro. I hope they manage to get profit with such an unremarkable set of perks.

I pay for nitro, not because I necessarily care about the features but just because it's neet and convient. Like, I can upload to another playform and share a link, or I can just buy nitro and pay for the convience. I use discord every day so I don't really mind supporting them.

I really don't understand where al the "discord is garbage" and "fuck discord" comes from, my guess it's just federation extremists hating on every company in existence.

Theres valid reasons to not like discord or not being FOSS isn't one of them personally

I have also been using Discord since the start. I think people have forgotten how painful setting up groups on Skype or other alternative software was.

I might be wrong but I think some people just think all closed software is garbage, doesn't matter how good or cheap it is.

That's what I'm thinking, it's really easy to use, really easy to grow communities, perfect to just set something up with friends. I think anyone that actually says discord is trash is just full of crap

I have never had a single issue with discord, what gives?

Only used Lenny for a couple months now. But there seems to be a very strong extremist undercurrent in most groups.

In this case, if it's not FOSS and 100% FREE is a trash service/application.

You learn to just tune it out after a while.

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But you didn't have an issue with reddit until the rugpull, right? Same point/worry with Discord and any other centralized close source system.

I had plenty of issues with Reddit and had been actively looking for an alternative for the better part of a year prior to the rugpull.

Reddit was great... until it wasn't.

Building communities in somebody else's backyard is problematic because if your community gets popular, you're stuck there. History has shown us that for-profit social sites/apps that grow large always turn to crap when it's time for them to actually start making a significant profit. I haven't seen any reason to think that Discord has figured out a way to prevent that. Have you?

Something similar is even a risk with Lemmy because there isn't really a way to migrate a community to another server if the admins of the one you pick change the policies in a way you aren't OK with, or simply shut down the server.

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Discord has decent UX and the voice channels are great and easy to use, it's far from garbage, just because it isn't open source and technically matrix is mainly made/maintained by one company who made it at the same time, they don't own it and there's a separate entity the matrix foundation which is non profit which owns the actual spec and all that stuff but the majority of stuff done in the spec was by element/new vector

just because it isn’t open source

You’re going to want to support projects that share their source with the world. Otherwise, how do you know what you’re actually using? You might want to give a read through discord’s TOS and make sure you’re comfortable with what they’re doing.

technically matrix is mainly made/maintained by one company who made it at the same time, they don't own it and there's a separate entity the matrix foundation which is non profit which owns the actual spec and all that stuff but the majority of stuff done in the spec was by element/new vector

Right. If it’s open source, the public owns it. You own it, as does New Vector and the Matrix foundation. You run the servers, or your friends do. You decide the terms and conditions. You extend the server or configure it in the way you like.

The difference here is that Discord is a black box operated by one company. Matrix is an open box operated by you or people you trust.

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I've not had any luck joining any of these rooms. I click the link, continue with Element (the web app), I can see that I'm logged in and can access a room I've already joined (for moderating another community), but for these rooms, I'm just getting:

#lwgeneral:h-y-p-e-r.space is not accessible at this time.
Try again later, or ask a room or space admin to check if you have access.
M_UNKNOWN was returned while trying to access the room or space.
If you think you're seeing this message in error, please submit a bug report.

EDIT: the updated links work for me now!

Glad it’s not just me. I’m trying to find this in FluffyChat and it comes up blank.

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Is Matrix just a fediverse equivalent to Discord?

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I'm set up using Beeper for consolidation of a lot of my messaging platforms, and they support Matrix. That said, I'm not having any success in finding the listed spaces from the urls in the original post. Is there some kind of federation that needs to take place for this to be possible or, I dunno, is there some extension of Matrix that needs to be supported by Beeper for this to work?

Beeper can be quirky when it comes to joining Matrix channels and it doesn't support Matrix Spaces. You'll have to join the individual channels via the desktop Beeper app.

Beeper doesn’t just support Matrix, it literally is a Matrix client and server.

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I'll be honest, as always I prefer to get status updates on Mastodon and beyond that, Lemmy isn't a chat system for me, it's more of a forum-style interaction system.

But hey, I can see the need for chat in particular for mods, so cheers! πŸ₯‚

So glad and honestly relieved to see ya back up and running. More options are great.

Discord, anti-libre software, does nothing to defend us from a rug pull: does Discord really think we're stupid enough to fall for its scam.

Why Matrix (which from my experience is closer to a texting app) instead of Revolt? I haven't used it personally, but Revolt looks a lot closer to Discord in terms of features and the usage experience.

Revolt isn't federated which to me makes it not even an option.

You can use matrix for groups easily, it's what I mainly use it for

Revolt isn't nearly as mature as matrix is

Matrix has some Lemmy integration already and perhaps more in the future.

How does it have lemmy integration?

I believe you can send DMs over the Matrix protocol. I've never looked into it.

Check out cinny.in it's a discord styled client for matrix

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