Fell asleep while wife was driving home last night, she went above and beyond by remembering how important this was to me...

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldmodbanned from sitebanned from site to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1017 points –

Am I the only one that assumes the wife was driving? OP was asleep on the passenger seat, was woken by their wife for the milestone and took the picture?

Yeah, it's literally in the title.

which means she took this picture while driving 110 km/h

Literally no, read it again: OP

  • Was asleep
  • was woken by wife and
  • took picture

Wife didn't need to take the picture, she woke OP to take the picture

Technically, nowhere it says she woke OP up.

She just remembered how important this was to OP to the point of either waking OP up and let take a pic, or take a pic on her own.

We will never know...

if op is the one who took the picture then there's no problem indeed, my bad

i swear people on the internet have never driven a car before. you get used to the speed after like 10 seconds

"am I the only one" is such a garbage statement. Overused attention seeking hyperbole.

I came to Lemmy to avoid this Reddit shit

Huh? It's a very commonly-used English expression, nothing remotely related to Reddit

It's a pointless phrase that is most often used on the internet.

It is used to whore for attention, because if someone is asking whether or not they are the only one, they should already know that the answer is "no," yet proceeds to ask anyway. Thus, "am I the only one" disguises a statement of opinion as a question.

Am I the only one who came to Lemmy for more of that shit?

I just came here for the same kind of shit on the same 3rd party shit I've been using over thousands of shits.

glad she slowed down to 70mph before taking the pic

70 mph so 110kmh. Basically standing from a German perspective. :)

The maintenance gets tough after 80,000 miles. She's a good wife for letting you know the good days are done.

Maybe in the 1970s. Any modern car worth owning will be way more reliable than that if you change your oil regularly.

We have a 2004 F-150 with 565,000 miles on the original engine and it's still running great. We had to get a new transmission at 240k, and I think that's the only repair it's needed over about $200.00

Lol it was just a joke trying to pretend that the post wasn't because the odometer says BOOBS

How about 180k?

I got multiple SAABs (Pre GM/1991 or older) to over 1,000,000 miles. Got one to 1,500,000. Never quite hit the golden 2,000,000 mile mark though. Plenty of other people did though. Volvo even has a couple cars that made it to 2,000,000. Don't know of any other brands that will make it that far. Maybe some unicorn of a Honda or Toyota.

That's insane. My Subaru is approaching 200k which I thought was pretty good.

Yeah, I used to joke that I bought them at 100,000 miles cause the previous owner just broke it in for me.

What car is this dashboard from?

My 2011 Nissan Sentra had this exact dashboard.

Despite the awful CVT I still love that car

If it ain't foggy at night: turn off your fog lights. They're blinding oncoming traffic.

bro that is fucking stupid. Driving at 70 mph on a highway and capturing the โ€œ80085โ€ milestone ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

Ah yes, dangerous driving by idiots who don't care if they kill people.
